Waco Crowd Leaves Early

People saw enough otherwise they would have stayed to the end.

Yeah, they heard it all before.

I doubt the kids GAS.


That corrupt piece of shit hurt a lot of regular Americans with his antics.

If there is a Hell, he's in it.
The problem with a third party candidate is the same problem third party candidates have had for decades. They're viewed as flakes. The only third party candidate with a shot at winning a general election I've seen in my lifetime was Ross Perot. He had a legitimate shot. And at the end what happens??....he flakes. Money and financing are a big part of the equation as wealthy individuals and corps who fund these campaigns have a vested interest in seeing that things don't change. If you want to make a dent in the two party system, it's going to have to be someone with more of a mindshare than...Jill Stein for example. :)
And besides, you couldn’t find two bigger flakes than dumb Don and dumb Joe.
About 15,000 attended Trump's rally but decided that a half hour was enough.
It lasted an hour and a half. I heard the weather was good, so I guess after spending hours waiting in line to get in wore out the tired and hungry MAGA crowd. Maybe all they wanted was to hear MTG and Gaetz speak before Trump did.

"According to the Tribune-Herald's Mike Copeland, "Trump arrived shortly before 6 p.m., his plane circling the airport as attendees intently looked to the heavens. He wrapped up at 7:32 in the evening, though quite a few fans did not last that long."

"About 30 minutes into the rally, the crowd began to thin, with people getting a head start on the walk back to the parking lots, designated and otherwise," he wrote.

Op thread is a lie.

25,000 Turn Out to See American Legend​

More than 25,000 attend.

They’re only viewed as flakes because the establishment media portrays them as such. The media does this on purpose. Too bad so many Americans fall for the propaganda every fucking time.

As we see everyday on this forum, too many Americans think the duopoly is the only choice.
So why'd the walk out early? :abgg2q.jpg:
About 15,000 attended Trump's rally but decided that a half hour was enough.
It lasted an hour and a half. I heard the weather was good, so I guess after spending hours waiting in line to get in wore out the tired and hungry MAGA crowd. Maybe all they wanted was to hear MTG and Gaetz speak before Trump did.

"According to the Tribune-Herald's Mike Copeland, "Trump arrived shortly before 6 p.m., his plane circling the airport as attendees intently looked to the heavens. He wrapped up at 7:32 in the evening, though quite a few fans did not last that long."

"About 30 minutes into the rally, the crowd began to thin, with people getting a head start on the walk back to the parking lots, designated and otherwise," he wrote.

Remember when nobody even bothered to come to Joe Potatohead's rallies?

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