Voters in Liberal Professions Turning Conservative

Tossing a few RINOs to the curb needed to be done. Trump grew the GOP in 2016 and he will find a way to do it again.

He did not grow them. They were always there but yearned for a dictator to implement their hatreds and fascist policies. Just like you.
Trump brought new voters to the GOP in 2016. Nobody can deny that.

Again, he did not. They were always conservative voters but never voted.
Same with the liberal voters last year for Biden. Have a look at the numbers .
But it's not enough to swing an election because those who voted him out were republicans who changed their mind.
You have to convince them to switch back and at the moment it would be easier to push a chain.
Dream on sheep.
How interesting, voters in typically liberal professions are becoming conservative and supporting Republican politicians.

---Brandi Love is a 14-time AVN and XBiz-nominated adult entertainer. Born in Plymouth, Michigan, she attended college at Central Michigan University and currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina.---

Brandi writes for The Federalist.

What took them so long to realize "progressives" are not liberal?

Sorry PROGS, really I am, but parroting, pronounced glasses, purple hair and attitude doesn't make you liberal, nor do liberal definitions because they're always on the move, know what I mean?

Nor does 24/7 propaganda and fucking up our systems.
The election was free and honest.
Here's what progressives think they could be. Turns out they're exactly right, but it's a twist, because they're behind the lyrics, not the artist.
Wishful thinking son. There's no evidence of that but your delusions.
I've heard the Pelosi thing for 30 years and she's still there.

Republicans are now dead. Trump made sure of that and while ever you loopies belch about stolen elections and trumps return, you just as well be in Siberia if you think that's relevant.
How will be the POTUS for as long as he wants. Get over it you sook.
The Dems have pushed it too far to the left. Open Borders, Killing the XL Pipeline, Politicizing the Military. Trying to give money the every race except White. Frankly, bankrupting my grandkids with massive spendingthat can never be paid back. The voters in the Midterm will reject all that and toss the House and the Senate.
The Dems have pushed it too far to the left. Open Borders, Killing the XL Pipeline, Politicizing the Military. Trying to give money the every race except White. Frankly, bankrupting my grandkids with massive spendingthat can never be paid back. The voters in the Midterm will reject all that and toss the House and the Senate.

Again. Wishful thinking and you have no evidence. The republicans who changed there vote to oust trump will need to be convinced of that b before they change. They wouldn't have done it if they thought of your communist scaremongering.

You never complained about trump gifting a trillion to wall street. Don't give me that shit about paying the debt.
You don't care one bit about it nor will it ever be repaid.
They're pathetic excuses when you attempt to speak for millions voters who you don't know what they're thinking.
Because there was fraud.

Fraud? Prove it! No one else can!

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that.
Again. Wishful thinking and you have no evidence. The republicans who changed there vote to oust trump will need to be convinced of that b before they change. They wouldn't have done it if they thought of your communist scaremongering.

You never complained about trump gifting a trillion to wall street. Don't give me that shit about paying the debt.
You don't care one bit about it nor will it ever be repaid.
They're pathetic excuses when you attempt to speak for millions voters who you don't know what they're thinking.
Biden opened the borders and let hundreds of thousands of illegals in the country. Now, Biden is backtracking on "Expedited Removal" of some illegals, because of the massive amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the country across the open border.

Prices by way of inflation are a tax on every single citizen. If voters vote their pocket books, Biden will have his hat handed to him in the Midterms.

Crime is a sore topic for Democrats. They chanted "Defund the Police" and some even advocated abolishing the police and prisons. These are fundamentally crazy ideas. We need to disarm the gangbangers, instead of defunding the police.
Biden opened the borders and let hundreds of thousands of illegals in the country. Now, Biden is backtracking on "Expedited Removal" of some illegals, because of the massive amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the country across the open border.

Prices by way of inflation are a tax on every single citizen. If voters vote their pocket books, Biden will have his hat handed to him in the Midterms.

Crime is a sore topic for Democrats. They chanted "Defund the Police" and some even advocated abolishing the police and prisons. These are fundamentally crazy ideas. We need to disarm the gangbangers, instead of defunding the police.
Thank you for your invaluable advice. I had no indication thise situations existed. I pass all that on as it's excess to my requirements. My paranoia medication is working.

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