Virginia about to go door to door confiscating guns and will jail those who don’t acquiesce

Those who are anti 2A, do you want the gun control laws to stop where Virginia has taken them, or do you want to keep going?

What would be the perfect gun control laws to you?

I can lay mine out.

Nothing fully automatic should be legal. Felons can’t own a firearm. Other than that, fuck off.

It’s very simple.
Just expand sentencing suggestions. Now; even speeders can be felons! Fools have no idea how arbitrary the “Felon” label is to apply. It will be the the downfall of many “hung ho “ 2 A supporters. Just more elitism. “Take these free men’s guns, just not mine.” Fools... Make no mistake about it; they’ll get around to you...

Yes yes you are correct. They will do whatever they can to disarm the citizens.
The only requirement to be labeled “Felon” is to be convicted of an infraction wherein the state may impose a term of more than one years incarceration. That’s it. That’s all... ( Keep in mind that one need not spend a single day in jail. The penalty only need to be possible to be one day more than a year...) How many times have the voting public been consulted on matters of sentencing guidelines? I’ll answer for you all... “Never”...
Those who are anti 2A, do you want the gun control laws to stop where Virginia has taken them, or do you want to keep going?

What would be the perfect gun control laws to you?

I can lay mine out.

Nothing fully automatic should be legal. Felons can’t own a firearm. Other than that, fuck off.

It’s very simple.
Just expand sentencing suggestions. Now; even speeders can be felons! Fools have no idea how arbitrary the “Felon” label is to apply. It will be the the downfall of many “hung ho “ 2 A supporters. Just more elitism. “Take these free men’s guns, just not mine.” Fools... Make no mistake about it; they’ll get around to you...

Yes yes you are correct. They will do whatever they can to disarm the citizens.
The only requirement to be labeled “Felon” is to be convicted of an infraction wherein the state may impose a term of more than one years incarceration. That’s it. That’s all... ( Keep in mind that one need not spend a single day in jail. The penalty only need to be possible to be one day more than a year...) How many times have the voting public been consulted on matters of sentencing guidelines? I’ll answer for you all... “Never”...

I follow and I am with you. I keep forgetting Dimms will twist anything to get there way.
2 months ago we tried to strengthen that. Our liberal County Attorney shot everything down and said what we did 10 years ago was illegal?
Start a drive to have the county attorney removed from office[/QUOTE]

Should but not gonna happen. It's KY. I wasn't born here, he was. Had a huge prob neighbor cut my trees. Read him the statute where he can't "Hmmmm, not to my knowledge" FUNNY he busted a neighbor cutting his trees! Even took a 40 year resident with me, no dice. Politics and judges and cops is what it is. A fuck job.
2 months ago we tried to strengthen that. Our liberal County Attorney shot everything down and said what we did 10 years ago was illegal?
Start a drive to have the county attorney removed from office

Should but not gonna happen. It's KY. I wasn't born here, he was. Had a huge prob neighbor cut my trees. Read him the statute where he can't "Hmmmm, not to my knowledge" FUNNY he busted a neighbor cutting his trees! Even took a 40 year resident with me, no dice. Politics and judges and cops is what it is. A fuck job.[/QUOTE]
Removing the DA is your only option

a recall petition might not succeed

but then again you never know

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