Virginia Beach Shooter: Law Abiding, Handguns, Former Member of the N.G, and was Black


The mass murder in Virginia Beach took place in Virginia Beach Municipal Building 2. Notice the elevated entrance, which prevents drive in car bomb attacks.

The mass murder in Virginia Beach took place inside a secured location. The people inside were forbidden from possessing defensive firearms. It was a gun free zone. The shooter, who worked at that location, had an electronic pass which gave him easy access to the gun free zone.

Coverage of this event was different than previous mass murders in the United States. I mentioned, in an email, that something was different about this event. It took a little while to determine what was different. One thing different is the police decided to focus on the victims rather than on the killer. The decision is a positive development. From the nymag:

Police Chief Cervera said, when he released the shooter’s name, that the police would not continue using it in order to keep the focus on the victims. Authorities have not released a photo of Craddock, who is black.

The shooter had no criminal record beyond a single traffic offense, and served in the Virginia National Guard from 1996 to 2002, when he was discharged at the rank of specialist.

I and numerous others have been advocating for reform of media coverage of these events for years. Limiting the coverage of the killer and focusing on the victims are part of the suggested reforms. The purpose of the reforms is to reduce the copycat effect, also known as media contagion. One study, presented

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Little coverage by the MSM of a BLACK MASS SHOOTER...Why is that?
Where are you going with this ? It seems to me that you are joyful that a non white is a mass killer. That is pretty sick.
----------------- Hey Tommy T , all you are doing with your QUOTED Number 7 post is ASSUMING and guessing TommyT .
Where are you going with this ? It seems to me that you are joyful that a non white is a mass killer. That is pretty sick.
Just pointing out how the media handles a mass killing when the shooter is black vs, when he is white, and better yet, white and a conservative Christian.
But perhaps you haven't picked up on that. You aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer (oops...sorry about the knife reference).
Well this characters whole story is out there so what is the problem ?
They're pretending that the media is keeping it "secret."
LOL whatever

We got an OP who tries to pretend stuff is "hidden", and then the post before yours wants him to put me on Ignore for pointing out that it's not.

Self-delusion goes activist. :lmao:

I love the cat meme. It's purrfect here.
I just heard about this story. The media has been awfully silent on this tragedy.

*licks window*
I would say the law of averages dictates that they can’t all be white Republicans.


Besides, we don’t even know if he’s a Democrat just because he’s black. Remember there’s only a couple of black Republicans. A couple. Very few.
Gee, I wonder if they find out that he’s a black Republican, will they then blame the police?

Who , What , Where and When and ALL details should ALL be reported by the News and Media with the Why left to be decided by the Reader of the News . GOOGLE is irrelevant .

The mass murder in Virginia Beach took place in Virginia Beach Municipal Building 2. Notice the elevated entrance, which prevents drive in car bomb attacks.

The mass murder in Virginia Beach took place inside a secured location. The people inside were forbidden from possessing defensive firearms. It was a gun free zone. The shooter, who worked at that location, had an electronic pass which gave him easy access to the gun free zone.

Coverage of this event was different than previous mass murders in the United States. I mentioned, in an email, that something was different about this event. It took a little while to determine what was different. One thing different is the police decided to focus on the victims rather than on the killer. The decision is a positive development. From the nymag:

Police Chief Cervera said, when he released the shooter’s name, that the police would not continue using it in order to keep the focus on the victims. Authorities have not released a photo of Craddock, who is black.

The shooter had no criminal record beyond a single traffic offense, and served in the Virginia National Guard from 1996 to 2002, when he was discharged at the rank of specialist.

I and numerous others have been advocating for reform of media coverage of these events for years. Limiting the coverage of the killer and focusing on the victims are part of the suggested reforms. The purpose of the reforms is to reduce the copycat effect, also known as media contagion. One study, presented

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Little coverage by the MSM of a BLACK MASS SHOOTER...Why is that?
Where are you going with this ? It seems to me that you are joyful that a non white is a mass killer. That is pretty sick.
--------------------------------------- i just want ALL the news reported in a timely fashion with ALL details reported by the 4th Estate TommyT .
I didn't hear about this shooting until the following morning. His picture and the facts were being reported everywhere. They don't KNOW what motivated the guy to hand in his resignation that morning and then a few hours later return to shoot 12 coworkers dead, including his supervisor. There is no indication yet what his religion was, if he had one. OF COURSE whether it was a terrorist attack is being investigated and if they find it was, we'll hear ALL about it. Remember the San Bernadino shooters? The Boston Bombers? It's hard to believe you folks can come up with this nutty bullshit.

Did News Media Hide That the Virginia Beach Shooter Was a 'Black Muslim' Democrat?
Gee, I wonder if they find out that he’s a black Republican, will they then blame the police?

.Give them that forty acres and they'll turn that rig around 180 degrees faster than they converted MLK from a "Republican" to a "rapist". Then they'll insist the former is an unclaim that never happened.
I would say the law of averages dictates that they can’t all be white Republicans.


Besides, we don’t even know if he’s a Democrat just because he’s black. Remember there’s only a couple of black Republicans. A couple. Very few.

Wow. Talk about cherry picking. Clearly that graph excludes murders in Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis and Detroit. But no one cares about those blacks.

The mass murder in Virginia Beach took place in Virginia Beach Municipal Building 2. Notice the elevated entrance, which prevents drive in car bomb attacks.

The mass murder in Virginia Beach took place inside a secured location. The people inside were forbidden from possessing defensive firearms. It was a gun free zone. The shooter, who worked at that location, had an electronic pass which gave him easy access to the gun free zone.

Coverage of this event was different than previous mass murders in the United States. I mentioned, in an email, that something was different about this event. It took a little while to determine what was different. One thing different is the police decided to focus on the victims rather than on the killer. The decision is a positive development. From the nymag:

Police Chief Cervera said, when he released the shooter’s name, that the police would not continue using it in order to keep the focus on the victims. Authorities have not released a photo of Craddock, who is black.

The shooter had no criminal record beyond a single traffic offense, and served in the Virginia National Guard from 1996 to 2002, when he was discharged at the rank of specialist.

I and numerous others have been advocating for reform of media coverage of these events for years. Limiting the coverage of the killer and focusing on the victims are part of the suggested reforms. The purpose of the reforms is to reduce the copycat effect, also known as media contagion. One study, presented

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Little coverage by the MSM of a BLACK MASS SHOOTER...Why is that?

What kind of race-obsessed fuck expects reports on the RACE of a shooter?

What are you, stoopid?

Oh by the way, Google search of the name turned up over EIGHT MILLION results. Way to "cover up".
That's funny bruh.
Who , What , Where and When and ALL details should ALL be reported by the News and Media with the Why left to be decided by the Reader of the News . GOOGLE is irrelevant .

BULLSHIT. The OP's claim was that it was "hidden". I disproved that with a three-tenths of a second Google search. There is no planet on which eight million hits is "hidden".

Once again in simple terms, THE OP IS A GODDAM LIAR. OK? Not that comfuckingplex.
I would say the law of averages dictates that they can’t all be white Republicans.


Besides, we don’t even know if he’s a Democrat just because he’s black. Remember there’s only a couple of black Republicans. A couple. Very few.
GOOGLE is irrelevant , many people don't have computer or internet services but the buy Print media . All DETAILS should always be reported by the Supposedly 'free press' but they aren't . I say that its due to Politically motivated media practicing Political Correctness policy . And lastly , GOOGLE is irrelevant for the reasons i mention in this post Pogo .
GOOGLE is irrelevant , many people don't have computer or internet services but the buy Print media . All DETAILS should always be reported by the Supposedly 'free press' but they aren't . I say that its due to Politically motivated media practicing Political Correctness policy . And lastly , GOOGLE is irrelevant for the reasons i mention in this post Pogo .

You don't have any "reasons" --- all you have is self-delusional BULLSHIT.

ONCE AGAIN ---- something that is "hidden" IS NOT GOING TO GET EIGHT MILLION HITS ON GOOGLE. Doesn't fucking matter who might read them or might not.

Holy shit how fucking stupid are you? Just break down and admit that the OP is a goddam liar and we'll go to lunch.
I'm trying to recall any other black mass shooters in recent memory....the guy in Houston who was picking off cops at a demonstration? That was a few years ago. His motives were pretty clear because his manifesto was on social media.
REASON for hiding details . If thats what you ask i say it is due to Politically motivated reporters and and their bosses in the media that don't report details and the truth Pogo .

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