Walker Recall Could be the Best Thing For Democrats

If this doesn't wake them up then what will.

I look at it this way.

If the people of Wisconsin think that Walker is the governor for them. Fine.

If the people of Wisconsin were bought by the Koch brothers, they deserve what they got. Fine.

I have yet to see this being a referendum on Obama tho.

But they were bought by the Koch Brothers here is what won:
(1) Walker took a hugh budget deficit (largest this side of CA) and made it into a surplus.
(2) He created the supply without, laying off teachers, raising taxes, closing schools or cutting school programs.
(3) The opposite happened: Unlike liberal hell-holes of IL and CA, WI is actually hiring more teachers (one of the few states to be doing this), keeping school programs and not cutting them and schools and districts far in the red are firmly in the black. Parents recognized this!
(4) Lowered unemployment in WI and made it a business friendly environment. Yep they picked off a bunch of IL small businesses that didn't get the backdoor deals the large businesses in IL got and they were hit HARD with the boneheaded IL tax increases (which did nothing to reduce the deficit I might add)!

This is what Walker ran on and he has done an EXCELLENT JOB!!!
No amount of truth or reality is going to wake up democrats .. who are every bit as partisan blind as are republicans.

Democrats will still continue to make excuses for Obama and hope that nobody is paying attention.

Democrats make the lesser of the two evils aurgument. I feel the difference between the two are Democrats want a big government to help everyone and Republicans want a big government to help the rich and control the poor.

Of course you see them as the lesseer, since your an unemployed pothead, with no skills, no education and no desire to go out and get any skills, education or job. You like your handouts and will fight to the death to keep them! You a picture perfect Democratic voter. You will be statisfied with crumbs from the table and never seek a seat at the table!

Is that what Rush told you? I hope you are better at your job than you are at taking shots in the dark.
Liberal Democrats: Yep. Losing was a good thing.

Studies confirm that the grapes were REAL fucking sour!

I look at it this way.

If the people of Wisconsin think that Walker is the governor for them. Fine.

If the people of Wisconsin were bought by the Koch brothers, they deserve what they got. Fine.

I have yet to see this being a referendum on Obama tho.

Then you are deaf, dumb and blind as well as stupid. Cant wait until Novemeber.

Neither can I.

Most polls had Walker ahead..in the state.

Most polls have Obama ahead in the country.

Even with Walker voters..in Wisconsin.

I will save this and show it to ya in november :lol:

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