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Wait...You Bought The Covid Scam??? Sucker.

1. Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

2. The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

Want proof????

3. "Birx’s Book of Incriminating COVID Admissions
It’s a manual for how to leverage a crisis to subvert a government and bring down a president.

View attachment 674538

4. Either because of arrogance or ignorance (maybe both), Birx reveals the true intentions behind the government’s handling of COVID. If anything, her book confirms that Washington used COVID as an opportunity to isolate and neutralize the population while seizing permanent control of state and local institutions. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself.

5. Here’s Birx on instituting lockdowns:

View attachment 674539

Patriotpost? :auiqs.jpg:
Patriotpost? :auiqs.jpg:

NYTimes, Boston Globe, LATimes.....all your Democrat media posted score of lies....and you bought 'em like they were on sale:

There are sooooo very many lies on which the Left's politics and promises are built.
One can take his pick....that there is systemic racism, the election was fair, illegals don't vote, gun control is aimed at criminals, CRT isn't taught in government school, welfare stops starvation, the Democrat's flipped and the Republicans became the party of racism, Nazis were rightwing, Liberals founded this nation, Hillary is the smartest woman in the country and Bill Clinton ever had a budget surplus, women have a right to kill their unborn, women get paid less for the same job.....and "1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college."

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett, inflation due to Putin and the invasion…

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710


12. Let's continue to prove how truly stupid you Democrats are:

“Birx admits that she was a major part of the reason, due to her sneaky alternation of weekly reports to the states.

After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I’d reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I’d also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient—the points the administration objected to most—no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit.

Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected. In slipping these changes past the gatekeepers and continuing to inform the governors of the need for the big-three mitigations—masks, sentinel testing, and limits on indoor social gatherings—I felt confident I was giving the states permission to escalate public health mitigation with the fall and winter coming.”
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

You swallowed it hook, line, and sinker:

Nope that’s something you lie about me saying. I’ve already shown your lies. You really want to go down that road again whacko?

Why are you afraid of folks seeing exactly what you said, in the links I provided???

Is it becasue they'd know what sort of sleazy liar you are???
1. Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

2. The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

Want proof????

3. "Birx’s Book of Incriminating COVID Admissions
It’s a manual for how to leverage a crisis to subvert a government and bring down a president.

View attachment 674538

4. Either because of arrogance or ignorance (maybe both), Birx reveals the true intentions behind the government’s handling of COVID. If anything, her book confirms that Washington used COVID as an opportunity to isolate and neutralize the population while seizing permanent control of state and local institutions. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself.

5. Here’s Birx on instituting lockdowns:

View attachment 674539
Yep, posted yesterday.
13. “Trust me…..I’m a scientist.”

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.
It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

“Most of the book consists of her explaining how she headed a kind of shadow White House dedicated to keeping the country in some form of lockdown for as long as possible. In her telling, she was the center of everything, the only person truly correct about all things, given cover by the VP and assisted by a handful of co-conspirators….”


The Wuhan Scam was simply the way Democrats had to institute mail-in voting......so they could steal the election.
6.” Here’s Birx on how she doctored the data to confirm that social distancing, masks, and lockdowns were working:

After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I’d reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I’d also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient — the points the administration objected to most — no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit.

Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected.

In slipping these changes past the gatekeepers and continuing to inform the governors of the need for the big-three mitigations — masks, sentinel testing, and limits on indoor social gatherings — I felt confident I was giving the states permission to escalate public health mitigation with the fall and winter coming.”

All bogus, suckers.
As I said from day fking one!!! I don't fall for con jobs, and it was quite apparent at the start. The very first reported incident of this hoax was a nursing home in Washington State. 20 old folks passed, and they immediately blamed wuhan. I said, now wait, how the fk did these old codgers get this brand new virus when they never left their home? That didn't make sense at all. It went south from that very moment and I ruled it as a hoax immediately. Sorry, old codgers who don't move can't all of the sudden get a virus all the way from China. I've been laughing ever since. Oh, and notice how no one was allowed to see the actual hospitalization figures. hahhahaahahahhahaha fk all the demofks.

Oh, one more thing, here in Chicago they set up the McCormick place for emergency beds for all of the infectious patients that never happened, not once, nor the floating boat outside NY. Can everyone say STUPID!!!!!!!

Ah shit, one more, how can one have a vaccine against something that doesn't exist, I stay vaccine free to date. Again, STUPID!!!!!!!
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Biden and Harris claimed they would never get the TRUMP VACCINE.

Fuck them and fuck you cult members.
So did Rump. Remember how the orange douche bag boasted that he was gulping down the hydroxychloroquine shit and so he was immune?

How did that go down?
Why are you afraid of folks seeing exactly what you said, in the links I provided???

Is it becasue they'd know what sort of sleazy liar you are???
I’m not afraid at all. Post all my quotes like you did last time and show off how you lie and distort my own words. You’re not fooling anybody
I’m not afraid at all. Post all my quotes like you did last time and show off how you lie and distort my own words. You’re not fooling anybody

Why are you afraid of folks seeing exactly what you said, in the links I provided???

Is it becasue they'd know what sort of sleazy liar you are???
14. There was no science in the Wuhan Scam…..it was all politics:

“… anyone could have noted the studies pouring out from February onward that threw cold water on her entire paradigm – not to mention 15 years, or make that 50 years, or perhaps 100 years of warnings against such a reaction – from scientists all over the world with vastly more experience and knowledge than she.

…the seroprevalence study by Jayanta Bhattacharya published April 22, 2020. It demonstrated that the infection fatality rate – because infections and recovery was far more prevalent than Birx and Fauci were saying – was more in line with what one might expect from a severe flu but with a much more focused demographic impact. Bhattacharya’s paper revealed that the pathogen eluded all controls and would likely become endemic as every respiratory virus before.

…the article was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology and has over 700 citations.” Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

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