Vladimir Putin Asks NBC News Who Ordered the Assassination of Ashli Babbitt by the Capitol Police

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Objectivity test… from your OP “Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits.”

Exactly what disasters came from the summit. Can you be specific?
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Are you a Russian sympathizer? Sure sounds like it.
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Objectivity test… from your OP “Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits.”

Exactly what disasters came from the summit. Can you be specific?
Hannity put it best...
beginning tonight, Joe Biden's disastrous first trip abroad now entering week two and Europe's leaders, they are elated. Under Biden, there's no tough love. There's no America first. There's no accountability. There are no difficult conversations, no negotiations -- America last policies.

As Joe keeps saying America is back. America last is back. America paying the bills for the world, that's back. And president sippy cup just wants everyone to go along and get along. And as a result, the world is once again taking advantage of Biden's tremendous, clear weakness and utter stupidity.

Remember, it wasn't that long ago, President Trump -- yeah, he went to NATO. He took charge and he stood up for you, the American people and he made them uncomfortable and they had to pay their fair share.....Joe has just surrendered to AMERICA PAYING FOR THE WORLDS DEBTS AGAIN!!!
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Are you a Russian sympathizer? Sure sounds like it.
When Russia stand up for America and our feckless, dementia riddled president doesn't then YES, or are you leftists this stupid?
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Are you a Russian sympathizer? Sure sounds like it.
When Russia stand up for America and our feckless, dementia riddled president doesn't then YES, or are you leftists this stupid?
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Are you a Russian sympathizer? Sure sounds like it.
When Russia stand up for America and our feckless, dementia riddled president doesn't then YES, or are you leftists this stupid?
Yes, you are definitely MORE than just confused!
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Objectivity test… from your OP “Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits.”

Exactly what disasters came from the summit. Can you be specific?

You haven't seen the 5000 videos of brain dead Biden try to mumble out a single coherant sentence at the G7? Seriously? You must be as much of a blithering idiot as Joe.
This is what I replied on another thread about this issue

"What happens when the incurious U.S. media fails to answer a question on millions of American minds: Who killed Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and why?
It was left to Russian President Valdimir Putin to pluck this low-hanging fruit.
In an NBC interview, Putin asked: “Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?”

Putin to NBC: Did U.S. order the assassination of Ashli Babbitt?​

Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Objectivity test… from your OP “Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits.”

Exactly what disasters came from the summit. Can you be specific?
Hannity put it best...
beginning tonight, Joe Biden's disastrous first trip abroad now entering week two and Europe's leaders, they are elated. Under Biden, there's no tough love. There's no America first. There's no accountability. There are no difficult conversations, no negotiations -- America last policies.

As Joe keeps saying America is back. America last is back. America paying the bills for the world, that's back. And president sippy cup just wants everyone to go along and get along. And as a result, the world is once again taking advantage of Biden's tremendous, clear weakness and utter stupidity.

Remember, it wasn't that long ago, President Trump -- yeah, he went to NATO. He took charge and he stood up for you, the American people and he made them uncomfortable and they had to pay their fair share.....Joe has just surrendered to AMERICA PAYING FOR THE WORLDS DEBTS AGAIN!!!
Hannity put it best?!?! Hahahahahahaha say no more. That was a good one
One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo
What a nonsense. Your partisanship makes you blind. And of course you will call yourself an American conservative. What a joke.
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!

Objectivity test… from your OP “Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits.”

Exactly what disasters came from the summit. Can you be specific?

You haven't seen the 5000 videos of brain dead Biden try to mumble out a single coherant sentence at the G7? Seriously? You must be as much of a blithering idiot as Joe.
So what was the disaster?
You haven't seen the 5000 videos of brain dead Biden try to mumble out a single coherant sentence at the G7? Seriously? You must be as much of a blithering idiot as Joe.

That one pause of nearly 10 seconds was the most obvious. He was clearly being given the answer in a hidden earpiece. His silence, followed by, "the answer is" and complete tone change shows he was getting the answer and repeating what he was told.

This presidency is such a joke. As much as I hate the idea of a Harris presidency, let's just get it done; pull his ass out and put her in. This is why Pelosi wanted Congress to be able to trigger an Article 25 removal; she knew Biden was going to be president.
You haven't seen the 5000 videos of brain dead Biden try to mumble out a single coherant sentence at the G7? Seriously? You must be as much of a blithering idiot as Joe.

That one pause of nearly 10 seconds was the most obvious. He was clearly being given the answer in a hidden earpiece. His silence, followed by, "the answer is" and complete tone change shows he was getting the answer and repeating what he was told.

This presidency is such a joke. As much as I hate the idea of a Harris presidency, let's just get it done; pull his ass out and put her in. This is why Pelosi wanted Congress to be able to trigger an Article 25 removal; she knew Biden was going to be president.
I have news for you. The election was more corrupt than Jim Acoster and the entire leftist lockstep media/commie mouthpieces.

President Trump beat them so badly they called in the 3 am post election committee in several states to inflate numbers to provide the illusion that Biden won. And the lying press sealed it with excremental pooey.

Put both of those crooks out and give it to the victor, Donald John Trump.
You haven't seen the 5000 videos of brain dead Biden try to mumble out a single coherant sentence at the G7? Seriously? You must be as much of a blithering idiot as Joe.

That one pause of nearly 10 seconds was the most obvious. He was clearly being given the answer in a hidden earpiece. His silence, followed by, "the answer is" and complete tone change shows he was getting the answer and repeating what he was told.

This presidency is such a joke. As much as I hate the idea of a Harris presidency, let's just get it done; pull his ass out and put her in. This is why Pelosi wanted Congress to be able to trigger an Article 25 removal; she knew Biden was going to be president.
Harris is going to go down first-----so biden can put whoever the real next president will be and then he will resign.
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!


I thought Putin was smarer than this?

Who is the author that he/she is so stupid they still don't know anything about Keystone xl or Nordstream 2.
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!


I thought Putin was smarer than this?

Who is the author that he/she is so stupid they still don't know anything about Keystone xl or Nordstream 2.
Putin just bitched slap all of america with that comment Sureda...................he just showed that America no longer has the moral highground to condemn anyone else about murdering its people.....
Red State ^ | 06/15/2021

Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC News for his first on-camera interview with a western news agency in more than three years.

Putin avoided public commentary during much of the Trump Administration, but less than six months into the Biden Administration he came out swinging at Biden and the US on a host of issues.

Putin spoke for nearly an hour and a half as Biden met with the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, from which Russia was suspended in 2014 after it annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.
This interview was carefully orchestrated by Putin to follow along after Biden’s disastrous public appearances at the G7 and NATO Summits. Putin was not going to allow any demonstration of “unity” coming out of Biden’s first foreign trip to be the only press story ahead of his meetings with Biden.

For the most part defiant, and in some instances just plain trolling the Biden Administration, Putin showed the citizens of this country, using NBC News, why it is he’s going to wipe the floor with addle-minded Joe Biden as long as he remains in the White House.

“Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Mr Putin said, referring to Ashli Babbitt, a California woman who died during the riot after being shot by a member of US Capitol Police, who was cleared of wrongdoing in her death.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands,” said Mr Putin.
The US, he reasoned, was guilty of the same intolerance for political dissent as his government has been accused of harbouring.

Putting aside for the moment his reference to the death of Ashli Babbitt, his broader point regarding January 6 being a political protest that Democrats have demonized for political advantage is not inaccurate. Yes, some number of individuals — mixed in with the thousands there only to protest — came to the Capitol on January 6 prepared to undertake violent action if the opportunity presented itself. But the vast majority were there only to make their voices heard and demand action from their elected representatives. You can agree or disagree with whether what they were demanding was lawful, unlawful, constitutional, unconstitutional, or extra-constitutional — but they were there to make demands on their government as was their right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But the Democrats and the press have wrongfully categorized the entirety of the protest activity on January 6 as part of an effort to subvert the newly elected government. The Biden DOJ has painted all in attendance with a broad brush in its public comments about January 6, rather than carefully distinguishing those who were present to commit violent crimes from those there to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Putin understands this and will continue to use it to his political advantage by blunting complaints from the Biden Administration about his actions both in Russia and surrounding countries.

More from Putin’s interview:

Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.
“We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.”
Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.
No doubt the press and Democrats will seize upon his words of praise for Trump but once again Putin is merely trolling both. The context of his comments, and what he says about Biden makes it clear that Putin is happy to see Trump gone as Biden is someone Putin believes will be much easier to manipulate and/or ignore.

More than once, Biden has recounted how he told Putin to his face that he doesn’t “have a soul” during a Kremlin visit in 2011 when he was vice president.
“I do not remember this particular part of our conversations,” Putin said when he was asked about the characterization.
Asked what he thought of Biden, Putin said he was a professional and suggested that he could work with him.
“He has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics,” he said.
“Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Otherwise he would not have become U.S. president,” Putin said. “He is a colorful individual.”
But he also stressed the need for “predictability and stability” in Russia’s relationship with the U.S., adding, “This is something we haven’t seen in recent years.”

Keep in mind what I noted at the start — this is Putin’s first interview with a US news organization since 2018. He quit speaking in public during the Trump Administration because President Trump was not shy about responding bluntly and in public to things Putin said or did.

Now he’s taken the measure of the Biden Administration — and he’s happy for the change. He can “work with” Biden, and he’s free to speak out in public without fear of meaningful rebuke or repercussions from the feckless foreign policy team now in charge.

After all, he got Nordstream 2 approved and the Keystone XL pipeline shut down. Energy prices are high, and energy products are the No. 1 export from Russia to the world that keeps the Russian economy afloat.

Putin is going to say whatever he wants to say safe in the knowledge that Biden is unable to formulate or articulate anything other than a rehearsed response. There is no one else of any meaningful political stature in the Biden Administration — certainly not Kamala Harris — who can challenge him on the world stage. The only individual with that stature would be former President Obama.

But if Obama steps forward to engage Putin one-on-one, that only underscores the fact that Biden is unable to do so himself.

It has already been announced that Biden and Putin will not appear together before the press.

A more important question might be whether Biden appears before the press at all to discuss his talks with Putin.


One has to wonder if the Russian President isn't MORE FOR FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY than dementia Jojo!!!


I thought Putin was smarer than this?

Who is the author that he/she is so stupid they still don't know anything about Keystone xl or Nordstream 2.
Putin just bitched slap all of america with that comment Sureda...................he just showed that America no longer has the moral highground to condemn anyone else about murdering its people.....

Ashli's death was unfortunate.. but that kind of thing happens with hysterical mobs.

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