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Wait...You Bought The Covid Scam??? Sucker.


I'd like to keep the language that you studied on the bathroom wall, third grade, out of an adult, fully documented, linked and sourced thread, no matter how it destroys your entire worldview.
Stay in your blanket fort, with the coloring book and the 24-Hour All Cartoon Network.
"Biden's breakthrough infection prompted his predecessor's coronavirus response coordinator, Deborah Birx, to admit she "knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection," telling Fox News host Neil Cavuto Friday that "we overplayed the vaccines." White House Chief Medical Adviser Anthony Fauci, who served with Birx, recently made a similar admission.

Birx nonetheless urged Americans to get vaccinated and boosted to protect against "severe disease and hospitalization," even while telling Cavuto that half of COVID deaths during the Omicron wave were in "older, vaccinated" people.

She claimed that taking Pfizer anti-COVID pill Paxlovid is "going to save your lives" regardless of vaccination or boosters, without mentioning its association with COVID reinfections. Fauci himself had such a "rebound" after taking a course of the antiviral for a breakthrough infection in June, which he followed with a second course in defiance of FDA recommendations.

Fauci offered no evidence "that he would have been worse if he had not been vaccinated," the epidemiologist said, crediting "confirmation bias" rather than science for Fauci's conclusion. The boosters have not been available long enough to confidently declare they work well against recent Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, Risch added.

The failure of Biden's second booster to protect him from infection less than four months after receiving it is provoking wider skepticism of ongoing federal policy."

No, no, it was real. I have first hand evidence of that, which I value the most.

The only question for me is, did the Fauci funded Chinese lab accidentally release the man-made biological weapon or was it intentional?

Since we are dealing with the CCP and DNC working hand in hand, we will never know but regardless, they are both to blame.
You'll have to dig deeper than that to impress we who are more educated in the matter. When we see your lips moving about CIA deliberate release of SARS-CoV-2 during the World Military Games, then you might have a chance to debate the science with us in front of the other prisoners.
Thanks for that, I've been posting here for years that Covid death rates were 0% to 5%. We shut down our whole country, economy and schools for that!! Millions of people die every year from illnesses yet we don't shut down and change our voting laws. The whole 'pandemic' was really a 'scamdemic.'
It was a novel virus with no vaccine or way to treat. The medical community had no idea where it would go and how bad variants would get. Hospitals were getting over run. They had proceed with caution. What if something more serious comes along… something with a much higher death rate? I know people like you will never comply with government directives and safety protocol, just think of how many idiots will get wiped out.
10. “Here we gain insight into the sheer insanity of her vision. It is nothing short of a marvel that she somehow managed to gain the amount of influence she did.

Notice her above mention of her dogma that asymptomatic spread was the whole key to understanding pandemic. In other words, on her own and without any scientific support, she presumed that Covid was both extremely fatal and had a long latency period. To her way of thinking, this is why the usual tradeoff between severity and prevalence did not matter.

She was somehow certain that the longest estimates of latency were correct: 14 days. This is the reason for the “wait two weeks” obsession. She held onto this dogma throughout, almost like the fictional movie “Contagion” had been her only guide to understanding.

… she writes that symptoms mean next to nothing because people can always carry around the virus in their nose without being sick. After all, this is what PCR tests have shown. Instead of seeing that as a failure of PCR, she saw this as a confirmation that everyone is a carrier no matter what and therefore everyone has to lock down because otherwise we’ll deal with a black plague.

Somehow, despite her astonishing lack of scientific curiosity and experience in this area, she gained all influence over the initial Trump administration response. Briefly, she was godlike.”
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

And you believed it???

Wait….you believed Russian Collusion, and that Trump said Nazis are fine people in Charlottesville, and the Kavanaugh hoax,….you’re unbelievably stupid, aren’t you.
Yeah I guess the million people who died. No biggie.

From what.? Died from what.All it took was for Doctors and
Hospitals to think alike and manipulate those in hospitals.
Patients being pushed to use ventilators.Simple procedures
for regular cancer patients who needed cancer treatments
and were refused in favor of anticipating Covid patients.
Why were Cancer and heart disease deaths NOT reported
during the covid hysteria.So as to comingle the two.
.All it took was for some Doc to write down
on a Death Certificate Covid as a Contributing factor.
Especially when both Doctors and Hospitals were getting
paid { bonuses } for such declarations on paper.
It was a novel virus with no vaccine or way to treat. The medical community had no idea where it would go and how bad variants would get. Hospitals were getting over run. They had proceed with caution. What if something more serious comes along… something with a much higher death rate? I know people like you will never comply with government directives and safety protocol, just think of how many idiots will get wiped out.
There WAS a way to Treat.Just ask Talk Radio icon Dennis Prager.
Who opposed getting the Vaccine.He had to struggle to get the
most effective therapeutic.Or Hydroxychloroquine.Which wasn't
only mocked by these Covid Experts but denied.Pharmacies were
instructed nationwide to NOT Fill any Hydroxychloroquine perscription.
Doctors were made to follow orders as well or Lose their medical
Licenses.It was a corruption of the entire medical community.
11. “The virus was long here (probably from October 2019), it presented a specific danger to a narrow cohort, but otherwise behaved like a textbook flu.

[Trump] very reluctantly approved a 30-day extension of lockdowns, entirely on Birx’s urging and with a few other fools standing around. Having given in a second time – still, no one thought to drop an email or make a phone call for a second opinion! – this seemed to be the turning point. Birx reports that by April 1, 2020, Trump had lost confidence in her. He might have intuited that he had been tricked. He stopped speaking to her.

The bulk of her book is a brag fest about how she kept subverting the White House’s push to open up the economy – that is, allow people to exercise their rights and freedoms.

Recall that for the remainder of the year, the White House was urging normalcy while many states kept locking down. It was an incredible confusion. The CDC was all over the map. I gained the distinct impression of two separate regimes in charge: Trump’s vs. the administrative state he could not control. Trump would say one thing on the campaign trail but the regulations and disease panic kept pouring out of his own agencies.” Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The Deep State in full effect.
There WAS a way to Treat.Just ask Talk Radio icon Dennis Prager.
Who opposed getting the Vaccine.He had to struggle to get the
most effective therapeutic.Or Hydroxychloroquine.Which wasn't
only mocked by these Covid Experts but denied.Pharmacies were
instructed nationwide to NOT Fill any Hydroxychloroquine perscription.
Doctors were made to follow orders as well or Lose their medical
Licenses.It was a corruption of the entire medical community.
First of all why would I ask a talk radio icon about the medical situation? Don’t you think it’s a little silly that that’s where you get your perspective from? Try doctors. Trump touted hydroxychloroquine as a cure when it wasn’t. He wanted a win. It may be prescribed in some situations given the symptoms but that’s between doctors and patients and what they are experiencing.
You may think the mainstream media in general public are all brainwashed, but I think you should really look at the mirror
11. “The virus was long here (probably from October 2019), it presented a specific danger to a narrow cohort, but otherwise behaved like a textbook flu.

[Trump] very reluctantly approved a 30-day extension of lockdowns, entirely on Birx’s urging and with a few other fools standing around. Having given in a second time – still, no one thought to drop an email or make a phone call for a second opinion! – this seemed to be the turning point. Birx reports that by April 1, 2020, Trump had lost confidence in her. He might have intuited that he had been tricked. He stopped speaking to her.

The bulk of her book is a brag fest about how she kept subverting the White House’s push to open up the economy – that is, allow people to exercise their rights and freedoms.

Recall that for the remainder of the year, the White House was urging normalcy while many states kept locking down. It was an incredible confusion. The CDC was all over the map. I gained the distinct impression of two separate regimes in charge: Trump’s vs. the administrative state he could not control. Trump would say one thing on the campaign trail but the regulations and disease panic kept pouring out of his own agencies.” Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The Deep State in full effect.
Actually the tip off was in October of 2019.
Bill and Melinda Gates along with Johns Hopkins hosted
a tabletop Pandemic exercise.At New Yorks Pierre Hotel.
This was on a saturday I believe October 18,2019.
It was seldom mentioned let alone advertised.
Actually the tip off was in October of 2019.
Bill and Melinda Gates along with Johns Hopkins hosted
a tabletop Pandemic exercise.At New Yorks Pierre Hotel.
This was on a saturday I believe October 18,2019.
It was seldom mentioned let alone advertised.
And you think this proves… what?
First of all why would I ask a talk radio icon about the medical situation? Don’t you think it’s a little silly that that’s where you get your perspective from? Try doctors. Trump touted hydroxychloroquine as a cure when it wasn’t. He wanted a win. It may be prescribed in some situations given the symptoms but that’s between doctors and patients and what they are experiencing.
You may think the mainstream media in general public are all brainwashed, but I think you should really look at the mirror
So then Dennis Prager made up his persistence on using
Hydroxychloroquine.He eventually started using more
effective therapeudics.Prager also made it known what he
thought about using masks.Especially outside.He always
felt it was about the silliest thing ever.He instantly lost respect
for anyone wearing masks outside or in their car when driving
Turns out he was spot-on the entire time.He travels a lot
and always watched at the airports.He always followed the
guidelines about mask wearing.But was always critical
Again... he was spot-on.
Don't get fooled.Like Dennis always said .
The left does not Value Truth.
And The Bigger the Government the Smaller the Citizen.
No wiser words have been used the last 2 + years.
I rest me case.
So then Dennis Prager made up his persistence on using
Hydroxychloroquine.He eventually started using more
effective therapeudics.Prager also made it known what he
thought about using masks.Especially outside.He always
felt it was about the silliest thing ever.He instantly lost respect
for anyone wearing masks outside or in their car when driving
Turns out he was spot-on the entire time.He travels a lot
and always watched at the airports.He always followed the
guidelines about mask wearing.But was always critical
Again... he was spot-on.
Don't get fooled.Like Dennis always said .
The left does not Value Truth.
And The Bigger the Government the Smaller the Citizen.
No wiser words have been used the last 2 + years.
I rest me case.
I didn’t say he was making up a thing. I said why would you look to him for medical advice. The fact that he was seeking out hydroxy shows how much of a dumbass he is. Masks are like speed limits and seatbelts. They can reduce the spread and help a little bit there are still going to be car crashes and people getting injured

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