Vivek expose Ronna and the GOP

Never heard of them.
You never heard of Scoop Jackson or Daniel Patrick Moynahan? to say that Trump is a 1980s democrat, which tells you how far left the Democrat Party has lurched in order to decry Trump as a "right wing extremist".
But Trump's wrong on how to solve the border issue. He's wrong on spending, debt and the economy. He's wrong on how to reverse the trade deficit with China. He's wrong on abortion. He's wrong on most of his appointments and people he endorses. (Haley, McCarthy, Ronna & Graham).
His "wrong on the border" policy had illegal entries down to a trickle.....Having seen the folly of being a free trade absolutist, I'm not as convinced as you that his China trade policy was entirely wrong.....Otherwise, that's pretty much on the mark.

Call me a conspiracy theorist or what ever. But when I look at Trump, I see a life long democrat who's pretending to be a Republican. There's simply no other way to legitimately explain his actual record.
The same can be said for the Bushes...Remember that Overton window.
Obviously not everything Trump did was left of center. Even Vegas lets some people win. But those big fancy casino's didn't come from losing money. Meaning if Trump was 100% left leaning, and talked like it, he wouldn't be the GOP's nominee. (At least I don't think he would).
But then again, some of his latest lying promises, are extremely left leaning. He said he was going to get 10 new cities built. The homes were going to be cheaper. Vehicles were going to be cheaper. The only way to do that is for the government to subsidize them. Remember the Obama phones? Are we going to have Trump homes and cars?
The other way to do that is reverse the policies and nullify the mandates that have made those things more expensive....He has a fair track record of doing so.

Is Trump Goldwater, Perot, Paul, or even Buchanan; fuck no!....But he has assumed their mantle, for better or worse....Rather than kvetching about the imperfect vessel, how about infiltrating the movement with better people at its helm?
You never heard of Scoop Jackson or Daniel Patrick Moynahan? to say that Trump is a 1980s democrat, which tells you how far left the Democrat Party has lurched in order to decry Trump as a "right wing extremist".

I'll look them up if I have time. Or if I forget. :cul2:(Just kidding)
His "wrong on the border" policy had illegal entries down to a trickle.....Having seen the folly of being a free trade absolutist, I'm not as convinced as you that his China trade policy was entirely wrong.....Otherwise, that's pretty much on the mark.

The way to solve the immigration problem is through monetary policy. A wall slows the flow, obviously. But doesn't solve it. Ladders, blow torches, air planes, semi trailers etc etc etc.
The same can be said for the Bushes...Remember that Overton window.

No, but I just looked it up. Now I'm interested in finding out more. I think you're onto something with that.
The other way to do that is reverse the policies and nullify the mandates that have made those things more expensive....He has a fair track record of doing so.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Because the only way to make things less expensive is to fix the USD value. Stop the run away inflation that's created by too much money in the economy. Something Trump is extremely guilty of.
Is Trump Goldwater, Perot, Paul, or even Buchanan; fuck no!....But he has assumed their mantle, for better or worse....Rather than kvetching about the imperfect vessel, how about infiltrating the movement with better people at its helm?

For better or worse? All we've gotten from GOP presidents since at least Reagan, is worse. I think the democrats influence and infiltration started with Reagan. 17 debt ceiling increases. Artificially low interest rates. First president to spend more than $1 trillion. 1 tax reduction and 4 tax increases.
All that sounds like something the democrats would do, doesn't it?
I'll look them up if I have time. Or if I forget. :cul2:(Just kidding)

The way to solve the immigration problem is through monetary policy. A wall slows the flow, obviously. But doesn't solve it. Ladders, blow torches, air planes, semi trailers etc etc etc.
The wall was only one aspect...Treating it as the be-all-end-all is intellectually dishonest....There was also vigorous patrolling of the border and smoking out other things like the slew of tunnels from Tijuana...All were effective.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Because the only way to make things less expensive is to fix the USD value. Stop the run away inflation that's created by too much money in the economy. Something Trump is extremely guilty of.
You also remove the burdensome rules and regs that drive up the costs...Think idiotic CAFE standards.
For better or worse? All we've gotten from GOP presidents since at least Reagan, is worse. I think the democrats influence and infiltration started with Reagan. 17 debt ceiling increases. Artificially low interest rates. First president to spend more than $1 trillion. 1 tax reduction and 4 tax increases.
All that sounds like something the democrats would do, doesn't it?
That has happened because the party has been infiltrated...You said so yourself....You can either whine about it or do something...If the left can infiltrate the party, so can those with your set of principles.
Oddball so hates facts.
My history with him goes back to around 2004 on the Hannity forum. He has always been fact-free. He fancies himself as a "pox on all their houses" type who hates Republicans as much as Democrats, yet he always manages to support Republican politics and politicians. He "hates" Bush, but he is better than Kerry. He "hates" McCain, but he's better than Obama. He "hates" Romney, but Obama is worse. He "didn't support Trump" but at least he's not Biden.

He's a total phony who refuses to own his choices.
Oddball so hates facts.

Trump is the only one in the race. For many, it's either him or nothing.

It's only after the fact, with any mistake, that we realized there were other options.

This is how we end up with party and political loyalist and lesser of two evils voters.

Biden is a good example. The left still has plenty of time to get another candidate. But too many of them don't want to rock the boat and make the necessary changes, out of fear of losing. Even though most of them know that Biden is going to lose.

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