Walker Signs Bill Undercutting Incoming Democrat Governor


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Wow! A real poke in the eye to the guy who won the midterms.

And, remember this, while Walked signed the law, it was started and passed by the state legislature.

Wisconsinites deserve a government that works for them, and they deserve their officials to be willing to set aside partisanship,” he said at a brief news conference.

The Wisconsin bills, which passed the legislature on Dec. 5 largely along party lines, will limit the governor’s ability to pass administrative rules and block him from killing a work requirement for Medicaid recipients.

The legislation also allows lawmakers, rather than the attorney general, to decide whether to withdraw the state from lawsuits. That will prevent Evers and the incoming Democratic attorney general, Josh Kaul, from fulfilling a campaign promise to end Wisconsin’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

More @ Lame-duck Wisconsin governor signs bill undercutting incoming Democrat | One America News Network
I love it when a Republican sticks it to a leftist.

You mean stick it to democracy .

The gop is truly disgusting . They do anything to get their way . True scum .
No, I mean exactly what I said..."leftist". And this is not a democracy, it's a republic. And Socialism is not the system under which our nation was founded. Obamacare is a blatant attempt to impose Socialism on the American people. The "true scum" are the leftists who support it. That probably includes YOU. Am I right?
I love it when a Republican sticks it to a leftist.

You mean stick it to democracy .

The gop is truly disgusting . They do anything to get their way . True scum .
No, I mean exactly what I said..."leftist". And this is not a democracy, it's a republic. And Socialism is not the system under which our nation was founded. Obamacare is a blatant attempt to impose Socialism on the American people. The "true scum" are the leftists who support it. That probably includes YOU. Am I right?

Medical coverage for those who can’t get it thru their employer is socialism ? Oh the horror !

Maybe the gop should repeal it! Oh wait, how’d that go? Where’s trumps cheaper / better alternative?
I think it’s great . Cause the people will remember the betrayal. Thanks for turning WI blue for the next election.
Medical coverage for those who can’t get it thru their employer is socialism ? Oh the horror !
Fining and threatening you if you don't buy it is classic socialism, yes.
Maybe the gop should repeal it! Oh wait, how’d that go? Where’s trumps cheaper / better alternative?
Your favorite liberal plant McCain saved it for you but since it's been ruled unconstitutional now, I'd say it went pretty well.
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Medical coverage for those who can’t get it thru their employer is socialism ? Oh the horror !
Fining and threatening you if you don't buy it is.
Maybe the gop should repeal it! Oh wait, how’d that go? Where’s trumps cheaper / better alternative?
Your favorite liberal plant McCain saved it for you but since it's been ruled unconstitutional now, I'd say it went pretty well.

What’s unconstitutional is Trump sabotaging the ACA .
Medical coverage for those who can’t get it thru their employer is socialism ? Oh the horror !
Fining and threatening you if you don't buy it is.
Maybe the gop should repeal it! Oh wait, how’d that go? Where’s trumps cheaper / better alternative?
Your favorite liberal plant McCain saved it for you but since it's been ruled unconstitutional now, I'd say it went pretty well.

What’s unconstitutional is Trump sabotaging the ACA .
Yeah? Tell us how he sabotaged it (not that it shouldn't have been sabotaged).
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Don't live there, but have felt bad for years as he has played trick after trick on his state, some sane Republicans not paying attention.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

Wow! A real poke in the eye to the guy who won the midterms.

And, remember this, while Walked signed the law, it was started and passed by the state legislature.

Wisconsinites deserve a government that works for them, and they deserve their officials to be willing to set aside partisanship,” he said at a brief news conference.

The Wisconsin bills, which passed the legislature on Dec. 5 largely along party lines, will limit the governor’s ability to pass administrative rules and block him from killing a work requirement for Medicaid recipients.

The legislation also allows lawmakers, rather than the attorney general, to decide whether to withdraw the state from lawsuits. That will prevent Evers and the incoming Democratic attorney general, Josh Kaul, from fulfilling a campaign promise to end Wisconsin’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

More @ Lame-duck Wisconsin governor signs bill undercutting incoming Democrat | One America News Network

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