Waiting period to buy a gun...?

Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?
If you are a Leftwinget why should you have any at all?
That guy wasn't holding that club to prevent white people from voting. It was a lame attempt by him to impress the people around him that he was a protector of the rights of black people to vote, and he was showing off how he wouldn't let blacks be prevented from voting. Then the racists at Fox News got ahold of it
Irony you can't cut with a chainsaw.
It's apparent you've misunderstood what "irony" is.
Why did you embolden the words "black" in my post?
What's you point?
Bold = highlight to the terms that illustrate my point

You note that these people in question are there to protect the interests of black people - as opposed to all people, regardless of race - and then complain about the supposed racism of FNC

That is indeed irony, by any definition.
Irony only has one definition, in spite of what Alanis Morrisette would have you think.

It's the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. So your inference regarding the intentions of that NBPP party idiot doesn't signify the opposite of anything, and wasn't the least bit funny.

Apparently the second word definition you're having trouble with is "racism"

Racism is a belief that one race is superior or inferior to one, or more, other races.
Yes. And in this case we have black people who believe the rights of blacks are more important that the rights of anyone else as they are there to protect black people when they vote. That's... wait for it... racism.
For you to then call FNC racists for picking up the story or racism is... wait for it... ironic.
Hopefully you understand now.
It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.

Why are we talking about white people?
Well..I believe that particular black panther was found guilty and then Eric holder let the conviction slide...or something like that...
Well..I believe that particular black panther was found guilty and then Eric holder let the conviction slide...or something like that...

The defendants s didn't appear in court so they should have been found guilty, but holder dropped the case....
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you already have guns, why is there such an emergency to get another today?
If you are a Leftwinget why should you have any at all?
I have a 30-06, an older 308, a couple of 22's, a 12 g pump, a 357 magnum police special, and a makrov 9MM, but my home protection is a 30-30, because I feel confident with it shooting from the hip. Might go through the walls into the neighbor's though if I aim too high.

But my home has not been invaded, ever, and neither has any others in our neighborhood.
Apparently, some people still think this is not just a good idea, but necessary.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

To this end, a federal judge struck the waiting period on CA for most gun buyers
Federal judge strikes down California gun purchase waiting period in some cases Fox News

If a waiting period for an abortion is insufferable, how is if OK to force people to wait to buy a gun?
Fewer Waiting Periods For Guns Than For Abortions INFOGRAPHIC

I already own several guns and have a CCW permit -- why should I have to wait some arbitrary amount of time before I can exercise my right to arms?
If you have a CCW and have already been through the background check, I see no reason to further delay a gun purchase. Seems redundant and useless, IMHO.
In the State of California what is the Penal Code for carrying a truncheon? Hell, what happens if you get caught with one in your car? Not even in your hand! Truly, for someone who claims to have been in law enforcement, your defense of this individual in this image speaks volumes about you.

My defense was not to make a judgment without knowing the facts. The picture is an example of profiling, jumping to a conclusion without first talking to him and others on scene.

The first question to ask is this: Are you employed as a security officer?

22295. (a) Nothing in any provision listed in Section 16580
prohibits any police officer, special police officer, peace officer,
or law enforcement officer from carrying any wooden club or baton.
(b) Nothing in any provision listed in Section 16580 prohibits a
uniformed security guard, regularly employed and compensated by a
person engaged in any lawful business, while actually employed and
engaged in protecting and preserving property or life within the
scope of employment, from carrying any wooden club or baton if the
uniformed security guard has satisfactorily completed a course of
instruction certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs in the
carrying and use of the club or baton.
The training institution
certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs to present this
course, whether public or private, is authorized to charge a fee
covering the cost of the training.

No. I'm not. Neither was he. So, you have just shown us that, at least in the State of California, what he was doing was brandishing a club. Which, in the State of California is a FELONY.

Thank you.

You're not what, smart? How do you know from a photograph that he did not have a guard card, was trained and was employed? HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Because after the event he was investigated. Further, even if he HAD a guard card, he would need to have been employed by the buildings owner, with, you know, an honest to gosh CONTRACT, which he was not, for the guard card to be relevant. I can tell he's not employed as a guard for the simple reason he's not in UNIFORM. A REQUIREMENT. I realize he is wearing a NBPP uniform, but they are not an accredited security guard company. Now are they....

How should I know every "accredited security guard company", and in our words, "he's not in UNIFORM. A REQUIREMENT. I realize he is wearing a NBPP uniform"?

"he was investigated"? Really, who did the investigation and where is the evidence? How do you know he had no contract and was not employed by the building owner? Where is that evidence?

My point being the photograph has been posted hundreds (?) of times for the single purpose of inciting hate and fear against black males. How do I know that? Simple, I've seen the posts and never, not once, did anyone ask any of the questions I posed, nor did anyone who posted the photo provide evidence - just like you failed to do - which is credible.

No it hasn't. The picture is de jure evidence that the man was committing a crime. A crime that the progressive government chose to ignore.
The truth is he was dressed in this manner to pass out treats left over from the week before the election. Every person voting got a candy bar and a thank you for voting - every person, no matter their race, color, creed or political affiliation. Now don't you feel foolish?

Is this an attempt at humor or are you serious?

In the State of California what is the Penal Code for carrying a truncheon? Hell, what happens if you get caught with one in your car? Not even in your hand! Truly, for someone who claims to have been in law enforcement, your defense of this individual in this image speaks volumes about you.

Wouldn't asking about Pennsylvania law be more pertinent?

My defense was not to make a judgment without knowing the facts. The picture is an example of profiling, jumping to a conclusion without first talking to him and others on scene.

The incident was reported, investigated and Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson we both charged with crimes.

"Witnesses described an ugly scene: Two members of the New Black Panther Party threatening white voters the day Barack Obama was elected president, flinging insults like "white devil" and "you're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker.""

AP via Boston.com

I live in Philadelphia.
I vote in Philadelphia.
I have been a poll worker.
That type of poll "security" by a known agitator like "I Hate White People -- Kill Some Crackers" Shabazz, should not be tolerated, facilitated or absolved, by those charged to protect rights (i.e., USDoJ).

It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?

Let me explain.

White people joing groups with other filthy Stormfron white power trailer trash are not racists because they say they're just advocating the rights of white people. They're racists because they're uneducated hilliblly slobs who think blacks are inferior to whites.

That black guy who thought he was sticking up for the rights of other blacks, who he thought may be intimidated out of voting by God knows who,...did not say blacks are superior or inferior to whites.


That's why you're a racist,. and that black guy isn't
It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?

Let me explain.

White people joing groups with other filthy Stormfron white power trailer trash are not racists because they say they're just advocating the rights of white people. They're racists because they're uneducated hilliblly slobs who think blacks are inferior to whites.

That black guy who thought he was sticking up for the rights of other blacks, who he thought may be intimidated out of voting by God knows who,...did not say blacks are superior or inferior to whites.


That's why you're a racist,. and that black guy isn't

No...the New Black Panther Party, of which he is a member says they are superior to whites.......
It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?

Let me explain.

White people joing groups with other filthy Stormfron white power trailer trash are not racists because they say they're just advocating the rights of white people. They're racists because they're uneducated hilliblly slobs who think blacks are inferior to whites.

That black guy who thought he was sticking up for the rights of other blacks, who he thought may be intimidated out of voting by God knows who,...did not say blacks are superior or inferior to whites.


That's why you're a racist,. and that black guy isn't

No...the New Black Panther Party, of which he is a member says they are superior to whites.......
No they don't...show me a quote.
It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?
Let me explain.
There is nothing y can explain to me that I do not already understand better than you.
Please let us know when you can discuss an issue without reverting to petulant ad homs.
Why would I dignify the brackish racist goo inside your head with something like rational thought.

Just stay right there in the trailer park, with your Stormfront buddies
It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?
Let me explain.
There is nothing y can explain to me that I do not already understand better than you.
Please let us know when you can discuss an issue without reverting to petulant ad homs.
Why would I dignify the brackish racist goo inside your head with something like rational thought.
It's not a matter of your desire, but clear and obvious lack of capacity.
It was a black person trying to protect the rights of black people.
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?
Let me explain.
There is nothing y can explain to me that I do not already understand better than you.
Please let us know when you can discuss an issue without reverting to petulant ad homs.
Why would I dignify the brackish racist goo inside your head with something like rational thought.
It's not a matter of your desire, but clear and obvious lack of capacity.
You just have a little weenie, don't you....
do all left wing males have small to non existent penises...they seemed obsessed with penis size and go right to that in a lot of threads....guys...relax. Blow up dolls don't care about your small penises...besides...liberal chicks hate men any way...so even if you could convince them to see you as actual men, they still won't have sex with you...so again, your small penises won't matter....
And thus, furthering the example of how those black people are racists.
You really aren't very bright huh?
Let me explain.
There is nothing y can explain to me that I do not already understand better than you.
Please let us know when you can discuss an issue without reverting to petulant ad homs.
Why would I dignify the brackish racist goo inside your head with something like rational thought.
It's not a matter of your desire, but clear and obvious lack of capacity.
You just have a little weenie, don't you....
Thank you for proving my point.
Please continue to do so at your leisure.

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