Vote the way I Vote or else

She is doing what GOP and Trump have been doing for year

Don’t like it but she is fighting fire with fire...

Who do you think came up with the word RINO?
'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'
If it were me being threatened, I would vote AGAINST every Dem policy going forward and when I saw her in the halls I would smile and remind her and/or let her know how I was voting on that day.

"How you like that? See you at the next Primaries".

Don't threaten people, don't bully people, don't try to control people. It's like the old saying about a dog who barks all day because he's tied up in the backyard, and when you take him off his leash, he sits in the same spot quietly anyways.

It's about principle...
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If it were me being threatened, I would vote AGAINST every Dem policy going forward and when I saw her in the halls I would smile and remind her and/or let her know how I was voting on that day.

"How you like that? See you at the next Primaries".

Don't threaten people, don't bully people, don't try to control people. It's like the old saying about a dog who barks all day because he's tied up in the backyard, and when you take it off his leash, he sits in the same spot quietly anyways.

It's about principle...

Those people don't have the same mindset as you..I'd be surprised if more than 3 out of all of them do.
Principles? These people are elected Democrats.
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Those people don't have the same mindset as you..I'd be surprised if more than 3 out of all of them do.
Principles? These people are elected Democrats.

Come on, man, today's modern democrats have an extremely strong principle they follow -- create a sense of victimization based upon identity and then pander to that identity.
Just like the Trumpsters attack moderate Republicans as RINOs and The Swamp.

The narcissistic nutters in control of the parties just love to think they have all the answers.

Tom DeLay and Dennis Hastert were doing this before Pelosi and AOC or Trump or Obama...
If it were me being threatened, I would vote AGAINST every Dem policy going forward and when I saw her in the halls I would smile and remind her and/or let her know how I was voting on that day.

"How you like that? See you at the next Primaries".

Don't threaten people, don't bully people, don't try to control people. It's like the old saying about a dog who barks all day because he's tied up in the backyard, and when you take it off his leash, he sits in the same spot quietly anyways.

It's about principle...

Those people don't have the same mindset as you..I'd be surprised if more than 3 out of all of them do.
Principles? These people are elected Democrats.

I think there are principled Democrats who aren't drinking from the socialist kool-aid. You can even look at a guy like Manchin, who may be playing politics, but he's openly defiant. Nothing wrong with a Maverick if they are doing so on principle. Even some GOP who vote against the Emergency Trump called, they can at least support their argument based on principle, even if I think that the President is right and you re facing a serious emergency at your border.

People are most dangerous when they are threatened. Yes, most will cower, but some will say "f it, let's get it on" and the Mystique of AOC will be crushed forever.
This story is far more interesting when you know what prompted the closed door meeting...

So, as I have posted in two other threads on this topic...

Triggering the blowup was Wednesday's votes on a bill to expand federal background checks for gun purchases. Twenty-six moderate Democrats joined Republicans in amending the legislation, adding a provision requiring that ICE be notified if an undocumented immigrant seeks to purchase a gun.

House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates

An illegal alien breaking another law and they don't want them reported...
So far all I've heard here is "that's the way it is". but should we the people accept it? shouldn't we want better?
This story is far more interesting when you know what prompted the closed door meeting...

So, as I have posted in two other threads on this topic...

Triggering the blowup was Wednesday's votes on a bill to expand federal background checks for gun purchases. Twenty-six moderate Democrats joined Republicans in amending the legislation, adding a provision requiring that ICE be notified if an undocumented immigrant seeks to purchase a gun.

House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates

An illegal alien breaking another law and they don't want them reported...

So it seems to me we now have a 4 party political system, repub moderates, dem moderates, alt left and alt right. I am afraid the alts of these parties will win sometime in the very near future. This next election just may be the first time I I leave the box for President empty. I see no one today (could change) worth my time. I will vote for every other category just not President.
This story is far more interesting when you know what prompted the closed door meeting...

So, as I have posted in two other threads on this topic...

Triggering the blowup was Wednesday's votes on a bill to expand federal background checks for gun purchases. Twenty-six moderate Democrats joined Republicans in amending the legislation, adding a provision requiring that ICE be notified if an undocumented immigrant seeks to purchase a gun.

House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates

An illegal alien breaking another law and they don't want them reported...

So it seems to me we now have a 4 party political system, repub moderates, dem moderates, alt left and alt right. I am afraid the alts of these parties will win sometime in the very near future. This next election just may be the first time I I leave the box for President empty. I see no one today (could change) worth my time. I will vote for every other category just not President.

This next election just may be the first time I I leave the box for President empty.

I'm starting to make a habit of it.

too many crooks in the races
After Obamacare the left fed the Blue Dogs to the wolves............And they lost in MASS...............leaving the only voices of some kind of reason in that party gone. Now it's you will do as I say or else we'll do with you as we did the Blue Dogs.

Time for them to go independent..................and flip the bird to Pelosi......or accept the fate that awaits them.

If they don't resist this..........then they weren't worth a damn to begin with...........Either way they are not right of center anyway to me.........whatever happens to them...........I really don't care.
There was a time when our representatives in Washington voted for what was best for the country as a whole. Now they vote for what is best for their respective parties.

That statement may not be true, but I'd like to think it is...
So far all I've heard here is "that's the way it is". but should we the people accept it? shouldn't we want better?

Remember Napoleon's words..."Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake."

The Dems recaptured the House by electing 30 moderates to the House. Folks giving speeches and promising to govern the American way.

The Dems are now calling attention to the fact that 26 peeled off and voted for how their electorate wanted them to vote. Those Dems that
voted for their people back home are being ridiculed and threatened. Now the people back home will pay attention to every vote.those
Moderates make and if they cave to the Socialists, they can kiss 2020 goodbye.

This already happened twice when Dems sided with Clinton's first term nonsense and Obama's ACA. The GOP cleaned up in the

Let that Puerto Rican grease ball continue her ranting, because those folks in those moderate districts will bolt from the Dem quicker
than how Amazon bolted from NYC.

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