Vivek Speech.

Not that I think you'd have an open mind about....well, anything. By your arguments, I can hardly give you any credibility at all, but here you go.

What applies in this speech has been happening in the USA for a couple of decades now.

Heard this hundreds of times.

Completely irrelevant to the non-leftist Democrats we were discussing.

But VR is a total slimebag, as his speech once again reveals.
Well those issues don’t benefit the poor and working class. Real leftists are about improving the lives of the people. You know? Like healthcare, housing, livable wages, curtailing the war machine, jobs, taxing the rich, eliminating corporate power, supporting unions. Etc…

Critical Theory isn’t about helping the people. The elites pushing that agenda are disingenuous anyway. They only care about continuing the status quo of crony capitalism to benefit themselves, while dividing the people.

Democrats flirt with the left - and Republican voters - when it suits them.

But they’re not going to leave their DeepSwamp daddies.
There are a number of GOP candidates I will not vote for, for the same reason I would not vote for Joe Biden. They are too corrupt, too naive, and a couple are far too "deep state' groomed to be trustworthy. Chris Christie is corrupt, Nikki Haley and Mike Pense are nothing but creatures of the Deep State, Tim Scott sees all of life through the lens of race, and Donald Trump has proven that his narcissism has become a pathology and a deterrent in allowing him to work for the American people as opposed to working for himself.

The others, with the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis, don't have a chance.

I am done with voting because the D.C. machine tells Me I should be afraid of not voting for who they want. It is beyond time we push back against all the parties and start voting for candidates who most closely meet our standards of morality.

For Me, that is DeSantis or Ramaswamy. All others need not apply.
Just know their promoted agendas. Otherwise, it does not matter. No more McCains and his thumbs down and Paul Ryan crap. And Donald does not get an oh okay this time. So much more could have been done.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

The left, today as their policies and culture manifest them, have taken Mao to heart and are working on the plan. It is seen every day and has been going on for a longer time than most realize.

It has never been about helping people, it is certainly not about helping America be free.
The American left is not about helping the people. The America left is all about placing more and more power, even to the point of totalitarianism, into the hands of a government intent on telling the people what they are allowed to think, believe, speak, possess and how they are required to live their lives.

This is a totally different animal from the leftists of the American 1960's that were simply rebelling against traditional American culture or the Bolsheviks of the earlier 19th Century intent on overthrowing the tyranny of the Czars and putting power into the hands of the people but failed to see they were actually installing a worse devil in the process. That was a huge step in the direction of creating and empowering a leftist tyranny of the likes the world had never before seen.

And that is why I will be voting GOP even if I have to hold my nose to vote for a Republican I consider reprehensible. That person will be bad for America but not as bad as the Democrats have been.
Liberals/Democrats, not the left.

The left is tiny and powerless.
There are a number of GOP candidates I will not vote for, for the same reason I would not vote for Joe Biden. They are too corrupt, too naive, and a couple are far too "deep state' groomed to be trustworthy. Chris Christie is corrupt, Nikki Haley and Mike Pense are nothing but creatures of the Deep State, Tim Scott sees all of life through the lens of race, and Donald Trump has proven that his narcissism has become a pathology and a deterrent in allowing him to work for the American people as opposed to working for himself.

The others, with the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis, don't have a chance.

I am done with voting because the D.C. machine tells Me I should be afraid of not voting for who they want. It is beyond time we push back against all the parties and start voting for candidates who most closely meet our standards of morality.

For Me, that is DeSantis or Ramaswamy. All others need not apply.
DeSantis and VR have no national political future, and are creeps to boot.

Trump is the best option by far.
Liberals/Democrats, not the left.

The left is tiny and powerless.
By your definition of the left yes. But by the definition of the left the vast majority of Americans understand, those are the composite of all the left wing nonsense promoted by Democrats, government, media, education, entertainment, big business, scientific organizations, and even a lot of religious institutions.
By your definition of the left yes.
By what the left is.
But by the definition of the left the vast majority of Americans understand, those are the composite of all the left wing nonsense promoted by Democrats,
Democrats play footsie with the left to get votes, but never put out.
government, media, education, entertainment, big business, scientific organizations, and even a lot of religious institutions.
There’s a lot of virtue signaling, but at the end of the day, criminal conservative corporate capitalism rules and The People are left without.

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