
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

You seem to be addressing socialists, perhaps a change to the OP title?
Speaking of "clueless", what are America's "most basic interests"? It used to be "the economy, stupid" but Hillary's husband turned out to be a small time crook pardoning a fugitive on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for a couple of bucks donated to his "library" project. Today the GDP is around 4.1%, the DOW is around 26,000 and unemployment is at a half century low. Are clueless angry lefties claiming open borders as the new "basic interest"?
You inflated the numbers a bit
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

Voting Democrat or Republican is pretty much a sign you're clueless.

I haven't voted a major party candidate for a POTUS election in nearly four decades.

Having said that, we all recognize the middle class is a vanishing 'target' in America.
Yes; I said TARGET.
Do middle class citizens in the US desire to continue to vote against their own best interests by continuing to vote for the GOP donor class, that will eventually become the 'ruling class?"
Is that what the middle class voter wants?
Think about that, because doing so will guarantee the complete annihilation of the middle class.
It's only a matter of time.

You make it sound like we have had a middle class since 1776. It is a recent phenomena. Democrats have no interest in the middle class anymore so than the Republicans.
Speaking of "clueless", what are America's "most basic interests"? It used to be "the economy, stupid" but Hillary's husband turned out to be a small time crook pardoning a fugitive on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for a couple of bucks donated to his "library" project. Today the GDP is around 4.1%, the DOW is around 26,000 and unemployment is at a half century low. Are clueless angry lefties claiming open borders as the new "basic interest"?
You inflated the numbers a bit
Funny how distracting a cartoon character can be from the argument but maybe that's the intent. O.K. the DOW might be around 25,000 but clue me in, what is the new basic interest of the left?
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Sorry bud you’re gonna need another 10 million wetbacks here before you can run on free shit, free shit for wetbacks, hate whitey and Make America Mexico Again. Back to the drawing board you go...haha
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Why did all those people commit suicide for Jim Jones? Why did all those Germans blindly believe in Hitler?

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Trumpbots are little different.

I just hope Trump does not ask them to do anything violent to others when he almost inevitably loses in 2020. I also just hope that Trump does not deliberately start a war in 2020 just to stay in power (since during war - sitting POTUS's have never lost an election).
After eight years of that Kenyan Muslim airhead Obama we miraculously got a president who said what he will do. And ever since, the Democrats have fought against everything he did, whether it be good or not. They want to return to the same miserable existence. So be it. If the Democrats win then I say the country deserves whatever happens. They can open the borders, take away our guns and tax us to death and I won't make a peep, but I won't be a good citizen any more.
Vote like your lives depend on it. Your healthcare and retirement certainly do
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Why did all those people commit suicide for Jim Jones? Why did all those Germans blindly believe in Hitler?

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Trumpbots are little different.

I just hope Trump does not ask them to do anything violent to others when he almost inevitably loses in 2020. I also just hope that Trump does not deliberately start a war in 2020 just to stay in power (since during war - sitting POTUS's have never lost an election).
You got some chocolate milk ewe wish to throw?
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Attention voters: In the last two years, you witnessed what a Republican government can do for you: lowest unemployment since 1967, record low unemployment for all minority groups, raises and bonuses for employees, more jobs than Americans to do them, record breaking small business confidence (the group that creates the most jobs), consumer and corporate confidence at an 18 year high, the halt of missile testing in North Korea with a promise of nuclear disarmament, ISIS defeated in Iraq, the rescinding of damaging agreements like Iraq and the Paris Accord, increasing wages for middle-class Americans, strong stock market, the rescinding of fines and fees of Commie Care, a President that takes border control seriously.

Why didn't the Republicans do more? Because you had enough Democrats to stop them.

Voting Democrat puts the breaks on all these great things for America. Is that what you want? Do you want to see the abolishment of ICE? Do you want to see phony charges for impeachment of a President? Do you want to see impeachment of an honorable Supreme Court Justice? Do you want to see steps taken towards Socialism once again? Do you want Democrat leaders that preached the message of hate in power of our House and perhaps Senate? Do you want to see Speaker Pelosi again with her senile rants? Do you want your taxes raised?

I beg voters to heed the message of an old adage: If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you want to see more accomplishments, give Republicans more power.

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

Why did all those people commit suicide for Jim Jones? Why did all those Germans blindly believe in Hitler?

Unintelligent/uneducated/desperate people are relatively easy to con COMPLETELY into believing and doing almost anything.

Trumpbots are little different.

I just hope Trump does not ask them to do anything violent to others when he almost inevitably loses in 2020. I also just hope that Trump does not deliberately start a war in 2020 just to stay in power (since during war - sitting POTUS's have never lost an election).

It will be a GREAT DAY in America when the TrumpBots are on their last legs, sitting in that mud hole, nearly dead from some terrible malady, or disease because they could NOT afford health insurance for 'pre-existing conditions'
It's 'funny' how many in America have forgotten how the GOP was cheering itself & patting itself on the back during the mid 2017 time frame.
Yep; the GOP was all giddy celebrating the new GOP health care legislation that would strip coverage for 'pre-existing conditions' and for all intents & purposes make health insurance unaffordable for about 25 million Americans.

Yes, all of the Trump GOP donor class supporters have forgotten that only one vote kept that all form happening; John McCain.

Go ahead America; keep voting for the GOP & their designs to destroy affordable health care for you & for the working class.

Reward the very same GOP that wanted to rape you & take your health care; go ahead. Believe the liars that wanted to rape you.

Republicans put in bind over preexisting conditions

Keep them in power so, they can eventually destroy the middle class. Go ahead.
View attachment 226747

absolutely no intelligence required for a NO content & trolling post such as that but then that's what is expected from a Trump supporter; no intelligence.
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?

So you're going with the whole "you're stupid unless you vote for us" pitch?

Bold move Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.
After the last election, we learned how many Americans were clueless enough to vote for Trump.

On Wednesday, we'll know how many Americans are willing to vote against their most basic interests, despite the absolute certainty that they know they're doing it and they understand what will happen to them if Republican majorities are maintained.

If the Republicans do manage to maintain their majority in the coming election, the next two years will strip the middle class of most, if not all, of the gains they've made since FDR's New Deal. The Republicans have come right out and admitted it.

Forget any pragmatic healthcare law, we'll be facing the repeal of such things as the minimum wage, voting rights, equality under the law, as well as the elevation of the corporate "person" and the 1% of wealth-holders to the status of "Super Citizens."

Despite these radical potentialities, loss of access to affordable healthcare is going to hit the middle class, committed Republican base particularly hard. They are at or approaching the age where diseases appear suddenly, and with a vengeance. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems, the various dementias, and a host of other very serious maladies emerge in late middle age. It's also not out of the realm of realistic possibility that the Republicans will make medical debts nondischargeable via bankruptcy.

In short — on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, Americans will choose a future that will either reaffirm the stake of the middle class in the American experiment, or we will see the Republicans absolutely destroy the core of the base who voted for them.

If that happens, make no mistake — they will cement their place as the ruling class in America, legislatively first, and then by edict. They will make damned sure that the middle class will not be able to reemerge and return to to the position of political power the middle class once held.

Is THAT really what you want America? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot to vote for thieves?
It appears you haven't learned the most important lession the last election should have taught you.

That you don't win elections by insulting the citizenry.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote AGAINST America.

Yes; just wait until Trump & the GOP donor class gut everything that tens of millions of Americans once relied on.

I will congratulate you when you become a GOP serf.

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