vivek ramaswamy calls juneteenth a useless holiday.

The point is idiot, just because they didn't own slaves didn't make them less guilty of slavery.

So your saying that the Union Soldiers that fought to end slavery - many of which were killed - who never own any slaves - were guilty of enslaving other people?


Can you truly be that stupid?
“Juneteenth” is a silly, made-up holiday that only exists to placate ignorant wannabe victims and moonbat virtue signalers.
I do personally celebrate it as my brother’s birthday, though.
So your saying that the Union Soldiers that fought to end slavery - many of which were killed - who never own any slaves - were guilty of enslaving other people?


Can you truly be that stupid?
How many years did slavery last in this country?

Was slavery against the law in this country?
No, it's a completely inaccurate way to describe those parts of history. The VAST MAJORITY of white people living in the U.S. at that time DID NOT OWN SLAVES.

You can not own slaves and still support the institution, or afterwards, the segregation and injustice of Jim Crowe.

There were more WHITE people fighting against slavery than there were slave owners.
Again…you didn’t have to be an owner to support slavery. There were enough who supported it or did not object to it if it furthered other causes, to make a sizeable group as is obvious from the Civil War.

Unfortunately, there were also hundreds of thousands of dumbass white people who did not own slaves but were fighting for the continuation of slavery.

Classifying the issue of slavery as being a white vs. black issue is pure BULLSHIT!

In the US the institution of slavery was race based. Why is it bullshit?

The fact is that the people who are the most to blame for black being enslaved are the blacks themselves.

Holy hell. That’s unreal. So…Blacks were the ones test up breeding programs once the transatlantic trade was ended… lacks instituted a form of slavery that was generational? Blacks sailed to Africa and bought slaves to bring back on crammed, disease ridden ships to sell in the markets?
You can not enslave a person who is willing to die for their freedom!
How self serving.

John Brown's attack on Harper's ferry probably would have succeeded if the slaves who he expected to join his force would have done so. Most of those slaves refused to join in John Brown's rebellion, which is why he lost - and they remained slaves.
Likely would not have succeeded…and they’d have been killed …and their families?
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The constitution is was america aspires to be a work in progress. if your expected america to be fair you are mistaken. america will never be perfect , the world wont be perfect because humans are not perfect and it will never be fair either. its human nature.
No, it's a completely inaccurate way to describe those parts of history. The VAST MAJORITY of white people living in the U.S. at that time DID NOT OWN SLAVES.

There were more WHITE people fighting against slavery than there were slave owners.

Unfortunately, there were also hundreds of thousands of dumbass white people who did not own slaves but were fighting for the continuation of slavery.

Classifying the issue of slavery as being a white vs. black issue is pure BULLSHIT!

The fact is that the people who are the most to blame for black being enslaved are the blacks themselves.

You can not enslave a person who is willing to die for their freedom!

John Brown's attack on Harper's ferry probably would have succeeded if the slaves who he expected to join his force would have done so. Most of those slaves refused to join in John Brown's rebellion, which is why he lost - and they remained slaves.
17 percent of whites and 11 percent of blacks were slave owners. You are right black sold there own people off the african continent. blacks kidnapped . -packed them up and sold them off. why they in slaved more white then then all the blacks ins american for a lot longer . That how they lived and made money. Many countries there ignore the laws against it and do it. the blacks just can ship them off anymore like they used too. This is what is never taught in american history.
I don't have anything against people who celebrate it, but making it a federal holiday isn't really going to increase it's popularity outside of the black American demographic. My friend's kid just started working fast food & he gets paid on the 5th & the 20th, apparently Juneteenth held up his direct deposit. Lol...I imagine that happened to a lot of fast food workers...probably didn't endear the holiday to them.
The neighborhood I grew up in was majority black, the public elementary school I went to was as well, so I have been aware of Juneteenth for awhile, most of the black folks I knew, their family came out West from the South, most from Texas & Louisiana, so that's why. I started 2nd grade when MLK Jr. Day became a federal holiday(in most states).
I remember there being a little racial tension, but the kids in my age group didn't quite understand...we just saw small groups of white & black 8th & 9th graders from the nearby middle school getting into heated arguments & throwing punches with each other.
Didn't really think about it until recently in life. It's crazy the shit you can remember from your childhood though. Lol
The constitution is was america aspires to be a work in progress. if your expected america to be fair you are mistaken. america will never be perfect , the world wont be perfect because humans are not perfect and it will never be fair either. its human nature.
That is just a bullshit cop out, to justify the atrocities this country has committed.
17 percent of whites and 11 percent of blacks were slave owners. You are right black sold there own people off the african continent. blacks kidnapped . -packed them up and sold them off. why they in slaved more white then then all the blacks ins american for a lot longer . That how they lived and made money. Many countries there ignore the laws against it and do it. the blacks just can ship them off anymore like they used too. This is what is never taught in american history.
I know this is a long shot, but do you have anything to back up any of the garbage you posted.
I know this is a long shot, but do you have anything to back up any of the garbage you posted.
I have always heard the slave owning population was more around 2% in the US. I have never heard the 17% of whites & 11% of blacks statistic.
Slavery was a US institution
Its end was a milestone for all Americans

Why do states that were not part of the original 13 celebrate the 4th of July?
It was not their independence
Compared to the rest of the world, Slavery in the US was a short-lived institution. In Juneteenth Celebrations moving forward, I would like to see the US increase awareness and exposure modern-day slavery practiced today today in other nations - particularly African, Asian, and Latin American countries.

Western whites had the moral clarity to cease slavery two centuries ago. When will modern-day non-whites have the same morality?

Juneteenth is not a day to simply beat the crap out of US for our comparatively limited history with Slavery.
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Compared to the rest of the world, Slavery in the US was a short-lived institution. In Juneteenth Celebrations moving forward, I would like to see the US increase awareness and exposure modern-day slavery practiced today today in other nations - particularly African, Asian, and Latin American countries.

Western whites had the moral clarity to cease slavery two centuries ago. When will modern-day non-whites have the same morality?

Juneteenth is not a day to simply beat the crap out of US four our comparatively limited history with Slavery.
Your suggestion of using Juneteenth to highlight the slavery going on in non-western countries is a great one. I don't see why anyone would have an issue with that. It's on topic.

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