Voting for 'Trump' because 'Duck' isn't an option?

Do you think many people support "Trump" because "Duck" isn't an option?

  • Total voters
People are sick of the establishment. That the lefties want to downplay this is no shock, as they're pushing the establishment poster child, but there's little, if any doubt that some people are flipping the bird at Washington.
Make up your mind dude. Obama won, twice, by getting the requisite number of electoral votes.

Obama was qualified to be President under your own criteria.


No, he was DEEMED qualified but I don't believe he was qualified and I don't think you've made an argument for his qualifications.

Of the remaining contenders for the GOP nomination, Obama had roughly the same experience as Rubio, Cruz, and Paul. So by definition, they are not qualified. Trump, Fiorina, and Carson have no experience in government so they are not qualified. That leaves Christie, Bush, Santorum, and Kasich as supposed qualified persons.

You're qualified if you meet the constitutional mandates. Its up to the voters to place values on what you've done. They've deemed Obama qualified twice.

Well we probably have birth certificates, college transcripts and documented past on all those candidates so that puts them light years ahead of Obama in terms of qualifications.

Again... this is MY opinion and reality remains that the only real qualification is 270 electoral votes.

So,,a brain dead inbred could win? like the Bush family....
No; your bias is pathetic and ridiculous. All the Bush family are excellent in regards to their intelligence though I do fin Jeb a bit less Conservative than I like. I don't think Jeb would be in a Trump Cabinet but you never know. Personally I consider Bernie preferable to Hillary. At least Bernie isn't a liar even though his policies are laughable.

Reagan was no conservative and neither was any of the Bush boys, you're just kidding yourself..They were also liberals....GBjr the most...All politicians lie and as do all humans...
People are sick of the establishment. That the lefties want to downplay this is no shock, as they're pushing the establishment poster child, but there's little, if any doubt that some people are flipping the bird at Washington.
Which poster child, Hillary? It's time for the pasture on this one along with the Bush clan........
People are sick of the establishment. That the lefties want to downplay this is no shock, as they're pushing the establishment poster child, but there's little, if any doubt that some people are flipping the bird at Washington.
Which poster child, Hillary? It's time for the pasture on this one along with the Bush clan........

Yep. And yep.
And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.
Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame ando be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.
This post doesn't comply, please report it, and anything you have to say about Trump running for president better be complimentary or else, it will be reported...Trump has zero experience and therefore zero credibility that he has what it takes to be a president with a huge comb over....

No, you need to read the forum rules again. My post does meet the criteria.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

This qualifies it. All I have to do is discuss something pertaining to the OP and then I can flame as much as I please. The forum rules state that you can't JUST troll and flame. There are several posts that have been reported and I'm sure the mods will handle that.

If you want to talk about Trump, I don't care if you're complementary or not, that's fine because it pertains to the thread OP. But just waddling in here and taking over the thread with a flame fest toward me is unacceptable and I won't be tolerating that. So... talk about Trump... talk about the poll question... tell me what you think of me in the process... we'll get along fine and no one's posts have to be removed. I didn't post this in the Flame Zone and you're not going to get it moved to the Flame Zone by trolling and flaming.

Nope. Your reply to my initial post in this thread breaks forum rules, chief. You should report yourself. You won't tolerate that.

You have indeed dispelled all doubt; you are off the topic of Trump's appeal and wallowing in pitiable stupidity. Trump's appeal to Dems is quite significant though not necessarily for the most noble of reasons. But appealing he is. As I have said I think he is not the best choice but reallly;Hillary or Sanders? They're still suing the last I heard and I gather that the agreed to "inquest" into the Data affair will run its course soon enough. If Sanders knew of Hillary's Data transgressions in the 2008 Election then from whom did she steal and who did the covering up? Again; Trump's appeal over these two bickering loons is hardly surprising. I've not ever heard of a Republican candidate suing their own Party or stealing from it.

And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.
You do lead an exciting life.....
You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.
This post doesn't comply, please report it, and anything you have to say about Trump running for president better be complimentary or else, it will be reported...Trump has zero experience and therefore zero credibility that he has what it takes to be a president with a huge comb over....

No, you need to read the forum rules again. My post does meet the criteria.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

This qualifies it. All I have to do is discuss something pertaining to the OP and then I can flame as much as I please. The forum rules state that you can't JUST troll and flame. There are several posts that have been reported and I'm sure the mods will handle that.

If you want to talk about Trump, I don't care if you're complementary or not, that's fine because it pertains to the thread OP. But just waddling in here and taking over the thread with a flame fest toward me is unacceptable and I won't be tolerating that. So... talk about Trump... talk about the poll question... tell me what you think of me in the process... we'll get along fine and no one's posts have to be removed. I didn't post this in the Flame Zone and you're not going to get it moved to the Flame Zone by trolling and flaming.

Nope. Your reply to my initial post in this thread breaks forum rules, chief. You should report yourself. You won't tolerate that.

You have indeed dispelled all doubt; you are off the topic of Trump's appeal and wallowing in pitiable stupidity. Trump's appeal to Dems is quite significant though not necessarily for the most noble of reasons. But appealing he is. As I have said I think he is not the best choice but reallly;Hillary or Sanders? They're still suing the last I heard and I gather that the agreed to "inquest" into the Data affair will run its course soon enough. If Sanders knew of Hillary's Data transgressions in the 2008 Election then from whom did she steal and who did the covering up? Again; Trump's appeal over these two bickering loons is hardly surprising. I've not ever heard of a Republican candidate suing their own Party or stealing from it.

You've never heard of Grant or Nixon?
And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

In an election (Not US) many years ago I had the joy of surveying the voting intentions of a group. We found a large number who were "pissed off" with the usual choices at about 20% of the population. I have noticed that figure stand up pretty well over the years. That does not account for all of Trump's poll numbers but it is a part of it.


And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame ando be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.
This post doesn't comply, please report it, and anything you have to say about Trump running for president better be complimentary or else, it will be reported...Trump has zero experience and therefore zero credibility that he has what it takes to be a president with a huge comb over....

No, you need to read the forum rules again. My post does meet the criteria.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

This qualifies it. All I have to do is discuss something pertaining to the OP and then I can flame as much as I please. The forum rules state that you can't JUST troll and flame. There are several posts that have been reported and I'm sure the mods will handle that.

If you want to talk about Trump, I don't care if you're complementary or not, that's fine because it pertains to the thread OP. But just waddling in here and taking over the thread with a flame fest toward me is unacceptable and I won't be tolerating that. So... talk about Trump... talk about the poll question... tell me what you think of me in the process... we'll get along fine and no one's posts have to be removed. I didn't post this in the Flame Zone and you're not going to get it moved to the Flame Zone by trolling and flaming.

Nope. Your reply to my initial post in this thread breaks forum rules, chief. You should report yourself. You won't tolerate that.

No it doesn't and we're not going to keep going through this. If you think it does, report it and if the mods agree they can remove my comment. But I certainly did talk about Trump, which is the topic of the OP. Posts that contain nothing but "You're an idiot -- your poll is gay" are not relevant to the OP topic... which is Trump.

Again, since you're such a fucking clueless bonehead and all that... since I have now mentioned Trump for the third time in my post, it has more than met the criteria and I can call you every name in the book. I can insult your mother, I can call your sister a whore... it's all okay as long as I have posted something pertaining to the OP topic. I'm sorry if the rules are over your head, I realize you're not that bright... maybe a nice mod can explain it to you personally... or perhaps give you a few days of sending you to the rules page to gain a better understanding of what is appropriate? Would that help? :dunno:
You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.
This post doesn't comply, please report it, and anything you have to say about Trump running for president better be complimentary or else, it will be reported...Trump has zero experience and therefore zero credibility that he has what it takes to be a president with a huge comb over....

No, you need to read the forum rules again. My post does meet the criteria.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

This qualifies it. All I have to do is discuss something pertaining to the OP and then I can flame as much as I please. The forum rules state that you can't JUST troll and flame. There are several posts that have been reported and I'm sure the mods will handle that.

If you want to talk about Trump, I don't care if you're complementary or not, that's fine because it pertains to the thread OP. But just waddling in here and taking over the thread with a flame fest toward me is unacceptable and I won't be tolerating that. So... talk about Trump... talk about the poll question... tell me what you think of me in the process... we'll get along fine and no one's posts have to be removed. I didn't post this in the Flame Zone and you're not going to get it moved to the Flame Zone by trolling and flaming.

Nope. Your reply to my initial post in this thread breaks forum rules, chief. You should report yourself. You won't tolerate that.

No it doesn't and we're not going to keep going through this. If you think it does, report it and if the mods agree they can remove my comment. But I certainly did talk about Trump, which is the topic of the OP. Posts that contain nothing but "You're an idiot -- your poll is gay" are not relevant to the OP topic... which is Trump.

Again, since you're such a fucking clueless bonehead and all that... since I have now mentioned Trump for the third time in my post, it has more than met the criteria and I can call you every name in the book. I can insult your mother, I can call your sister a whore... it's all okay as long as I have posted something pertaining to the OP topic. I'm sorry if the rules are over your head, I realize you're not that bright... maybe a nice mod can explain it to you personally... or perhaps give you a few days of sending you to the rules page to gain a better understanding of what is appropriate? Would that help? :dunno:

All I have to do is mention Trump's name to qualify? That's awesome. just broke forum rules by discussing my family. If I were a
pussy, I'd report you for that. Now....suck a bag of dicks. Your thread sucks....and you suck. Ask Trump. He'll tell ya.
Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.

I discussed the thread topic in my first post. You then broke forum rules in your reply. Please report me. You consistently break the forum rules and then can be counted on to whine to a mod.

You haven't responded in any mature way to my initial post in this thread. Until you will continue to get the mocking that you deserve.

Finally.....stop trying to pawn your dumb idea off on some imaginary liberal. You sound like Trump discussing Ted's place of birth. He's hearing it from many people.....blah.....blah....blah.

It's not an idea it's an argument and one that I didn't consider until my liberal friend brought it up. I don't care if you don't believe me. I thought it was an interesting point, especially coming from someone who is liberal... .well, actually, more libertarianish than liberal... but definitely not a tea party conservative. Hell, he might be an anarchist... I don't really know. He just made the funny comment that people were voting for Donald TRUMP because Donald DUCK wasn't an option.... I thought it was interesting.

As for the forum rules, you're going to be reported if you flame without posting topic-relevant content. It's not that hard to include something about the topic in your flame fest. I just did it.... you just did it.... no problem. If you want to call that whining, that's fine... just make sure you call it that while posting topic-relevant content.

It is whining. If you didn't flame me without adding thread content, then you'd have a point. did. And then you did the same to Jillian. You discussed Obama and not Trump while flaming her. You suck at this. Follow your own standards, chief.

Have you reported Wildman yet?
Your side side stepped the issue from the get go. Period. and your side can't make up your mind whether to Hate or love Trump. In one post you will flame the living hell out of him...........and then in another SAY YOU HOPE HE'S THE ONE......................

Perhaps you are confused.......................

Perhaps you just don't know whether or not he will actually pull it off.

Perhaps he's a Hillary Shill...........

Face it.........your side has been TRUMPED by TRUMP as well. Or you could actually make up your mind. On who you want to run AGAINST YOUR GIRL..................Your primary is nothing more than a show, yet you complain about the TRUMP SHOW....................You can't figure this guy out either.
...the all-knowing brain trust of USMB.

"brain trust" ?? that leaves out all liberfools/demorats!!! :lmao:

Maybe THAT'S why none of them are voting?

Sorry libs... didn't mean to intimidate you with that... you are free to vote in the poll whether you have brains or not. I won't discriminate! :lmao:
You don't have a dick in this dawg to have a say so....

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