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Wait...You Bought The Covid Scam??? Sucker.

Biden and Harris claimed they would never get the TRUMP VACCINE.
Nope. Wrong. You have been lied to once again. Why do you keep going back to be lied to more?

You BEG to be lied to.

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely."

8. “Instead at the moment in the narrative at which she would be expected to recount the affair she says almost in passing that “When former vice president Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, I’d set a goal for myself—to hand over responsibility for the pandemic response, with all its many elements, in the best possible place.”

… it was she who was tasked – by Anthony Fauci – with doing the really crucial thing of talking Donald Trump into green-lighting the lockdowns that began on March 12, 2020, and continued to their final hard-core deployment on March 16. This was the “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” that turned into two years in many parts of the country.

Her book admits that it was a two-level lie from the beginning.

“We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown,” she writes. “At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done—a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”

In other words, she wanted to go full CCP just like Italy but didn’t want to say that. Crucially, she knew for sure that two weeks was not the real plan. “I left the rest unstated: that this was just a starting point.” Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute
So many Red Flags were hoisted during this Covid Contrived Crisis.

* Gain of function research: Why is this a thing?
* Our tax $ and Fauci knee deep in it....IN CHINA
* Never has there ever been a successful vaccine for any corona virus (common cold) because they always mutate.
* The very definition of what a vaccine is, was "officially" changed to fit the narrative.
* mRNA "vaccines" ARE experimental; are NOT fda approved; and long-term data on side effects are N/A.
* The claim that these inoculations "lessened severity and hospitalizations" is nothing but a talking point NOT backed by anything.
* Never before in known Human history have populations "locked down", or quarantined, healthy people in any pandemic, or epidemic.
* Masks are useless for blocking transmission, or contraction of viruses. Fauci flip flopped on that from the start.

I'm sure there's more, but all that pisses me off, hurts my brain, and scares me concurrently.
Oddly enough people only seemed to die from COVID-19 in hospitals. Somehow COVID—the smartest virus in human history—knew to only kill people out of the public eye. In order to respect COVID's privacy killing tendencies, doctors the nation over were kind enough to prevent family members and other NOKs from crowding the virus's murder spree in hospital rooms everywhere. Such a nice, discrete virus that COVID-19; he was always such a quiet, well-behaved virus growing up . . .
The the government was paying hospitals $38,000 for each and every COVID death and $18,000 for every Covid victim that recovered
It's comical, and sad, that this thread is ignored by the demented leftists in this forum.

Vaccines aren't vaccinees anymore, and apparently election procedures in critical swing states can be changed by their state judiciary.

Anything goes, otherwise known as by whatever means necessary.

"No standing" every court cried while winking over the blindfold without weighing the scale.

Historians in the future will have a Feild day with this madness, if they're allowed to....
9. “It was a solution in search of evidence she did not have. She told Trump that the evidence was there anyway.

She actually tricked him into believing that locking down a whole population of people was somehow magically going to make a virus to which everyone would inevitably be exposed somehow vanish as a threat.

Meanwhile, the economy was wrecked domestically and then all over the world, as most governments in the world followed what the US did.

Where did she come up with the idea of lockdowns? By her own report, her only real experience with infectious disease came from her work on AIDS, a very different disease from a respiratory virus that everyone would eventually get but which would only be fatal or even severe for a small cohort, a fact that was known since late January. Still, her experience counted for more than science.”
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"...only be fatal or even severe for a small cohort, a fact that was known since late January. "

Exact as I have posted, and we on the Right explained.
Democrat voters believe every lie their masters author.
No, you imbecile....er, Democrat......the death rate was about ZERO.

1. And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

2. Here, from WebMD:

Coronavirus Recovery Rates

Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.

Coronavirus Recovery

3. Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox.

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

4. “Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

This was never about healthcare. It was, is, and always will be about control.”

Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

Let's put the conclusions up front. There is no reason for kids to wear masks. There's no reason to keep



5. If you had no co-morbidities to begin with.....



Mortality Risk of COVID-19 - Statistics and Research

Our interactive data visualizations which show the case fatality rate in each country, is updated daily.



That’s worldwide….includes nations with third world healthcare: under 1%

6. “Most people recover from Covid-19.

Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care,… Most people recover from Covid-19. Here's why it's hard to pinpoint exactly how many

7. The mechanism of the hoax was simply to claim that deaths that would have occurred (most who died already had DNRs), and to substitute the real cause of death (the usual causes… heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia) and pretend that the Wuhan was responsible.

It was designed to dissipate the value of Trump’s miraculous economy….and it worked.

You won, you hurt America badly, but you got rid of your bête noire.

Give it up already: no, 600,000 Americans did not die of the Wuhan Red Death.

It's just one more of the myriad lies Democrats tell.

8. “Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?

Health officials estimate more 99% of infected patients survive

DETROIT – Health officials have confirmed the survival rate for people with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is high, but that’s no reason to relax safety measures that have been put in place.

One of the numbers that has been circulating on social media is that COVID-19 has a 98% or higher survival rate.

As of Wednesday, the number of cases in the United States was around 3,512,000 and the number of deaths was around 137,000. That would make the case fatality rate 3.9%, so based on confirmed cases, about 96% of people survive.” Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?u

Doesn’t look like a great reason to ruin the economy and the lives of millions of unaffected individuals…..

…..unless you have an ulterior purpose.


9. “Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)

Actual Cases with an outcome as of May 1 = estimated actual recovered (1,671,351) + estimated actual deaths (23,430) = 1,694,781.

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).” Coronavirus Death Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

10. “VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

The Question

Is the survivability rate of COVID-19 close to 100%?

The Answer

According to coronavirus data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there have been more than 992,000 COVID-19 cases statewide since the pandemic's start. To date, there have been close to 13,000 coronavirus-related deaths.

That would make the percentage of infections resulting in survival close to 99%” VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

And this:

Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.


Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.
^ Just won her own thread.
My condolences.

The Trumpsters think you're lying. This is who they are.

Very old, very sick people die of causes that do not effect younger and healthier people. They die of old age, falls, colds, influenza, a stomach bug.

It can be sad that older and sicker people die WITHOUT us having to cause tragic loss to younger people. But we didn't do that. People like you panicked and screeched at everyone about the shots and masks just like you're all over the board screeching about "Trumpsters" 24/7/365.
8. “Instead at the moment in the narrative at which she would be expected to recount the affair she says almost in passing that “When former vice president Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, I’d set a goal for myself—to hand over responsibility for the pandemic response, with all its many elements, in the best possible place.”

… it was she who was tasked – by Anthony Fauci – with doing the really crucial thing of talking Donald Trump into green-lighting the lockdowns that began on March 12, 2020, and continued to their final hard-core deployment on March 16. This was the “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” that turned into two years in many parts of the country.

Her book admits that it was a two-level lie from the beginning.

“We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown,” she writes. “At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done—a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”

In other words, she wanted to go full CCP just like Italy but didn’t want to say that. Crucially, she knew for sure that two weeks was not the real plan. “I left the rest unstated: that this was just a starting point.” Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Yup - she should face the same firing squad as Fauci.
I know orange man pushed operation warp speed for the snake juice and the populace was climbing on top of each other to get a shot of this injection. Now people are dying like flies after taking multiple injections. Very sad.
Very old, very sick people die of causes that do not effect younger and healthier people. They die of old age, falls, colds, influenza, a stomach bug.

It can be sad that older and sicker people die WITHOUT us having to cause tragic loss to younger people. But we didn't do that. People like you panicked and screeched at everyone about the shots and masks just like you're all over the board screeching about "Trumpsters" 24/7/365.

And Mac is precisely the cancer he despises.
No, no, it was real. I have first hand evidence of that, which I value the most.

The only question for me is, did the Fauci funded Chinese lab accidentally release the man-made biological weapon or was it intentional?

Since we are dealing with the CCP and DNC working hand in hand, we will never know but regardless, they are both to blame.
Considering that Trump financed the operation it must be real.

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