Vivek: We've created a new form of racism.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021
Bill Ackman seems to be pointing out more and more of what is and people just don't comprehend.

He agreed with Vivek's assessment on this particular issue:

The GOP candidate said diversity of viewpoint is important. “I think diversity of viewpoint is part of what this country is built on,” he said, adding that the best way to foster diversity of viewpoint is screen candidates based on the diversity of views.

“In the name of diversity, we’ve actually created a new culture of conformity,” Ramaswamy said. "The use of these racial and gender quota systems has actually created a new form of racism in the U.S.," he said.

You can roll up a number of things under this....but it all still washed the same.

"Diversity" when Biden limited his VP to a black female. When Biden limited his SCOTUS selection to a Black Female. The obvious pandering to the woke side of his party can't be overstated.

And it goes on and on and on. The while University President thing shows just how far people are willing to go to suck up to what they perceive as some kind of wrong. It's amazing.

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Donors sure like to control.

Idiots like to try and derail. But you failed again.

From the article:

“If we restore true meritocracy in this country and embrace true diversity of thought, chances are we are actually going to have a bunch of different elements and a range of genders in different positions,” Ramasamy said.

Which is true. The only problem being that if a black person speaks up with a POV that does not line up with what the left wants.....they no longer want that POV. And, in fact, will attack.

You can't deny that goes on all the time.
Idiots like to try and derail. But you failed again.

From the article:

“If we restore true meritocracy in this country and embrace true diversity of thought, chances are we are actually going to have a bunch of different elements and a range of genders in different positions,” Ramasamy said.

Which is true. The only problem being that if a black person speaks up with a POV that does not line up with what the left wants.....they no longer want that POV. And, in fact, will attack.

You can't deny that goes on all the time.
Derail? Did I hurt your sensitivities?
This goes well beyond affirmative action.

The left has turned being woke into a religion.


AA appears quaint by comparison.

But it certainly could be construed as a stepping stone to where we are now, so I also take Oddball's point.

All that aside, if it wasn't for Trump?

Vivek would have my vote.
This is a prime example of just how stupid things have gotten.

She is touted as Harvard Educated.....which only means Harvard isn't doing a very good job.
And it’s sinking into public education: In Illinois, Evanston Township offers high-school math and English courses exclusively for black and Latino students.

The old “separate but equal” crowd claimed it served the cause of social peace; the new one argues it serves social justice — but it’s based on reducing people to their skin color, either way.

OP is a moron. In a world where you have many highly qualified and equally gifted candidates ensuring diversity in background isn’t discriminatory.

Harvard could fill up its tiny freshman class with any single demographic and they’d all be deserving. Same with the Supreme Court.
OP is a moron. In a world where you have many highly qualified and equally gifted candidates ensuring diversity in background isn’t discriminatory.

Harvard could fill up its tiny freshman class with any single demographic and they’d all be deserving. Same with the Supreme Court.
Really? Where are they?
OP is a moron. In a world where you have many highly qualified and equally gifted candidates ensuring diversity in background isn’t discriminatory.

Harvard could fill up its tiny freshman class with any single demographic and they’d all be deserving. Same with the Supreme Court.

Not that your arguments make any sense.

Using race as a selector is discrimination....pure and simple. You don't need a High School diploma to know that.

But you should go ahead and get one.

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