Voting for 'Trump' because 'Duck' isn't an option?

Do you think many people support "Trump" because "Duck" isn't an option?

  • Total voters
Trump is using the Rhetoric of what the people in this country are pissed about. Americans don't trust the Gov't. Poll ratings of our Gov't prove it. Some polls say Americans that trust the Gov't are in single digits.

Trump knows he pushes topics that Americans are pissed about. Trump lives in the Mud and is a VERY EXPERIENCED MUD FIGHTER.............Dems live in the Mud.........and can't understand why people like him. And they are using their standard tactics to Slander him and he TAKES ADVANTAGE OF IT. Turns the very attack against them. And they just don't get it.

Americans are Fed up with Gov't PERIOD. Which is why Trump might very well be the GOP candidate.

Americans are stupid part..............If we look at are they looking at the issues and studying their candidates..........Then it could be classified as either Stupid or UNINFORMED...................Obama's words to get elected were what he intended to do..............Even after being called out on what he intended to do........Americans didn't care..............To TOO MANY it is nothing more than another Reality TV SHOW...........Perhaps the better wording from Stupid is UNINFORMED VOTERS.

3rd issue..........Many upon many upon many believe TRUMP will do the things he says. Even though a lot of the issues need Congresses consent................Will he GET THAT CONSENT or go around it as the pen and the phone man states. I've been around a good while, and I'VE HEARD THIS BEFORE..............Politicians MAKING PROMISES........and POLITICIANS BREAKING PROMISES............So it comes down to TRUST...............Some TRUST HIM............I DO NOT.

1) You need to qualify your first point. The rhetoric is aimed at certain type of people - fat old white men and white trash. Not just 'people' but certain type of 'people'.
2) There is no need to slander Trump. All his failures, imperfections and reasons he would be a terrible president are there for everyone to see.
3) People don't care because you have an awful political system and a media that kowtows to the lowest common denominator - and people BELIEVE it. You are right with regard to Reality Shows.
1. No I don't. Because unless you live under a rock you would have to know that Poll after poll says the same thing. Do you have SELECTIVE MEMORY?

2. The same for the One in Office now wouldn't it? Tell me how the Unions are just lining up for the TPP, and why they are now even considering changing votes.............of course they will not, but they will put your candidates FEET TO FIRE OVER IT.

3. Meida bias...........OF COURSE............Your side more than ours........They have cow toed Obama and will do the same for Hillary. Reality TV...........of course.
In all the traditional ways which previous presidents have been deemed qualified.

GEORGE W BUSH was deemed qualified?

Dude, I dont think much of your opinions, but to imply that George W was deemed qualified to be President makes you look fucking stupid.

Well sorry you obviously flunked government in school but the president is deemed qualified by getting 270 electoral votes, which Bush did twice. Now, you may not be of the opinion he was qualified and that was equivalent to my opinion that Obama wasn't qualified. Neither of our opinions have anything to do with who was DEEMED to be qualified.

Make up your mind dude. Obama won, twice, by getting the requisite number of electoral votes.

Obama was qualified to be President under your own criteria.


No, he was DEEMED qualified but I don't believe he was qualified and I don't think you've made an argument for his qualifications.

YOU dumb shit. I used EXACtLY the criteria YOU used to indicate GWB was qualified.

Elected twice. Well Obama was elected twice at least.

the Surpremes had to decide if GWB was qualified once. But you dont worry about that.

No... Bush was a popular two-term governor of Texas who's father was President. Obama was a junior senator who served one term and gave a nice speech at the DNC.

The Supremes didn't have to decide anything except that Democrats didn't have a case.
Make up your mind dude. Obama won, twice, by getting the requisite number of electoral votes.

Obama was qualified to be President under your own criteria.


No, he was DEEMED qualified but I don't believe he was qualified and I don't think you've made an argument for his qualifications.
When did your opinion matter?
When did yours matter?
Never, I've been married before..I know where I stand.....with an open wallet...
I'm married and get an ALLOWANCE........

I get the bill..
And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.

And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.


Cow toes? Are they anything like hooves?

I prefer camel toe, myself.
No, he was DEEMED qualified but I don't believe he was qualified and I don't think you've made an argument for his qualifications.
When did your opinion matter?
When did yours matter?
Never, I've been married before..I know where I stand.....with an open wallet...
I'm married and get an ALLOWANCE........

I get the bill..
No kidding..............SO DO I.
And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.


Cow toes? Are they anything like hooves?
Why don't you ask the Cattle Ranchers in Nevada that question.........Perhaps the Gov't over reach agency of BLM will give you a guided tour on the slaughter of WIld Mustangs while you are at it............Be sure to take pictures of turtles while your at it.
When did your opinion matter?
When did yours matter?
Never, I've been married before..I know where I stand.....with an open wallet...
I'm married and get an ALLOWANCE........

I get the bill..
No kidding..............SO DO I.

Awwww. Yer just one of he fellas, aren't ya? Any more meaningless memes for us to chew on?
And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.


Cow toes? Are they anything like hooves?
Why don't you ask the Cattle Ranchers in Nevada that question.........Perhaps the Gov't over reach agency of BLM will give you a guided tour on the slaughter of WIld Mustangs while you are at it............Be sure to take pictures of turtles while your at it. sure do seem stupid.
In answer to the question posed at the start. Name recognition is a first in this regard. Everyone knows Trump. Now I hated his shows and I find the Ms Universe pageant of only slight interest. Frankly I'd much rather watch Cricket. But from where I am standing Trump has two main things going for him. One is that everyone knows him and have a fuzzy feeling about him(or not). The second is that he is a communicator. The value of his message is yet to be determined but frankly many find it a BIG POSITIVE. Me? I look for SUBSTANCE so Rubio is my personal pick followed by Jed. But a Trump Presidency is really on the cards and if it does occur then it will have the best Cabinet in History!! Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy have been touted as well as Carl Icahn, so liberals will be getting plenty of gastric reflux if he stays on that path. But it will be VERY CAPABLE!! (Those who don't know me; I won't be voting. I'm from Oz).

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.


Cow toes? Are they anything like hooves?
Why don't you ask the Cattle Ranchers in Nevada that question.........Perhaps the Gov't over reach agency of BLM will give you a guided tour on the slaughter of WIld Mustangs while you are at it............Be sure to take pictures of turtles while your at it. sure do seem stupid.

Frankly your opinion has zero cred. You really ARE stupid!!

How wasn't he qualified?

In all the traditional ways which previous presidents have been deemed qualified.

GEORGE W BUSH was deemed qualified?

Dude, I dont think much of your opinions, but to imply that George W was deemed qualified to be President makes you look fucking stupid.

Well sorry you obviously flunked government in school but the president is deemed qualified by getting 270 electoral votes, which Bush did twice. Now, you may not be of the opinion he was qualified and that was equivalent to my opinion that Obama wasn't qualified. Neither of our opinions have anything to do with who was DEEMED to be qualified.

Make up your mind dude. Obama won, twice, by getting the requisite number of electoral votes.

Obama was qualified to be President under your own criteria.


No, he was DEEMED qualified but I don't believe he was qualified and I don't think you've made an argument for his qualifications.

Of the remaining contenders for the GOP nomination, Obama had roughly the same experience as Rubio, Cruz, and Paul. So by definition, they are not qualified. Trump, Fiorina, and Carson have no experience in government so they are not qualified. That leaves Christie, Bush, Santorum, and Kasich as supposed qualified persons.

You're qualified if you meet the constitutional mandates. Its up to the voters to place values on what you've done. They've deemed Obama qualified twice.
When did yours matter?
Never, I've been married before..I know where I stand.....with an open wallet...
I'm married and get an ALLOWANCE........

I get the bill..
No kidding..............SO DO I.

Awwww. Yer just one of he fellas, aren't ya? Any more meaningless memes for us to chew on?
Plenty...........take your pick.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
In answer to the question posed at the start. Name recognition is a first in this regard. Everyone knows Trump. Now I hated his shows and I find the Ms Universe pageant of only slight interest. Frankly I'd much rather watch Cricket. But from where I am standing Trump has two main things going for him. One is that everyone knows him and have a fuzzy feeling about him(or not). The second is that he is a communicator. The value of his message is yet to be determined but frankly many find it a BIG POSITIVE. Me? I look for SUBSTANCE so Rubio is my personal pick followed by Jed. But a Trump Presidency is really on the cards and if it does occur then it will have the best Cabinet in History!! Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy have been touted as well as Carl Icahn, so liberals will be getting plenty of gastric reflux if he stays on that path. But it will be VERY CAPABLE!! (Those who don't know me; I won't be voting. I'm from Oz).


Jed. Perfect.

Capable? Palin? Crikey!
You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.


Cow toes? Are they anything like hooves?
Why don't you ask the Cattle Ranchers in Nevada that question.........Perhaps the Gov't over reach agency of BLM will give you a guided tour on the slaughter of WIld Mustangs while you are at it............Be sure to take pictures of turtles while your at it. sure do seem stupid.

Frankly your opinion has zero cred. You really ARE stupid!!


You just said Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy are capable.
When did your opinion matter?
When did yours matter?
Never, I've been married before..I know where I stand.....with an open wallet...
I'm married and get an ALLOWANCE........

I get the bill..
No kidding..............SO DO I.
That's why I always had two jobs, one for the family and one for me...
And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.
In all the traditional ways which previous presidents have been deemed qualified.

GEORGE W BUSH was deemed qualified?

Dude, I dont think much of your opinions, but to imply that George W was deemed qualified to be President makes you look fucking stupid.

Well sorry you obviously flunked government in school but the president is deemed qualified by getting 270 electoral votes, which Bush did twice. Now, you may not be of the opinion he was qualified and that was equivalent to my opinion that Obama wasn't qualified. Neither of our opinions have anything to do with who was DEEMED to be qualified.

Make up your mind dude. Obama won, twice, by getting the requisite number of electoral votes.

Obama was qualified to be President under your own criteria.


No, he was DEEMED qualified but I don't believe he was qualified and I don't think you've made an argument for his qualifications.

YOU dumb shit. I used EXACtLY the criteria YOU used to indicate GWB was qualified.

Elected twice. Well Obama was elected twice at least.

the Surpremes had to decide if GWB was qualified once. But you dont worry about that.

they never made a determination as to whether W was qualified. they only rules on an election law matter that never should have been before them since it was the only time in our history the court intervened in a a matter of election law already decided by the highest court in the state in question.

that is why their decision specifically says it isn't to be used as precedent in any other matter.
So says the one who COW TOES to the one in office putting up RAINBOW COLORS ON THE WH.


Cow toes? Are they anything like hooves?
Why don't you ask the Cattle Ranchers in Nevada that question.........Perhaps the Gov't over reach agency of BLM will give you a guided tour on the slaughter of WIld Mustangs while you are at it............Be sure to take pictures of turtles while your at it. sure do seem stupid.

Frankly your opinion has zero cred. You really ARE stupid!!


You just said Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy are capable.

They have been touted and are indeed quite capable. Jeb has substance but hasn't yet had any traction in the polls. But there's only one that matters and that is in November. The rest is just floss on the big event.

And yet her is Trump with zero experience in politics, at least Oblama was a senator...

Which is exactly what prompts the poll question!

I really wish there was a way to make a poll question where you have to vote before you can comment on the thread. Most of you asswipes aren't voting... you just come here to flame and be obnoxious. Either participate in the poll, discuss the poll question and topic or move the fuck along before I start getting moderators involved.

You'd feel important if lots of people voted, wouldn't you?

Nobody cares enough and your choices are gayer than you are.

Nope... I'm not like you, assclown... I don't need to feel important. What I need is for you to abide by the forum zone rules and post content relevant to the topic or get the fuck out of my thread. I'm going to be reporting every post that doesn't meet that criteria and we'll see what happens.

Back to the thread topic, I think what I posited warrants valid discussion and is a legitimate argument. I didn't make the argument, as I said, a friend of mine conveyed this to me in conversation earlier and I am simply relaying what he had to say. I hadn't really thought about it but it kind of makes sense that people might be supporting Trump the same way one might support Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse for president.

Now... Either you are mature enough to discuss that point or you're not. If you just want to troll and flame the thread because you don't like me, well... the forum has rules and mods for a reason and we'll leave it up to them to deal with you. You don't own USMB and you don't get to make your own rules. Sorry to burst your bubble like that, but someone needs to tell you.
This post doesn't comply, please report it, and anything you have to say about Trump running for president better be complimentary or else, it will be reported...Trump has zero experience and therefore zero credibility that he has what it takes to be a president with a huge comb over....

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