Wacky Mark Meadows wrote confidential plan to fight back against Democrat probes of President Trump

If anyone on the Trump team gets a subpoena from the dems they should simply say respectfully that Mueller already investigated those matters, so fuck off.
LOL, seriously? I don't believe that anyone is pissing anything.
For TWO FUCKING YEARS, you Leftists have been saying, "Any day now..." Trump will come to ruin. Predicting it. As if the EVIDENCE IS ALL RIGHT THERE OUT IN THE OPEN.

You are so fucking delusional.

Reminds me of my dear departed Mother in Law. Every day of her life she told everyone she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. She used that feeling as an excuse to DO NOTHING her whole life. If she did it, then something bad would have happened.

Then finally something good happened. She died.
Why are republican "confidential plans" common knowledge while the crazy left is frantic about Trump's plan to declassify the Obama/FBI surveillance?
Or when you're old and terrified

I yield to the voice of experience.

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