Visits to NRA Site Rise 72%


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Well of course. People all around the country are rallying to the defense of their civil rights and the 2A


Gun sales have spiked in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist massacre. Another measure of interest in guns and gun sales has risen sharply as well. Visits to the National Rifle Association (NRA) website were up 72% in October, compared to September, and higher by 59% compared to October 2014.

According to online audience firm Compete, the home page of the NRA rose 163,224. This is the highest level in two years. One of the largest sources of traffic was Google, which is not surprising because the search site is the major traffic contributor to many sites. Another large referrer was the NRA welcome page.

Among the most visible sections of are several that carry the message “Freedom’s Safest Place.” The most prominent section of the site is a video message from Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president and chief executive officer:

Read more: Visits to NRA Site Rise 72% - 24/7 Wall St. Visits to NRA Site Rise 72%
No surprise here.


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