Villagers Suspected of Luring US Soldiers into Niger Ambush

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
More will be revealed.

Villagers Suspected of Luring US Soldiers into Niger Ambush
A local official and an analyst say residents of the Niger village where four U.S. soldiers were killed this month may have delayed the soldiers while an ambush was set up and helped to lead the victims into a deadly trap.

"The attackers, the bandits, the terrorists have never lacked accomplices among local populations," said Almou Hassane, mayor of Tongo-Tongo where the attack took place, in what is believed to be his first interview with a Western news organization.
More will be revealed.

Villagers Suspected of Luring US Soldiers into Niger Ambush
A local official and an analyst say residents of the Niger village where four U.S. soldiers were killed this month may have delayed the soldiers while an ambush was set up and helped to lead the victims into a deadly trap.

"The attackers, the bandits, the terrorists have never lacked accomplices among local populations," said Almou Hassane, mayor of Tongo-Tongo where the attack took place, in what is believed to be his first interview with a Western news organization.

You go into other people's countries, especially when your country has spent a long time turning your religion into their enemy, and then you get killed and you're like "why? why did this happen?"

It's the same as in Iraq when the soldiers expected to be treated as liberators. D'oh. Where's the hat with the big D on it?
Starting to sound like a set up for an excuse so the US can find a reason to invade. I wonder how much someone is paying this guy?

Bottom line is this ace, the US is now just about all over the world. Our soldiers are in harms way everywhere and still no end to the madness of Islamic terror. I wish we had someone brave enough, bold enough and real, to say, we gave it almost 20 years, its time to leave. There are 1 billion muslims in the world, we can't defeat them all. Its time we bring our troops home and allow the rest of the planet to deal with this problem. We have more than sacrificed, its time to move more lives lost to this useless war, more!!
I now know why La David's body was found a mile away....once the shooting started, the troops supposidely tried to reverse course a mile away and head away from the danger and left Johnson, who may or may not have been shot. What I find odd, is why? I also am curious as to how his body is so mangled that a viewing wasn't aloud. Did the terrorist do something more to him? Or did the army?

It appears that US "military intelligence" (an oxymoron) was non-existent .
Anyone trusting anything coming out of this white house is a fool, so fuck the intelligence, you won't ever get the truth out of a Trump white house
Anyone trusting anything coming out of this white house is a fool, so fuck the intelligence, you won't ever get the truth out of a Trump white house
You raise a good point. I don't trust the government, which includes the military.
Back in Janurary, I predicted via a comment here, when Trump started lying about Obama wire tapping and crowd sizes and 3 million illegals voting, and on and on an on, just in Jan, late Feb. that when facts are needed by this white house, nothing they say will be believed. I said that back then and I also warned that it will be especially heartbreaking when it comes to the military and low and behold here we are. Not one single person in his administration can be trusted to tell the truth and that is enough to break the backs of every citizen in this country and it will.
Villagers, eh?
Is this them...
Anyone trusting anything coming out of this white house is a fool, so fuck the intelligence, you won't ever get the truth out of a Trump white house
You raise a good point. I don't trust the government, which includes the military.

The government does not include the military. Most of the military consist young men and women serving the country.
Men like my husband did. Men like my dad did. I could go on...
Starting to sound like a set up for an excuse so the US can find a reason to invade. I wonder how much someone is paying this guy?

Bottom line is this ace, the US is now just about all over the world. Our soldiers are in harms way everywhere and still no end to the madness of Islamic terror. I wish we had someone brave enough, bold enough and real, to say, we gave it almost 20 years, its time to leave. There are 1 billion muslims in the world, we can't defeat them all. Its time we bring our troops home and allow the rest of the planet to deal with this problem. We have more than sacrificed, its time to move more lives lost to this useless war, more!!
What makes me mad is that I know the government is dirty. I served and I saw first hand some of the atrocities the military commits that never make the news back here in the states. Then they wonder why these soldiers come back and off themselves or take a couple of innocents along with them.
Starting to sound like a set up for an excuse so the US can find a reason to invade. I wonder how much someone is paying this guy?

Bottom line is this ace, the US is now just about all over the world. Our soldiers are in harms way everywhere and still no end to the madness of Islamic terror. I wish we had someone brave enough, bold enough and real, to say, we gave it almost 20 years, its time to leave. There are 1 billion muslims in the world, we can't defeat them all. Its time we bring our troops home and allow the rest of the planet to deal with this problem. We have more than sacrificed, its time to move more lives lost to this useless war, more!!
What makes me mad is that I know the government is dirty. I served and I saw first hand some of the atrocities the military commits that never make the news back here in the states. Then they wonder why these soldiers come back and off themselves or take a couple of innocents along with them.
Why the hell are we even in Niger? What direct threat are they to the United States?
If this is a betrayal, kill the males 13 and above, sterilize the women and sell them as slaves in Mali, and adopt the children out. Then let there be dancing and feasting.

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