Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?

Because the earth is not a black/white dichotomy swimming in Blanket Generalization Fallacy?

What'd I win?
The sheriff in my town sometimes runs as a Democrat, sometimes as a Republican.

Same guy each time.

Does that blow your mind or what?
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.
People will be dying....or vote for Democrats in 2018.
They will stop at nothing to take back the house so they can impeach Trump.

And I will gladly drive to Washington just to kick their motherfucking asses.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Suggested list of top ten reasons to vote Democrat:

1). To stay ever-loyal to the party whose presidential candidate criminally paid Russia to develop a fake dossier against her opponent, suppressed other democratic candidates chances of winning their primary, worked with the DNC to get debate questions from CNN well in advance to give herself the upper edge while taking bribe money to sell our uranium to our enemies, look the other way on Iranian drug cartels selling cocaine in America to finance terrorism, conspired to steal thousands of government secrets onto her private server for profit then destroyed the evidence with the help of the FBI and DOJ, and left Americans to die in Libya to cover up her illegal activities.

2). To stop Americans from keeping more of their money.

3). Because Barack Obama said that American would never again have a 3% growth rate and should be happy with 1.5%. Current rate of growth, over 3%.

4). To allow our healthcare system to continue to slide into oblivion.

5). To prevent us from rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure.

6). To let the other half of our military fall into disrepair even as we face looming threats on at least 2-3 fronts.

7). To make sure that enough illegals sneak into America to vote democrat that we no longer have even a two-party system.

8). To put America last.

9). Drive even more corporations and trillions of their dollars out of the country due to over-regulation and heinous tax confiscation.

10). Because their local union shop steward told them to.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Excellent list. Here is the catch all for 'other': I think style and PC is more important than actual positive results for America.
After what we’ve learned about the democrats, there is no way I could vote for one.

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