Wake up MotherFkrs.........Terrorist Burn Loot and Murder shout in Portland Oregon

Republicans are not noticed anywhere able to defend against riots, even in 1967(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Matt 25: 14-30: Seems like only yesterday(?)--Republican praying for baby genital mutilations--likely as an opening ceremony!)
That's why the riots are always in Democrat controlled cities. Detroit never recovered either. As long as it is democrat controlled it cannot recover. The ruins of Detroit have been compared to the ruins of Rome or Egypt.

PORTLAND, OREGON IS bracing for a storm of far-right violence. In July, Joe Biggs, a former staffer at the far-right conspiracist site Infowars announced an “End Domestic Terrorism” rally in Portland this Saturday. Its aim: the local antifa movement.

Biggs, who’s encouraged date rape and punching transgender people, told followers on Twitter to bring guns, declared “DEATH TO ANTIFA!!!!!!”, displayed a spiked weapon saying that it “will be put to good use,” and posted memes about death squads murdering leftists before his account was suspended.

No, globalists Soros and others are funding these blm terrorists, murderers, rapists, and pillagers in Portland.
I keep going back to the old saying you don't let inmates run the prison.

For most reasons PROGS are opposite day, it's what makes them PROGS. This alarming historical fact really needs to be well documented or we're doomed to repeat it, which ironically is another major component of PROG. Even if they chose to embrace this fact in the future they'd declare they were responsible for the change cuz they liberal:banana:That's nothing new, after all, the party of slavery made good while Republicans are racist and for only the rich..........Aint that fuckin' rich?

If it's a PROG ideology, then they're projecting and/or something else crooked is going on. Pick a topic and I'll make a case for it, try one on.

We live in a clown world.
US Nationals know that "Bonfires" are pep rally staple fare at event rallies everywhere in the USA. The anti-US Nationals who do not know about that like pray even for the mutilation of little baby genitals, prayers formed in the contest of the Imperial Roman Baby Abandonment phenomenon! See Prime Case, "Grandpa Murked U" poster.

Bonfires are known to happen at Pep Rallies, USA! (So are drug case OD's!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So the casting in prayers: Matt 25: 14-30
Don't forget to include the trash-can fires of the homeless! Mostly being shown are imagery from May, 2020, and before. Homeless fires are everywhere every morning, comparing--bon fires are a step above that.

These matters happen, even worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then real deluded swine pray for this shit, here: Matt 25: 14-30--easily conceded Trumped-Up behavior, casting out entire lives and genitals, worldwide!)
Don't forget to include the trash-can fires of the homeless! Mostly being shown are imagery from May, 2020, and before. Homeless fires are everywhere every morning, comparing--bon fires are a step above that.

These matters happen, even worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then real deluded swine pray for this shit, here: Matt 25: 14-30--easily conceded Trumped-Up behavior, casting out entire lives and genitals, worldwide!)
Your global leftists are causing homeless problems by the millions. Its appalling.
It looks like NWO fervently desires the civil war in USA. Instead BLM terrorists to be thrown behind bar, kneel to them and give them anything them want.
The Back-to-Africa Program would be a great response to BLM 'activists'.
As well-known Africa is a Great Continent with many opportunities, one its country would be the great destination for 'victims' of 'racism'. Liberia

By the way: Can you imagine the outrage of MS presstitutes and politicians when for example KKK do the same in one black neighborhood?

“Wake up, mother f—ker wake up!” chant BLM in Portland tonight as they go through residential areas and shut down the streets.
A Black Lives Matter mob entered the suburbs again on Thursday night, marching down the streets of a neighborhood in Portland screaming “wake up, motherfucker!” at the middle class whites who have lived there in safety for decades.
The 55 second clip posted by the intrepid Andy Ngo shows the blacks with their white female allies using a megaphone to alert the middle class whites that the age of the human is over.
They used a megaphone to tell these “motherfuckers” to wake up, and also shined bright lights in people’s windows.
I had someone on the internet tell me the other day that I “sounded like a crazy person” for saying that the next step was for these blacks to start killing white people in these suburbs. I asked him what he thought the next step was, and he said, and I quote, “I think things will cool off.”
Well, we are three months in, and these people, driven on by the media, continue to look for new ways to escalate. Even in the initial hardcore riots in June, they did not march into the suburbs. This is new. The extreme beating of the white man in Portland is new.
This is not cooling down. It is just heating up.

By every conceivable indicator, it’s going to keep getting worse, and then it’s going to get worse again.

Don't forget to include the trash-can fires of the homeless! Mostly being shown are imagery from May, 2020, and before. Homeless fires are everywhere every morning, comparing--bon fires are a step above that.

These matters happen, even worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then real deluded swine pray for this shit, here: Matt 25: 14-30--easily conceded Trumped-Up behavior, casting out entire lives and genitals, worldwide!)
Your global leftists are causing homeless problems by the millions. Its appalling.

At the beginnings lefts destroy economies, than rob peoples, than make them homeless or dead.
Shown illiterate Baron Poster even fails to notice that the Trumped-Up administration is the one current, and sending paid federal actors to cities, on charade: To incite riot, arson, and murder--within raping distance of little boys! Unidentified in Halloween Costume--within raping distance of little boys! In unmarked, even rental cars--within raping distance of little boys!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And then there are the praying people: Matt 25: 14-30!)
All the videos I saw show moron "Proud Boys" attacking people and then running away like pussies.
The truly incredible thing is that some that post on these threads actually appear to SUPPORT the behavior of these assholes. Dreadful, to say the least.
You believe this guy, I would not put stock in anything he says.
That says a lot more about YOU than him.

You believe this guy, I would not put stock in anything he says.
That says a lot more about YOU than him.
Drew Hernandez and Andy Ngo, both of those guys are provocateurs.

Yes it says a lot about me, I won't be taken in by bias street watchers.

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