Voters See More Hatred In The Country Since Trump Was Elected

Lol, look at all the right wing retards rushing in to say the left has been more hateful. Shall I post the list of right wing Trump supporters getting violent and commtting hate crimes across the country? Trump supporters are the most angry, hateful, and violent pieces of shit I've ever seen.

I urge you to go back and re-read your posts and see if you come to the same conclusion.
The fact is that both sides are ugly and hateful. Trump has tried to intimidate and bully anyone who stands up to him and his followers go along. They get called all sorts of vile names and get death threats. A ND Republican made a stupid remark about Democrat women wearing white during the State of the Union. A Florida minister called his attendance at the Trump rally in Florida frightening. After reciting the Lord's Prayer and holding what amounted to a rally with religious overtones, 2 hecklers spoke out. The crowd gathered around them and attacked them. The minister moved to protect them from the crowd and was not seriously injured thanks to a sign he held. His daughter was in tears. These are people who were reciting the Lord's Prayer.

Never heard of the story, so let me get this straight: You're saying that a minister had a rally, two Democrat troublemakers tried to start a problem, and the people got pissed and attacked the hecklers, so it's not the hecklers fault, it's the people who the hecklers offended?

That's because you haven't been to church! Come to church, my child. Let us pray.

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If snowflakes weren't so hateful and violent Americans would see far less hatred and violence.
No thanks. I associate attitudes like that with hilariously paranoid pussies. I prefer caution, not abject fear.

It's actually not fear. It's simple common sense. When the shit hits the fan, cops are rarely immediately available to fix things. Therefore we must be prepared to protect ourselves in the interim until emergency services arrive.

There's a difference between going looking for a fight and simply being prepared if one comes to you. I do the later of the two. I'm not a,Wolf, but I refuse to be prey for the wolves.

Assuming that everyone is a threat isn't common sense, it's a mental disorder.
Snowflakes mistake some of their hatred for genuine butt-hurt. They're mostly a spineless weed who can't get over the election results. What makes it worse is time after time they're proven to be wrong and erratic. Perhaps losing has become a part of their comfort zone. At some point you'd think they'd figure their shit out.
Assuming that everyone is a threat isn't common sense, it's a mental disorder.

Please show me one person (other than myself) whose entire focus in life is the betterment of MY life. That's the only person I can truly trust. People are out there for themselves, and therefore cannot be trusted.
Assuming that everyone is a threat isn't common sense, it's a mental disorder.

Please show me one person (other than myself) whose entire focus in life is the betterment of MY life. That's the only person I can truly trust. People are out there for themselves, and therefore cannot be trusted.

Just because someone isn't working to improve your life doesn't mean that they're a threat.
The American Left, yes people just like Lakhota et al, perpetuate, further and perpetrate hatred at extremely high levels. They will not enjoy what happens if they continue or escalate.
The fact is that both sides are ugly and hateful. Trump has tried to intimidate and bully anyone who stands up to him and his followers go along. They get called all sorts of vile names and get death threats. A ND Republican made a stupid remark about Democrat women wearing white during the State of the Union. A Florida minister called his attendance at the Trump rally in Florida frightening. After reciting the Lord's Prayer and holding what amounted to a rally with religious overtones, 2 hecklers spoke out. The crowd gathered around them and attacked them. The minister moved to protect them from the crowd and was not seriously injured thanks to a sign he held. His daughter was in tears. These are people who were reciting the Lord's Prayer.

Never heard of the story, so let me get this straight: You're saying that a minister had a rally, two Democrat troublemakers tried to start a problem, and the people got pissed and attacked the hecklers, so it's not the hecklers fault, it's the people who the hecklers offended?

I would expect some Christian charity. Trump wants to use religion at his rally yet his supporters act in a most un-Christian like manner at the rally. I'll bet those people spoke the Lord's Prayer yet they act like the moneychangers that Jesus from the Temple.

Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience | RedState
Even a lot of Republicans agree.

Most Americans believe that hatred and prejudice has risen in the country since President Donald Trump’s election, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Thursday.

Sixty-three percent of voters said the level of hatred and prejudice has increased, compared to 32 percent who said it hasn’t changed and 2 percent who said it has decreased.

Democrats were the most likely to see a negative impact, with 84 percent saying hostility has increased. Republicans were more divided, with a surprisingly high 42 percent agreeing that hatred has risen and 49 percent saying it hasn’t changed. The views of independents were almost identical to those of all registered voters.


More: Voters See More Hatred In The Country Since Trump Was Elected

I agree - based on personal observations in my community and media feedback. BTW, Quinnipiac is a reliable polling source.

"Bring a gun to a knife fight", "reward your friends, punish your enemies".
Just because someone isn't working to improve your life doesn't mean that they're a threat.

They are a POTENTIAL threat, since what's best for them may not be what's best for me. Therefore they must be treated as a threat until proven otherwise.
The fact is that both sides are ugly and hateful. Trump has tried to intimidate and bully anyone who stands up to him and his followers go along. They get called all sorts of vile names and get death threats. A ND Republican made a stupid remark about Democrat women wearing white during the State of the Union. A Florida minister called his attendance at the Trump rally in Florida frightening. After reciting the Lord's Prayer and holding what amounted to a rally with religious overtones, 2 hecklers spoke out. The crowd gathered around them and attacked them. The minister moved to protect them from the crowd and was not seriously injured thanks to a sign he held. His daughter was in tears. These are people who were reciting the Lord's Prayer.

Never heard of the story, so let me get this straight: You're saying that a minister had a rally, two Democrat troublemakers tried to start a problem, and the people got pissed and attacked the hecklers, so it's not the hecklers fault, it's the people who the hecklers offended?

I would expect some Christian charity. Trump wants to use religion at his rally yet his supporters act in a most un-Christian like manner at the rally. I'll bet those people spoke the Lord's Prayer yet they act like the moneychangers that Jesus from the Temple.

Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience | RedState

I see, so to you, Christianity is being able to take abuse and never fight back? Here's an idea, why don't those troublemakers practice Christianity instead?

Christianity teaches us to fight evil at every turn, and the most evil people in our country are liberals and Democrats. They side with evil on every single issue.

Liberals support killing babies over killing murderers in prison. They side with terrorists over our military. They side with criminals over our police. They side with disarming the innocent so the criminals can have the advantage. They side with taking the word of God out of our society instead of promoting it. They side with government dependency over personal responsibility. They side with single-parent families over two-parent families.

Christianity is fighting evil--not pandering or accepting it.
Even a lot of Republicans agree.

Most Americans believe that hatred and prejudice has risen in the country since President Donald Trump’s election, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Thursday.

Sixty-three percent of voters said the level of hatred and prejudice has increased, compared to 32 percent who said it hasn’t changed and 2 percent who said it has decreased.

Democrats were the most likely to see a negative impact, with 84 percent saying hostility has increased. Republicans were more divided, with a surprisingly high 42 percent agreeing that hatred has risen and 49 percent saying it hasn’t changed. The views of independents were almost identical to those of all registered voters.


More: Voters See More Hatred In The Country Since Trump Was Elected

I agree - based on personal observations in my community and media feedback. BTW, Quinnipiac is a reliable polling source.

Unless the reason you know is because you've been shot.

Time for racists to at least sorta be in the closet again.

If I get shot it's because I was stupid enough to trust someone. That's a mistake I rarely make.

No, it's time for people to give up the PC garbage and actually sort out who and what American society really is. Are we wimpy, liberal pansies or are we people who speak the Truth, even when it upsets or offends the liberal scum.

The truth is there are people who have been shot by deranged people, because of the color of their skin. It's not the first time it's happened in history, and it probably won't be the last, but people of color are feeling even less secure in their own country. And it's because we have a President who panders to racists. Oh, sorry, I meant "alt-right." Talk about PC.......
Except for the ohh so MINOR fact that 99 percent of the new angry violence and attacks are coming FROM the left not the right.
What bullshit! The desecration of Jewish cemeteries, swastikas appearing everywhere, two guys in Kansas being shot for being brown, the white nationalists rising again, Mosques being burned. The new Republican administration is focusing on kicking out foreigners, both front door and back door. That's not lefities doing all that you fucking liar. So a few windows and noses got broken in a protest. SO WHAT? Which is more destructive to this country in the long run?
And yet almost every supposed case of an attack has been a hoax perpetrated by the supposed victim.

Almost every....? Or just the ones you read about?
If I get shot it's because I was stupid enough to trust someone. That's a mistake I rarely make.

No, it's time for people to give up the PC garbage and actually sort out who and what American society really is. Are we wimpy, liberal pansies or are we people who speak the Truth, even when it upsets or offends the liberal scum.

The truth is there are people who have been shot by deranged people, because of the color of their skin. It's not the first time it's happened in history, and it probably won't be the last, but people of color are feeling even less secure in their own country. And it's because we have a President who panders to racists. Oh, sorry, I meant "alt-right." Talk about PC.......
Except for the ohh so MINOR fact that 99 percent of the new angry violence and attacks are coming FROM the left not the right.
What bullshit! The desecration of Jewish cemeteries, swastikas appearing everywhere, two guys in Kansas being shot for being brown, the white nationalists rising again, Mosques being burned. The new Republican administration is focusing on kicking out foreigners, both front door and back door. That's not lefities doing all that you fucking liar. So a few windows and noses got broken in a protest. SO WHAT? Which is more destructive to this country in the long run?
And yet almost every supposed case of an attack has been a hoax perpetrated by the supposed victim.

Almost every....? Or just the ones you read about?
You claimed I am wrong now post links to prove you are right. Shouldn't be to hard to find links to stories you claim are true.
The fact is that both sides are ugly and hateful. Trump has tried to intimidate and bully anyone who stands up to him and his followers go along. They get called all sorts of vile names and get death threats. A ND Republican made a stupid remark about Democrat women wearing white during the State of the Union. A Florida minister called his attendance at the Trump rally in Florida frightening. After reciting the Lord's Prayer and holding what amounted to a rally with religious overtones, 2 hecklers spoke out. The crowd gathered around them and attacked them. The minister moved to protect them from the crowd and was not seriously injured thanks to a sign he held. His daughter was in tears. These are people who were reciting the Lord's Prayer.

Never heard of the story, so let me get this straight: You're saying that a minister had a rally, two Democrat troublemakers tried to start a problem, and the people got pissed and attacked the hecklers, so it's not the hecklers fault, it's the people who the hecklers offended?

I would expect some Christian charity. Trump wants to use religion at his rally yet his supporters act in a most un-Christian like manner at the rally. I'll bet those people spoke the Lord's Prayer yet they act like the moneychangers that Jesus from the Temple.

Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience | RedState

I see, so to you, Christianity is being able to take abuse and never fight back? Here's an idea, why don't those troublemakers practice Christianity instead?

Christianity teaches us to fight evil at every turn, and the most evil people in our country are liberals and Democrats. They side with evil on every single issue.

Liberals support killing babies over killing murderers in prison. They side with terrorists over our military. They side with criminals over our police. They side with disarming the innocent so the criminals can have the advantage. They side with taking the word of God out of our society instead of promoting it. They side with government dependency over personal responsibility. They side with single-parent families over two-parent families.

Christianity is fighting evil--not pandering or accepting it.

Christianity does not define fighting as physically attacking people. You use religion but you do not understand it. You are exactly like the moneychangers Jesus chased out of the temple. You use religion as a excuse for your violence. There is no doubt that people are misguided but that does not make them evil. You seem to be the evil one here.

Christianity is about praying for people. Not browbeating them because you disagree with them. I would point out that the minister defended the hecklers not because he supports them but because he is a man of God.
The fact is that both sides are ugly and hateful. Trump has tried to intimidate and bully anyone who stands up to him and his followers go along. They get called all sorts of vile names and get death threats. A ND Republican made a stupid remark about Democrat women wearing white during the State of the Union. A Florida minister called his attendance at the Trump rally in Florida frightening. After reciting the Lord's Prayer and holding what amounted to a rally with religious overtones, 2 hecklers spoke out. The crowd gathered around them and attacked them. The minister moved to protect them from the crowd and was not seriously injured thanks to a sign he held. His daughter was in tears. These are people who were reciting the Lord's Prayer.

Never heard of the story, so let me get this straight: You're saying that a minister had a rally, two Democrat troublemakers tried to start a problem, and the people got pissed and attacked the hecklers, so it's not the hecklers fault, it's the people who the hecklers offended?

I would expect some Christian charity. Trump wants to use religion at his rally yet his supporters act in a most un-Christian like manner at the rally. I'll bet those people spoke the Lord's Prayer yet they act like the moneychangers that Jesus from the Temple.

Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience | RedState

I see, so to you, Christianity is being able to take abuse and never fight back? Here's an idea, why don't those troublemakers practice Christianity instead?

Christianity teaches us to fight evil at every turn, and the most evil people in our country are liberals and Democrats. They side with evil on every single issue.

Liberals support killing babies over killing murderers in prison. They side with terrorists over our military. They side with criminals over our police. They side with disarming the innocent so the criminals can have the advantage. They side with taking the word of God out of our society instead of promoting it. They side with government dependency over personal responsibility. They side with single-parent families over two-parent families.

Christianity is fighting evil--not pandering or accepting it.

Christianity does not define fighting as physically attacking people. You use religion but you do not understand it. You are exactly like the moneychangers Jesus chased out of the temple. You use religion as a excuse for your violence. There is no doubt that people are misguided but that does not make them evil. You seem to be the evil one here.

Christianity is about praying for people. Not browbeating them because you disagree with them. I would point out that the minister defended the hecklers not because he supports them but because he is a man of God.

He just didn't want violence at his event. But I have some bad news for you, Christians join our military to kill people overseas. Christians join our police force in which they have to get rough with people, hurt people, or even kill them unfortunately.

I didn't bring up religion or use it to make a point--you did. I simply responded to your claim. My understanding of religion? I come from a very religious family. My mother goes to church several times a week and would go even more if she had transportation. My sister holds Bible study at her home once a week on top of attending Catholic church. I'm not that religious myself, but I went to a Catholic school most of my childhood. As you could guess, studying religion was paramount in their curriculum. I was even an alter boy at church.

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