Voters in Liberal Professions Turning Conservative

The problem with the Democrats is the dishonesty. Spending trillions will create inflation. Biden lies about not knowing about Hunter's dealing with China and the mayor of Moscow. Cuomo lied about sending Covid patients into nursing homes to avoid Trump's medic ships. George Floyd was a fentanyl ridden check passer. Black Lives Master is a Marxist front group. Defunding the Police is stupid. Trump did not collude with Russia. Opening the borders floods the country with cheap labor to take our jobs.

If journalists would get honest, if the political types were not so transparently lying to themselves, people would not hold them in such contempt.
Amazing what the Trump cult believe... Look at the way they don't question the information they are receiving...

Got laugh that his handle is "FreeThink"....
It happens. Most of my democratic friends have become increasingly irritated with the DNC in recent years. I just tossed the party and all its candidates in the trash heap other than voting in their primaries. Voted Bernie/Stein time before last; Voted Bloomberg/Trump last time. Cannot even recall last time I voted for a democrat in any of the other races. I would have voted for Howie but the dumbass couldn't even get a proper petition submitted in my state.

I think Democrats are not only losing politically, but I think the Left is losing the culture. For two reasons:

1. Woke
2. Covid

When your people are either screeching liberals lecturing you about their pronouns or mid-60s Karens screaming through their double are vastly uncool. Stunningly uncool.

They now use celebrities to tout the message "STAY SAFE". From a COLD virus.

They've lost the culture.
I think Democrats are not only losing politically, but I think the Left is losing the culture. For two reasons:

1. Woke
2. Covid

When your people are either screeching liberals lecturing you about their pronouns or mid-60s Karens screaming through their double are vastly uncool. Stunningly uncool.

They now use celebrities to tout the message "STAY SAFE". From a COLD virus.

They've lost the culture.

That is part of it. The brazen arrogance is a big part of it as well.
I think Democrats are not only losing politically, but I think the Left is losing the culture. For two reasons:

1. Woke
2. Covid

When your people are either screeching liberals lecturing you about their pronouns or mid-60s Karens screaming through their double are vastly uncool. Stunningly uncool.

They now use celebrities to tout the message "STAY SAFE". From a COLD virus.

They've lost the culture.

Well not all Democrats are the same... A lot of people voted Democrats because only reason Trump wasn't more dangerous because he was incompetent....

As you objection to 'Woke'... To be woke is to be aware, to possess knowledge of what has happened.... So are you trying to be wilfully ignorant?

COVID... It killed 600k Americans... Go campaign on how it doesn't matter...
It's a shame none of what you said can be supported by evidence. But that's normal for the haters.
Inflation is highest since 1992.

There is videotape of Biden lying about not knowing about Hunter's dealing with China and the mayor of Moscow.

Videotape of Cuomo lying about his having not sent Covid patients into nursing homes to avoid Trump's medic ships.

The autopsy report stated that George Floyd was sprung on respiration suppressing fentanyl.
The police never charged him, but there is a record of the store owner calling in a check passer.

The leader of Black Lives Master tweeted that she was a pro Cuban Marxist.

Defunding the Police is stupid. This is intuitively true, in that crime statistics in the large cities which defunded the police has skyrocketed.

According to the Senate, Trump did not collude with Russia.

Opening the borders floods the country with 188,829 illegals in June alone. They willwork as construction workers, carpenters, sheetrock installers, tree trimmers, and utility workers, taking jobs away from Memphians.
Inflation is highest since 1992.

There is videotape of Biden lying about not knowing about Hunter's dealing with China and the mayor of Moscow.

Videotape of Cuomo lying about his having not sent Covid patients into nursing homes to avoid Trump's medic ships.

The autopsy report stated that George Floyd was sprung on respiration suppressing fentanyl.
The police never charged him, but there is a record of the store owner calling in a check passer.

The leader of Black Lives Master tweeted that she was a pro Cuban Marxist.

Defunding the Police is stupid. This is intuitively true, in that crime statistics in the large cities which defunded the police has skyrocketed.

According to the Senate, Trump did not collude with Russia.

Opening the borders floods the country with 188,829 illegals in June alone. They willwork as construction workers, carpenters, sheetrock installers, tree trimmers, and utility workers, taking jobs away from Memphians.

Does that prove Joe is illegitimate president?
The point is you are still raving about that bullshit and it's totally irrelevant to the election result.
All the scandals you dug up came to nothing. You have no evidence that would stand up in court.
You have nothing. Just a bitter twisted lying Republican. Is that clear.
I see your conservative porn star and raise you one Tom Brady ridiculing Trump.

psst: pornstars aren't necessarily political.
Glad you think it's funny when your Democratic party loses voters.
Sorry but GOP is the party that is loosing more members...

Everyday we see Trumpsters hunting them out of the party... GOP is becoming purity party for trump, it is all Trump or fuck off...

Ye can't see it but this is how a authoritarian dictator sets up his support.. GOP either wakes up or they will have a party who won't respect the democratic process... They have already started... They are vilifying there own who doesn't give the answers they want...
Sorry but GOP is the party that is loosing more members...

Everyday we see Trumpsters hunting them out of the party... GOP is becoming purity party for trump, it is all Trump or fuck off...

Ye can't see it but this is how a authoritarian dictator sets up his support.. GOP either wakes up or they will have a party who won't respect the democratic process... They have already started... They are vilifying there own who doesn't give the answers they want...

Their blatant bitter hatred for anything they feel is a threat is breathtaking. They ostracized them hoping for a authoritarianism dictatorship like north Korea but forget the democracy bit.
They have complete intolerance to questioning their motives. Brain dead.
I find it funny that no one mentioned how Brandy Love was attacked by her so-called fellow conservatives.....

Some of these faux-conservatives whine about being a shrinking party but whine even more at any attempts to grow the party....

Charlie Kirk and TPUSA should be finished after this but they won't because Conservatives gonna cult...


Does that prove Joe is illegitimate president?
The point is you are still raving about that bullshit and it's totally irrelevant to the election result.
All the scandals you dug up came to nothing. You have no evidence that would stand up in court.
You have nothing. Just a bitter twisted lying Republican. Is that clear.
I did not claim that Biden had not been elected. His dementia is advancing. What I meant was that his policies are disastrous for the American working class.

I think the Democrats and Republicans have switched traditional places.

Biden was supported by billionaires like Bezos (Amazon, Wash Post), Dorsey (Twitter), Mrs. Jobs (Apple), Google (Youtube), Coca-Cola, Delta, MLB, Nike, Oprah, etc. and the "Deep State" inside the bureaucracy. Biden tried to give money to every race except white. This was racist.

Trump was not a politician. He was a businessman, who reached out to the "forgotten man". The industrial Northeasthas been gutted by globalisation. Trump wanted to bring jobs back. He faced down Mexico and China to stem the trade imbalance and job loss to these countries. Energy independence was important to the working man, who drives to work, or drives a truck. Increased energy prices are just passed on the the price of goods. Biden killed the XLPipeline for ideoloogical reasons. This destroyed our energy independence.

Trump was criticized for Russian collusion, which was bogus, but Democrat Eric Swalwell actually colluded sexually with a girl named FangFang from China.
I did not claim that Biden had not been elected. His dementia is advancing. What I meant was that his policies are disastrous for the American working class.

I think the Democrats and Republicans have switched traditional places.

Biden was supported by billionaires like Bezos (Amazon, Wash Post), Dorsey (Twitter), Mrs. Jobs (Apple), Google (Youtube), Coca-Cola, Delta, MLB, Nike, Oprah, etc. and the "Deep State" inside the bureaucracy. Biden tried to give money to every race except white. This was racist.

Trump was not a politician. He was a businessman, who reached out to the "forgotten man". The industrial Northeasthas been gutted by globalisation. Trump wanted to bring jobs back. He faced down Mexico and China to stem the trade imbalance and job loss to these countries. Energy independence was important to the working man, who drives to work, or drives a truck. Increased energy prices are just passed on the the price of goods. Biden killed the XLPipeline for ideoloogical reasons. This destroyed our energy independence.

Trump was criticized for Russian collusion, which was bogus, but Democrat Eric Swalwell actually colluded sexually with a girl named FangFang from China.

You can invent all the scenarios you want and it's water off a ducks back.
The other propaganda is embroidery.
But if you get a warm inner glow from criticising him, knock yourself out.
It didn't affect the election result and to continue it is making you look stupid.
You can invent all the scenarios you want and it's water off a ducks back.
The other propaganda is embroidery.
But if you get a warm inner glow from criticising him, knock yourself out.
It didn't affect the election result and to continue it is making you look stupid.
Wait for the Midterm election. Pelosi will lose her job. The Republicans will regain both houses of Congress and stop this "woke" nonsense in its tracks.
Wait for the Midterm election. Pelosi will lose her job. The Republicans will regain both houses of Congress and stop this "woke" nonsense in its tracks.

Wishful thinking son. There's no evidence of that but your delusions.
I've heard the Pelosi thing for 30 years and she's still there.

Republicans are now dead. Trump made sure of that and while ever you loopies belch about stolen elections and trumps return, you just as well be in Siberia if you think that's relevant.
How will be the POTUS for as long as he wants. Get over it you sook.

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