Vivek Speech.

Come on folks, it's time to nail the shit that's flowing out of Vivek's head to the wall.

The federal government was in no way on the planes and responsible for the big takedown of the WTC.
Thanks though I don’t consider myself a leftist. I do hold some some beliefs and opinions that can be considered leftist however. I’d like to think I understand our current state of affairs better than most.

It would be so much better for our nation and people if we had a strong left wing movement looking out for the best interests of the poor and working class. Rather than a system that benefits and protects the wealthy and connected.
So that means we only have ONE actual leftist here - Rigby.

But the Red Scare “Demos are commies” fantasy will go on...
Democrats are deranged criminal capitalist warmongers.

But sure - they’re globalists just like the Republicans.

Clean up your own party before spouting this Red Scare crap, please.
I'll do as I please and question why you wish to keep the 'struggle session' of America hidden from people.
Come on folks, it's time to nail the shit that's flowing out of Vivek's head to the wall.

The federal government was in no way on the planes and responsible for the big takedown of the WTC.
Well, except as the architects of policy which led to that inevitable blowback.
You’re killing conservatism, but if that’s your goal, don’t let me dissuade you.


Not that I think you'd have an open mind about....well, anything. By your arguments, I can hardly give you any credibility at all, but here you go.

What applies in this speech has been happening in the USA for a couple of decades now.
I would suggest you reconsider that. This is not to say that those who are wealthy are not part of the Critical Theory crowd. It would be hard for them not to be part of that crowd. Just look at the Soviets of the World Economic Forum and their pushing of the UN's Sustainable goals agenda.

It all goes back to Critical Theory and its control of the institutions of power in the US and other countries.

They are all leftists.

From ESG, CRT, SEL, and DEI, they have their hands in every aspect of power, education, and the economy.
Well those issues don’t benefit the poor and working class. Real leftists are about improving the lives of the people. You know? Like healthcare, housing, livable wages, curtailing the war machine, jobs, taxing the rich, eliminating corporate power, supporting unions. Etc…

Critical Theory isn’t about helping the people. The elites pushing that agenda are disingenuous anyway. They only care about continuing the status quo of crony capitalism to benefit themselves, while dividing the people.
Which one would you pick?

Would Comer be willing to give up his Congressional seat and take up as AG? Now THAT would be poetic justice!

I meant not the one that I would pick for VR - Commerce, treasury - something along those lines.

For an AG - I dunno if they would take it - Mike Lee, Jim Jordan.
Well those issues don’t benefit the poor and working class. Real leftists are about improving the lives of the people. You know? Like healthcare, housing, livable wages, curtailing the war machine, jobs, taxing the rich, eliminating corporate power, supporting unions. Etc…

Critical Theory isn’t about helping the people. The elites pushing that agenda are disingenuous anyway. They only care about continuing the status quo of crony capitalism to benefit themselves, while dividing the people.
Right. The GOP is pushing their culture war because they don't wanna fight a class war.
Well those issues don’t benefit the poor and working class. Real leftists are about improving the lives of the people. You know? Like healthcare, housing, livable wages, curtailing the war machine, jobs, taxing the rich, eliminating corporate power, supporting unions. Etc…

Critical Theory isn’t about helping the people. The elites pushing that agenda are disingenuous anyway. They only care about continuing the status quo of crony capitalism to benefit themselves, while dividing the people.
The left has not been about helping the people in half a century or more. Everything they do under some phony umbrella of 'helping the people' is related to their march into the halls of power.
Right. The GOP is pushing their culture war because they don't wanna fight a class war.
Both criminal gangs push the culture war because they want the people divided so they can continue to fleece the people and support the interests of the wealthy oligarchy, who donate to their campaigns
Both criminal gangs push the culture war because they want the people divided so they can continue to fleece the people and support the interests of the wealthy oligarchy, who donate to their campaigns
No. Only one party is pushing the culture war stuff. The GOP
The left has not been about helping the people in half a century or more. Everything they do under some phony umbrella of 'helping the people' is related to their march into the halls of power.
That’s not the left. That’s liberals, neoliberals, and democrats. They aren’t that different from republicans and conservatives, who also don’t give a shit about helping the people.
That’s not the left. That’s liberals, neoliberals, and democrats. They aren’t that different from republicans and conservatives, who also don’t give a shit about helping the people.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

The left, today as their policies and culture manifest them, have taken Mao to heart and are working on the plan. It is seen every day and has been going on for a longer time than most realize.

It has never been about helping people, it is certainly not about helping America be free.

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