Walking Away From the Left: Blue Collar Logic


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.
Bunch of explanations... the fact is people come more conservative as they get older. Destroying your own nation ain't so hip and cool when your kids lives depend on the success of it.
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Bunch of explanations... the fact is people come more conservative as they get older. Destroying your own nation ain't so hip and cool when your kids lives depend on the success of it.
This man's leftism started when he moved away from his conservative parents. Over the years, he became quite disillusioned with his choice. It's a man whose faith in America was reborn when he walked away from socialists who were dissing President Trump wrongfully, and he caught onto the whys of everything that's good about the Founding Fathers' ideas about what makes a country right for just about everyone.
People become fearful as they age. Conservatives see this as an opportunity much like reverse mortgage brokers, televangelists and scammers who sell medical quackery.
Bunch of explanations... the fact is people come more conservative as they get older. Destroying your own nation ain't so hip and cool when your kids lives depend on the success of it.
This man's leftism started when he moved away from his conservative parents. Over the years, he became quite disillusioned with his choice. It's a man whose faith in America was reborn when he walked away from socialists who were dissing President Trump wrongfully, and he caught onto the whys of everything that's good about the Founding Fathers' ideas about what makes a country right for just about everyone.

Isn't this what all teens do? Go explore the options, and then find out, their parents were correct all along... except in the case where the parents were a bunch of socialists, in that case they find the truth.
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

The extremities of this latest toxic strain of lefty liberalism turned me to the right.
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

#WalkAway on Twitter: LINK
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.

Take Bernie Sanders for instance.

And Nancy Pelosi, when I can decipher what she's mumbling about.

And there's another one. Who wears pretentious spectacles half way down his nose.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

Which part of the fact that you are a moron scares you? Damn, you really are cowards. Is there anything that DOESN'T offend you?
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me.......

I am offended that you are too STUPID to see the evil entity that your party has become. Wake up: The party of Truman and JFK is long dead and buried. Today's Democrat Socialist party is the party of homosexuals, transgenders, socialism, free stuff for illegal aliens and infanticide. You should be scared.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

Which part of the fact that you are a moron scares you? Damn, you really are cowards.
You would not know real courage if it fell in your lap.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me.......

I am offended that you are too STUPID to see the evil entity that your party has become. Wake up: The party of Truman and JFK is long dead and buried. Today's Democrat Socialist party is the party of homosexuals, transgenders, socialism, free stuff for illegal aliens and infanticide. You should be scared.
Yet somehow I am not scared of things that do not threaten me, go figure. Why are you so afraid of a future you will not live to see?
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

Which part of the fact that you are a moron scares you? Damn, you really are cowards.
You would not know real courage if it fell in your lap.

Let me guess, next you will lecture me about how real courage is all about taking it up in the ass, and let leftists trample all over me, my family, and my country?

It's a clown world indeed. Is there anything that leftists define using the actual term and not a bizzaro up is down definition?
Bunch of explanations... the fact is people come more conservative as they get older. Destroying your own nation ain't so hip and cool when your kids lives depend on the success of it.
This man's leftism started when he moved away from his conservative parents. Over the years, he became quite disillusioned with his choice. It's a man whose faith in America was reborn when he walked away from socialists who were dissing President Trump wrongfully, and he caught onto the whys of everything that's good about the Founding Fathers' ideas about what makes a country right for just about everyone.

Isn't this what all teens do? Go explore the options, and then find out, their parents were correct all along... except in the case where the parents were a bunch of socialists, in that case they find the truth.

This is why liberals are working to suppress free speech, so one can learn about their options.
Yet somehow I am not scared of things that do not threaten me......

They threaten your country you half-witted imbecile.They threaten our children. You're a friggin' idiot. You just don't give a fuck about right & wrong. You are everything that is wrong with America.

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