Voting for 'Trump' because 'Duck' isn't an option?

Do you think many people support "Trump" because "Duck" isn't an option?

  • Total voters
...the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

"brain trust" ?? that leaves out all liberfools/demorats!!! :lmao:

Maybe THAT'S why none of them are voting?

Sorry libs... didn't mean to intimidate you with that... you are free to vote in the poll whether you have brains or not. I won't discriminate! :lmao:

This post doesn't discuss the thread topic and is a flame.

Your record, Trump, is still intact. Trump. You entirely dishonest loser. Trump.
You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.

Trust me when I say that I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Nothing would make me happier than to watch every real nutbag on that stage lose their shit as the premier fake Republican grabs the top spot in your party.
your mother, I can call your sister a whore... it's all okay as long as I have posted something pertaining to the OP topic. I'm sorry if the rules are over your head, I realize you're not that bright.

You dumb fuck. try attacking family..
see what the mods think about that.

And you think you know the forum rules eh?

You are more stupid than trump.
...the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

"brain trust" ?? that leaves out all liberfools/demorats!!! :lmao:

Maybe THAT'S why none of them are voting?

Sorry libs... didn't mean to intimidate you with that... you are free to vote in the poll whether you have brains or not. I won't discriminate! :lmao:

This post doesn't discuss the thread topic and is a flame.

Your record, Trump, is still intact. Trump. You entirely dishonest loser. Trump.

Well it certainly does discuss the poll which is the thread topic. So you lose, Matlock.

What you're doing now is harassing, which is also a zone violation. We'll let the mods sort this out... lots of clean up for them to do.
Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.

Trust me when I say that I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Nothing would make me happier than to watch every real nutbag on that stage lose their shit as the premier fake Republican grabs the top spot in your party.
RIddle me this..........Is there any candidate from the GOP you would vote for over Hillary/ Answer that one honestly.
In answer to the question posed at the start. Name recognition is a first in this regard. Everyone knows Trump. Now I hated his shows and I find the Ms Universe pageant of only slight interest. Frankly I'd much rather watch Cricket. But from where I am standing Trump has two main things going for him. One is that everyone knows him and have a fuzzy feeling about him(or not). The second is that he is a communicator. The value of his message is yet to be determined but frankly many find it a BIG POSITIVE. Me? I look for SUBSTANCE so Rubio is my personal pick followed by Jed. But a Trump Presidency is really on the cards and if it does occur then it will have the best Cabinet in History!! Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy have been touted as well as Carl Icahn, so liberals will be getting plenty of gastric reflux if he stays on that path. But it will be VERY CAPABLE!! (Those who don't know me; I won't be voting. I'm from Oz).


Trump capable? Pahleeze......
Rules, shmules, what we're seeing is thread bombing to deflect from the topic.

The dems want to portray trump supporters as stupid racist knuckle-dragging morons that drool down their stained wife-beaters while watching dog fighting out by the still.

Highlighting the fact that some of this is in protest, when huge percentage of the country thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction, is exactly what they don't want. being from the 'outside' is a huge plus for trump, like him or not.

People are finally getting pissed off enough to pull their heads up and look around and what they're seeing is full-on looting of the country by special interests, aided and abetted by politicians. They're pissed off, they should be pissed off and they're flocking to trump on the right and Sanders on the left. They can't sell hilly to that particular anti-establishment voter at all so they resort to denying that this is any sort of factor at all. Politics 101.
...the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

"brain trust" ?? that leaves out all liberfools/demorats!!! :lmao:

Maybe THAT'S why none of them are voting?

Sorry libs... didn't mean to intimidate you with that... you are free to vote in the poll whether you have brains or not. I won't discriminate! :lmao:

This post doesn't discuss the thread topic and is a flame.

Your record, Trump, is still intact. Trump. You entirely dishonest loser. Trump.

Well it certainly does discuss the poll which is the thread topic. So you lose, Matlock.

What you're doing now is harassing, which is also a zone violation. We'll let the mods sort this out... lots of clean up for them to do.

Nice. You did mention the poll. You are still begging for people to choose one of your dopey options. The poll....which I am still gayand poorly conceived. As a result.....nobody cares. Douchebag.
...the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

"brain trust" ?? that leaves out all liberfools/demorats!!! :lmao:

Maybe THAT'S why none of them are voting?

Sorry libs... didn't mean to intimidate you with that... you are free to vote in the poll whether you have brains or not. I won't discriminate! :lmao:
You don't have a dick in this dawg to have a say so....
Do you admit dicking many a dawg??

In answer to the question posed at the start. Name recognition is a first in this regard. Everyone knows Trump. Now I hated his shows and I find the Ms Universe pageant of only slight interest. Frankly I'd much rather watch Cricket. But from where I am standing Trump has two main things going for him. One is that everyone knows him and have a fuzzy feeling about him(or not). The second is that he is a communicator. The value of his message is yet to be determined but frankly many find it a BIG POSITIVE. Me? I look for SUBSTANCE so Rubio is my personal pick followed by Jed. But a Trump Presidency is really on the cards and if it does occur then it will have the best Cabinet in History!! Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy have been touted as well as Carl Icahn, so liberals will be getting plenty of gastric reflux if he stays on that path. But it will be VERY CAPABLE!! (Those who don't know me; I won't be voting. I'm from Oz).


Trump capable? Pahleeze......

Say "Hillary is the best Dem Candidate" without laughing!!!!

...the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

"brain trust" ?? that leaves out all liberfools/demorats!!! :lmao:

Maybe THAT'S why none of them are voting?

Sorry libs... didn't mean to intimidate you with that... you are free to vote in the poll whether you have brains or not. I won't discriminate! :lmao:

This post doesn't discuss the thread topic and is a flame.

Your record, Trump, is still intact. Trump. You entirely dishonest loser. Trump.

Well it certainly does discuss the poll which is the thread topic. So you lose, Matlock.

What you're doing now is harassing, which is also a zone violation. We'll let the mods sort this out... lots of clean up for them to do.

Nice. You did mention the poll. You are still begging for people to choose one of your dopey options. The poll....which I am still gayand poorly conceived. As a result.....nobody cares. Douchebag.

Then you have every opportunity to give me what you think an appropriate answer would be to the question posed. I tried to cover every base... I have Yes, no, no, maybe and doubtful.... did I miss something? :dunno:
I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.

Trust me when I say that I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Nothing would make me happier than to watch every real nutbag on that stage lose their shit as the premier fake Republican grabs the top spot in your party.
RIddle me this..........Is there any candidate from the GOP you would vote for over Hillary/ Answer that one honestly.

Kasich. Last time around Jon Huntsman.
Before that McCain. Before he got older and dumber.

Repubs have and have had a couple of good interesting candidates.

But they were not bat shit crazy and had no chance.

What does that tell you about the Republican party that when they have good candidates, the good ones get no support?
In answer to the question posed at the start. Name recognition is a first in this regard. Everyone knows Trump. Now I hated his shows and I find the Ms Universe pageant of only slight interest. Frankly I'd much rather watch Cricket. But from where I am standing Trump has two main things going for him. One is that everyone knows him and have a fuzzy feeling about him(or not). The second is that he is a communicator. The value of his message is yet to be determined but frankly many find it a BIG POSITIVE. Me? I look for SUBSTANCE so Rubio is my personal pick followed by Jed. But a Trump Presidency is really on the cards and if it does occur then it will have the best Cabinet in History!! Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy have been touted as well as Carl Icahn, so liberals will be getting plenty of gastric reflux if he stays on that path. But it will be VERY CAPABLE!! (Those who don't know me; I won't be voting. I'm from Oz).


Trump capable? Pahleeze......

Say "Hillary is the best Dem Candidate" without laughing!!!!


Say it three times and click your heels together, donate 100 bucks and you get a personalized hillary broom sent directly to your door....
I was having an interesting conversation this evening and it was mentioned that someone thought the reason a lot of people were saying they planned to vote for Donald Trump is because Donald Duck isn't an option. In other words, it's kind of a "protest vote" of sorts... Politics have simply become such a joke that you may as well vote for someone like Trump, just to demonstrate the absurdity and spectacle.

I had never really considered this. I hear people passionately telling me why they support Trump and I can't really fault them for their arguments. I also hear people bashing and railing on Trump like he is the Anti-Christ or something. Other conservatives tell me that Trump isn't their first choice but they would vote for him over Hillary.... but the proposal intrigued me so I thought I would bring the question here to the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

Is there any merit to this argument that people are supporting Trump in protest and it's akin to voting for Donald Duck?
I believe its a delusion of the population to honestly believe that Trump is not a politician. He has had his hands in that cookie jar and all over that circuit for MANY years - it's a myth only exascerbated by the technicality of not having held office.
I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.

Trust me when I say that I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Nothing would make me happier than to watch every real nutbag on that stage lose their shit as the premier fake Republican grabs the top spot in your party.
RIddle me this..........Is there any candidate from the GOP you would vote for over Hillary/ Answer that one honestly.

No. Kasich comes close.....but he lost me with his Christian gestapo idea. Rand Paul comes close.....but he is a freak on labor and thinks a flat tax is a good idea. Plus....he's not all that genuine if you ask me.

Next riddle, joker.
your mother, I can call your sister a whore... it's all okay as long as I have posted something pertaining to the OP topic. I'm sorry if the rules are over your head, I realize you're not that bright.

You dumb fuck. try attacking family..
see what the mods think about that.

And you think you know the forum rules eh?

You are more stupid than trump.

I didn't attack anyone's family. I explained how the zone rules apply to this forum. I will leave this to the mods to handle because it's not my responsibility. I started a thread about Donald Trump being supported because Donald Duck isn't an option... I thought it made for an interesting discussion. I didn't realize it would be a flame magnet and I certainly didn't realize it would be a flame magnet toward me personally.

That said, I have now spent several posts addressing the violation of board rules which I shouldn't have to be doing. If you're not violating the rules you have nothing to worry about and if your post doesn't contain topic-relevant content and is simply flaming and harassing, the mods can deal with you.... I frankly don't have time for this.
I can call you every name in the book. I can insult your mother, I can call your sister a whore... it's all okay as long as

that right there is called a threat to do something. Mods do not like it when you make threats. I know from personal experience.

But feel free to find out for yourself.

t rumb sucks.
It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.

Trust me when I say that I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Nothing would make me happier than to watch every real nutbag on that stage lose their shit as the premier fake Republican grabs the top spot in your party.
RIddle me this..........Is there any candidate from the GOP you would vote for over Hillary/ Answer that one honestly.

Kasich. Last time around Jon Huntsman.
Before that McCain. Before he got older and dumber.

Repubs have and have had a couple of good interesting candidates.

But they were not bat shit crazy and had no chance.

What does that tell you about the Republican party that when they have good candidates, the good ones get no support?
We will disagree on the good candidates part. McCain front and center.

Kaisich is not bad but still establishment. He was with Newt forcing bill into the corner. Then later taking credit for what he was forced to Kaisich has acually been a part of controlling the debt.

Bat shit crazy and no a misunderstanding of the Mob rule.............give the mob what it wants and they will vote for you............which has been the Dem strategy for a long time now.

Trump could win the election because your question should be re worded...........What does that tell you about the voting public when they don't vote for the good candidates......................they wait for the most part for the media to tell them who to vote for.........they are in the stands being thrown bread will the Lion's eat the Christians......................

Trump understands the Mob he throws it bread.
It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.

Trust me when I say that I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Nothing would make me happier than to watch every real nutbag on that stage lose their shit as the premier fake Republican grabs the top spot in your party.
RIddle me this..........Is there any candidate from the GOP you would vote for over Hillary/ Answer that one honestly.

No. Kasich comes close.....but he lost me with his Christian gestapo idea. Rand Paul comes close.....but he is a freak on labor and thinks a flat tax is a good idea. Plus....he's not all that genuine if you ask me.

Next riddle, joker.
Your answer was would never vote for a GOP candidate.......thus you answered the riddle even though you danced................Your strategy is to attack ANY CANDIDATE from the GOP..........and stay away from the horrible record of LYING and abuse of power from your side..............I understand this tactic..........because you have used it for decades.

Riddle me have had Dems who want the VAT here.........say it isn't so..........but only if it's just another tax.........Your side agrees with more taxation......Rand Paul's plan and strategy is a 14.5% VAT..............Cruz's plan is 16%.........................Your side favors more taxes.........Hillary favors more taxes................Riddle me this.................what is your answer to taxation........and does it hold water to your side's candidates?
your mother, I can call your sister a whore... it's all okay as long as I have posted something pertaining to the OP topic. I'm sorry if the rules are over your head, I realize you're not that bright.

You dumb fuck. try attacking family..
see what the mods think about that.

And you think you know the forum rules eh?

You are more stupid than trump.

I didn't attack anyone's family. I explained how the zone rules apply to this forum. I will leave this to the mods to handle because it's not my responsibility. I started a thread about Donald Trump being supported because Donald Duck isn't an option... I thought it made for an interesting discussion. I didn't realize it would be a flame magnet and I certainly didn't realize it would be a flame magnet toward me personally.

That said, I have now spent several posts addressing the violation of board rules which I shouldn't have to be doing. If you're not violating the rules you have nothing to worry about and if your post doesn't contain topic-relevant content and is simply flaming and harassing, the mods can deal with you.... I frankly don't have time for this.

Clearly, Trump, you do have time for it. Donald Duck.

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