Walking Conflict Of Interest Ginni Thomas Finally Catching Peoples Attention

Hm. So if he believes A over B AND his wife also happens to believe A over B, then he is ruling in his wife’s interest?

Or are you claiming that he bends his judicial philosophy and his decisions to conform to her views? Maybe you have something beyond pure speculation to support that claim? I’d be interested in seeing it.
The fact that he consistently votes in his wife's interest AND the fact that he was the lone SC Bench vote to protect her communications with the White House
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Wait a second, what's wrong with promiscuity?
It depends:

In the matter of Kavanaugh and Thomas one might call the former attempted rape and in the latter attempted sexual battery. I choose the word do to the lack of any criminal conviction.

Examples for men promiscuity isn't insulting, and with women it is immoral. We see this all the time on this message board, trump is excused for his behavior, and the VP is not. Granted trump is illicit and Harris is in social relationships. The hypocrisy is clear.
It depends:

In the matter of Kavanaugh and Thomas one might call the former attempted rape and in the latter attempted sexual battery. I choose the word do to the lack of any criminal conviction.

Examples for men promiscuity isn't insulting, and with women it is immoral. We see this all the time, trump is excused for his behavior, and the VP is not.

No, no, no. You don't get to change the meaning of words just because you don't know how to communicate any better.
The fact that he consistently votes in his wife's interest AND the fact that he was the lone SC Bench vote to protect her communications with the White House
His wife’s interests? Pretty vague. Not in all specifics, but quite often, my interests are aligned with hers. I’d suggest that maybe his interests (including that quaint notion of interpreting the Constitution on the basis of what it says and means) don’t take into account that his wife happens to agree with him.

And he made a decision about the Trump claim requiring revealing the emails concerning 1/6. So what? Again, he can’t come to his own conclusion if his wife happens to agree? That’s your notion of a conflict of interest?
Imagine if a Supreme Court justice was married to a radical activist who defended a group charged with sedition, encouraged a rally challenging election results, and gave out awards to people with an interest in cases appearing before the Court.

As it turns out, you don’t have to imagine. That’s a description of Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

For years, Ginni Thomas has been a walking conflict of interest that everyone has seemingly agreed not to talk about. It’s not as if she tried to hide. She’s been a fixture in conservative circles since the 1980s. She has had her own lobbying firm for more than a decade.

She has destroyed the SC, unless Roberts takes Thomas out to the woodshed, and they lock Ginny's ass up.
J6 Reichstag Fire Plotters Committee, uh huh

We have to wait until there's an honest Congress to see when Nancy gave the Capitol police the orders to "Let them in!"
You never will because it never happened. You're a liar.

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