Vivek Speech.

No. Only one party is pushing the culture war stuff. The GOP

This is what happens when one is a member of a Cult.
Doesn't see her positions as positions at all.
What she believes, is simply the way things are supposed to be.
Water is wet, Gravity holds us down, or makes us fall.
Left wing ideas are that normal to them.
Any variation is a threat to the Cult.
There is no hope for people like this.
One would have had more success getting Branch Davidians to believe that true Prophets didn't marry every 14-year-old girl in their Cult than getting Democrat Cult members to see any light.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

The left, today as their policies and culture manifest them, have taken Mao to heart and are working on the plan. It is seen every day and has been going on for a longer time than most realize.

It has never been about helping people, it is certainly not about helping America be free.
I see leftism as helping the people. As such, there is no leftist movement afoot. I suspect you’re confusing leftism with the ruling oligarchy.
I like Vivek. He has solid ideas for moving forward but naively believes that we can heal as a society. The left has cut too deep and bled us for far too long for any reconciliation, not to mention that the left is insane and unwilling to meet anyone or any issue even part way.

Of course, there are only really two in the debate tomorrow night that I vote for if they become the nominee, and Vivek is one of them.
I will vote for ANY Republican who is the nominee because the Democrats have demonstrated or promoted not one single thing in this administration that merits my vote. That merits any honorable person's vote. And any vote other than for whoever is the GOP candidate will be a vote to keep the Democrats in power.

But I do have my favorites among the candidates running and while I like Vivek, he is not in even my top five. Too young. Too inexperienced in the rough and tumble world of politics. He could make a great vice presidential candidate though. He needs to learn a few things like why Israel is critical to U.S. security and why it deserves our support.

But if Vivek should somehow emerge the GOP nominee, he has my vote. Despite my misgivings about him, he is head and shoulders better for America than anybody the Democrats will put up.
I will vote for ANY Republican who is the nominee because the Democrats have demonstrated or promoted not one single thing in this administration that merits my vote. That merits any honorable person's vote. And any vote other than for whoever is the GOP candidate will be a vote to keep the Democrats in power.

But I do have my favorites among the candidates running and while I like Vivek, he is not in even my top five. Too young. Too inexperienced in the rough and tumble world of politics. He could make a great vice presidential candidate though. He needs to learn a few things like why Israel is critical to U.S. security and why it deserves our support.

But if Vivek should somehow emerge the GOP nominee, he has my vote. Despite my misgivings about him, he is head and shoulders better for America than anybody the Democrats will put up.

I see leftism as helping the people. As such, there is no leftist movement afoot. I suspect you’re confusing leftism with the ruling oligarchy.

Why do you see that?
Have you witnessed that having success somewhere?
I see leftism as helping the people. As such, there is no leftist movement afoot. I suspect you’re confusing leftism with the ruling oligarchy.
The American left is not about helping the people. The America left is all about placing more and more power, even to the point of totalitarianism, into the hands of a government intent on telling the people what they are allowed to think, believe, speak, possess and how they are required to live their lives.

This is a totally different animal from the leftists of the American 1960's that were simply rebelling against traditional American culture or the Bolsheviks of the earlier 19th Century intent on overthrowing the tyranny of the Czars and putting power into the hands of the people but failed to see they were actually installing a worse devil in the process. That was a huge step in the direction of creating and empowering a leftist tyranny of the likes the world had never before seen.

And that is why I will be voting GOP even if I have to hold my nose to vote for a Republican I consider reprehensible. That person will be bad for America but not as bad as the Democrats have been.
Bless you my dear and may there be more stars in your crown in Heaven. I am heartsick that so many Republicans are saying that if this person or that person is not the nominee they won't vote Republican. That is so stupid and short sighted beyond belief and so destructive to our hopes for a strong, free, secure, prosperous America that there is no way to possibly defend it.

Years ago there was great justification in voting for some Democrat candidates who despite their more big government ambitions than I think good were at least honorable men. Such Democrats seeking power no longer seem to exist.
Bless you my dear and may there be more stars in your crown in Heaven. I am heartsick that so many Republicans are saying that if this person or that person is not the nominee they won't vote Republican. That is so stupid and short sighted beyond belief and so destructive to our hopes for a strong, free, secure, prosperous America that there is no way to possibly defend it.

Years ago there was great justification in voting for some Democrat candidates who despite their more big government ambitions than I think good were at least honorable men. Such Democrats seeking power no longer seem to exist.

JFK was the last honorable, decent Democrat, and the other Democrats killed him for it.

The Party of JFK is extinct.
Why do you see that?
Have you witnessed that having success somewhere?
Yes. There once was a strong left wing movement in this country. This was a movement that supported the working class. It has been under assault since at least 1980. We’ve seen Clinton and O move the D Party away from it’s traditional positions to essentially becoming the R Lite Party. Joe is even more so than Bubba and Ears.
JFK was the last honorable, decent Democrat, and the other Democrats killed him for it.

The Party of JFK is extinct.
JFK had his moral terpitude issues though but his presidential policies and actions were pretty darn good. Lyndon Johnson not so much. I liked Carter and thought him a good, decent man but he was a god awful President. Clinton, like Kennedy, had his moral terpitude issues and if he initially was not a good President, Newt Gingrich and his reformer Republicans and Tim Penny (D) and his 30+ conservative old guard Democrats were able to drag Clinton into tax and welfare reform that was good and saved his presidency. He tried to resist Congress but eventually, as he had few convictions, he went along to get along.

Unfortunately those GOP reformers and good old guard Democrats term limited themselves out and were replaced by mostly leftwing extremists aided an abetted by a deep state that does not have America's best interests at heart. Thus Obama was a very lackluster and ineffective President, though not as bad as Carter, and Biden is just a mentally challenged marionette directed, scripted, and manipulated by deep state operatives with pretty much universal bad results.

And that is why I can support ANY Republican over anybody the current Democrats will put up other than maybe Kennedy Jr. who might be better than a far leftist anti-American Republican. But Kennedy is too old guard, too common sense, too pro-America so they'll pretty much destroy him. And a Democrat President, no matter how good and capable, will still have to work with a corrupt and anti-American congress that pushes very bad policy.

So unless we nominate and elect a reasonably competent Republican, whoever that might be, we're pretty much screwed. And we must give that person a GOP congress or he/she won't be able to do much to fix the mess we are now in.
I will vote for ANY Republican who is the nominee because the Democrats have demonstrated or promoted not one single thing in this administration that merits my vote. That merits any honorable person's vote. And any vote other than for whoever is the GOP candidate will be a vote to keep the Democrats in power.

But I do have my favorites among the candidates running and while I like Vivek, he is not in even my top five. Too young. Too inexperienced in the rough and tumble world of politics. He could make a great vice presidential candidate though. He needs to learn a few things like why Israel is critical to U.S. security and why it deserves our support.

But if Vivek should somehow emerge the GOP nominee, he has my vote. Despite my misgivings about him, he is head and shoulders better for America than anybody the Democrats will put up.
There are a number of GOP candidates I will not vote for, for the same reason I would not vote for Joe Biden. They are too corrupt, too naive, and a couple are far too "deep state' groomed to be trustworthy. Chris Christie is corrupt, Nikki Haley and Mike Pense are nothing but creatures of the Deep State, Tim Scott sees all of life through the lens of race, and Donald Trump has proven that his narcissism has become a pathology and a deterrent in allowing him to work for the American people as opposed to working for himself.

The others, with the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis, don't have a chance.

I am done with voting because the D.C. machine tells Me I should be afraid of not voting for who they want. It is beyond time we push back against all the parties and start voting for candidates who most closely meet our standards of morality.

For Me, that is DeSantis or Ramaswamy. All others need not apply.

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