Vivek expose Ronna and the GOP


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Ronna, a Trump endorsed RINO, is head of a corrupt political party. Nikki Haley, another Trump backed corrupt RINO is also called out. And for good reason. Anyone else noticing how much of a RINO Trumps picks are?
Those of you who don't like DeSantis, keep in mind he's also a Trump pick.

Vivek isn't wrong...Ronna McRomney has always been controlled opposition....There's no other explanation for that kind of losing streak.

FTR, Trump endorsed DeSantis before he sold out to BigCampaignLoot inc.

I've had this crazy conspiracy in the back of my mind for a few years now. No Trump supporter or die hard democrats can understand it. (or even want to try). But hear me out.

Remember how the GOP establishment took over the Tea Party in 2007/2008? At first it was 100% fiscal and constitutional conservatism. Then it turned into nothing more than an arm of the big government, big spending Republicans. An "anybody but Obama" party. This is how we ended up with McCain then Romney for nominee's.

I have a feeling that the left infiltrated the right, years, maybe even decades ago. And this is how & why we can't get the GOP to back and fully support an actual conservative. It's how we keep getting these left wing nuts jobs like Trump, instead of the Thomas Massie's, Rand Paul's & Chip Roy's.

Hell, most Republican's just cant see just how much of a RINO Trump is. The media won't say it. All the top talking heads and internet influencers won't say it. I think Tucker has been exposed in his text messages as leaning to it. But he won't admit to the public.

But I just don't see any other reason to have someone who did so much leftist stuff, and not get called out for it by the right. I do think a lot of people understand just what a uniparty we have. But still refuse to see how Trump is just the talking head with who'm they've installed to be the face and mouth piece.

If you're not buying into this conspiracy either, I don't blame you. It's pretty far out there. But try to picture what I'm saying. If you were in charge of the DNC, and wanted to ensure that no matter who was president, that you'd get 90% of what you wanted. And 100% of the important things. What better way to do that than with someone who's only pretending to be a Republican.
I've had this crazy conspiracy in the back of my mind for a few years now. No Trump supporter or die hard democrats can understand it. (or even want to try). But hear me out.

Remember how the GOP establishment took over the Tea Party in 2007/2008? At first it was 100% fiscal and constitutional conservatism. Then it turned into nothing more than an arm of the big government, big spending Republicans. An "anybody but Obama" party. This is how we ended up with McCain then Romney for nominee's.

I have a feeling that the left infiltrated the right, years, maybe even decades ago. And this is how & why we can't get the GOP to back and fully support an actual conservative. It's how we keep getting these left wing nuts jobs like Trump, instead of the Thomas Massie's, Rand Paul's & Chip Roy's.

Hell, most Republican's just cant see just how much of a RINO Trump is. The media won't say it. All the top talking heads and internet influencers won't say it. I think Tucker has been exposed in his text messages as leaning to it. But he won't admit to the public.

But I just don't see any other reason to have someone who did so much leftist stuff, and not get called out for it by the right. I do think a lot of people understand just what a uniparty we have. But still refuse to see how Trump is just the talking head with who'm they've installed to be the face and mouth piece.

If you're not buying into this conspiracy either, I don't blame you. It's pretty far out there. But try to picture what I'm saying. If you were in charge of the DNC, and wanted to ensure that no matter who was president, that you'd get 90% of what you wanted. And 100% of the important things. What better way to do that than with someone who's only pretending to be a Republican.
I think your average American is just too fucking stupid to appreciate a man like Rand Paul. Trump is easier to understand.
I think your average American is just too fucking stupid to appreciate a man like Rand Paul. Trump is easier to understand.

Trumps words are easy to understand. But apparently his actual record isn't. It's way left of center. But his supporters think it's way right of center.
2 debt ceiling increases and a 2 year suspension isn't right of center. Assaulting our 2A isn't right of center.
If Biden did those things, they'd see how they're left of center.
I've had this crazy conspiracy in the back of my mind for a few years now. No Trump supporter or die hard democrats can understand it. (or even want to try). But hear me out.

Remember how the GOP establishment took over the Tea Party in 2007/2008? At first it was 100% fiscal and constitutional conservatism. Then it turned into nothing more than an arm of the big government, big spending Republicans. An "anybody but Obama" party. This is how we ended up with McCain then Romney for nominee's.
That was led bu Dick Armey....He's the guy who torpedoed the Bill Paxton wing of the party, when they tried to usurp the controlled opposition puppet Gingrich.
I have a feeling that the left infiltrated the right, years, maybe even decades ago. And this is how & why we can't get the GOP to back and fully support an actual conservative. It's how we keep getting these left wing nuts jobs like Trump, instead of the Thomas Massie's, Rand Paul's & Chip Roy's.

Hell, most Republican's just cant see just how much of a RINO Trump is. The media won't say it. All the top talking heads and internet influencers won't say it. I think Tucker has been exposed in his text messages as leaning to it. But he won't admit to the public.
Ron Paul was gaining traction, until the party apparatus stole his delegates (Rick Santorum's too) in 2012...But neither fought back the way Trump does...Remember, the Powers that Be™ severely squelched Pat Buchanan in 2000, in a way that they couldn't do to Ross Perot eight years earlier.....IMO, his big pop culture megaphone and willingness to use it is a major part of his appeal...So much so that the lefty proclivities and shitload of unforced errors are ignored or forgiven.
But I just don't see any other reason to have someone who did so much leftist stuff, and not get called out for it by the right. I do think a lot of people understand just what a uniparty we have. But still refuse to see how Trump is just the talking head with who'm they've installed to be the face and mouth piece.

If you're not buying into this conspiracy either, I don't blame you. It's pretty far out there. But try to picture what I'm saying. If you were in charge of the DNC, and wanted to ensure that no matter who was president, that you'd get 90% of what you wanted. And 100% of the important things. What better way to do that than with someone who's only pretending to be a Republican.
It's not a conspiracy....They've been doing it out in the open, since they were able to embarrass Goldwater and oust Nixon.

Trumps words are easy to understand. But apparently his actual record isn't. It's way left of center. But his supporters think it's way right of center.
2 debt ceiling increases and a 2 year suspension isn't right of center. Assaulting our 2A isn't right of center.
If Biden did those things, they'd see how they're left of center.
It's "right" if you look at how far the Overton window has swerved...Trump is right about where guys like Scoop Jackson and DP Moynahan were.
It's "right" if you look at how far the Overton window has swerved...Trump is right about where guys like Scoop Jackson and DP Moynahan were.

Never heard of them.

But Trump's wrong on how to solve the border issue. He's wrong on spending, debt and the economy. He's wrong on how to reverse the trade deficit with China. He's wrong on abortion. He's wrong on most of his appointments and people he endorses. (Haley, McCarthy, Ronna & Graham).

Call me a conspiracy theorist or what ever. But when I look at Trump, I see a life long democrat who's pretending to be a Republican. There's simply no other way to legitimately explain his actual record.

Obviously not everything Trump did was left of center. Even Vegas lets some people win. But those big fancy casino's didn't come from losing money. Meaning if Trump was 100% left leaning, and talked like it, he wouldn't be the GOP's nominee. (At least I don't think he would).
But then again, some of his latest lying promises, are extremely left leaning. He said he was going to get 10 new cities built. The homes were going to be cheaper. Vehicles were going to be cheaper. The only way to do that is for the government to subsidize them. Remember the Obama phones? Are we going to have Trump homes and cars?
I take back every "thanks" I've ever given you.

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