Wall St. building another bubble!

They're at it again. This time, they're creating a farm land bubble, just as they did in the 1980's.

When this bubble pops, and it will, everybody will lose except the big investors.

Farmland in demand - latimes.com

In this country everybody loses except the big investors anyway. When George W. Bush, Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke handed nearly a trillion dollars to the biggest banks in the world with absolutely no specification about how they had to use it they removed all doubt. The greed of the banks knows no bounds. In the late 20's and early 30's a Republican president and their unregulated activities screwed the working people in this country and in the early 2000's another dumb assed president did the same thing again.

As far as bubble.....I've had some money in the markets since 1965 and beginning in the mid eighties both my wife and I initiated two 401K's.
I watch the financial channels nearly every day and based upon what I hear if there's a bubble brewing now it's in the bond market. That's sad news for me because for the last five years we've done well with about half of our holdings in bonds. We've averaged about 7% overall.
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Of course the big investors will lose when it pops.
Of course the big investors will lose when it pops.

Actually it's the big investors who will cause it to pop. They will suddenly pull their money out and down she goes. Kinda sad but it's the way it works.
They're at it again. This time, they're creating a farm land bubble, just as they did in the 1980's.

When this bubble pops, and it will, everybody will lose except the big investors.

Farmland in demand - latimes.com

The history of free markets is one of boom and bust, and mankind has prospered in the rather jagged ascension of overall greater good realized from the cycles.

You want the gubmint to protect you and keep you safe.

It is just two competing world views, commie.
Of course the big investors will lose when it pops.

Actually it's the big investors who will cause it to pop. They will suddenly pull their money out and down she goes. Kinda sad but it's the way it works.

Yep...and down she goes...leaving the small investors in mutual funds and pension programs to bite it once more.

This time, though, it's farm land they're manipulating. What happens to food production when the bubble bursts? What's the farmer who took their money to do with his farm when the bill comes due?
Of course the big investors will lose when it pops.

Actually it's the big investors who will cause it to pop. They will suddenly pull their money out and down she goes. Kinda sad but it's the way it works.

Yep...and down she goes...leaving the small investors in mutual funds and pension programs to bite it once more.

This time, though, it's farm land they're manipulating. What happens to food production when the bubble bursts? What's the farmer who took their money to do with his farm when the bill comes due?

Pension plans and mutual funds are the definition of big investors. Mutual funds hold almost zero farmland, pension funds only slightly more.

The biggest benefactors of all this "Big Money" buying farmland have been the farmers themselves. Who do you think is selling it to Big Money?
They're at it again. This time, they're creating a farm land bubble, just as they did in the 1980's.

When this bubble pops, and it will, everybody will lose except the big investors.

Farmland in demand - latimes.com

The history of free markets is one of boom and bust, and mankind has prospered in the rather jagged ascension of overall greater good realized from the cycles.

You want the gubmint to protect you and keep you safe.

It is just two competing world views, commie.

Horse Shit! The GUBMINT is what handed nearly a trillion dollars to the banks to keep them safe. Where in the name of goodness do you find your news. Oh....I know, must be Fox and the Republican propaganda machine
Actually it's the big investors who will cause it to pop. They will suddenly pull their money out and down she goes. Kinda sad but it's the way it works.

Yep...and down she goes...leaving the small investors in mutual funds and pension programs to bite it once more.

This time, though, it's farm land they're manipulating. What happens to food production when the bubble bursts? What's the farmer who took their money to do with his farm when the bill comes due?

Pension plans and mutual funds are the definition of big investors. Mutual funds hold almost zero farmland, pension funds only slightly more.

The biggest benefactors of all this "Big Money" buying farmland have been the farmers themselves. Who do you think is selling it to Big Money?

The farmers are, except for those lands already owned by investors. Somebody comes around waving a big check in the face of a farmer just barely getting by and he unwisely jumps at it, essentially making himself a tenant farmer on his own land.

But, when the land values fall, and the big investors bail out, who's left holding the bag and what does that do to our ability to feed ourselves?

One more thought which just crossed my mind: This is pretty much the same scam the British used on the Iraqi's back in the days of Empire. After they'd gotten title to the land, they kicked off the Iraqi farmers and brought in Indian's, who would work it cheaper.
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Yep...and down she goes...leaving the small investors in mutual funds and pension programs to bite it once more.

This time, though, it's farm land they're manipulating. What happens to food production when the bubble bursts? What's the farmer who took their money to do with his farm when the bill comes due?

Pension plans and mutual funds are the definition of big investors. Mutual funds hold almost zero farmland, pension funds only slightly more.

The biggest benefactors of all this "Big Money" buying farmland have been the farmers themselves. Who do you think is selling it to Big Money?

The farmers are, except for those lands already owned by investors. Somebody comes around waving a big check in the face of a farmer just barely getting by and he unwisely jumps at it, essentially making himself a tenant farmer on his own land.

But, when the land values fall, and the big investors bail out, who's left holding the bag and what does that do to our ability to feed ourselves?

I grew up in Saskatchewan, which is a farm economy. In the 80s, the farm economy was in a literal depression. In the 1990s, you could literally buy an acreage for $1 in some places. Farmers were essentially wards of the state. Now, farms are going for $4000-$6000 an acre. The boom in farm prices has been the best thing to happen to farmers in generations.

I agree that farmland is probably in a bubble and won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. But the idea that somehow "big investors" won't be hurt by a collapse is an ignorant fallacy that shouldn't be perpetrated. I know of formerly rich guys who killed themselves after housing collapsed.
They're at it again. This time, they're creating a farm land bubble, just as they did in the 1980's.

When this bubble pops, and it will, everybody will lose except the big investors.

Farmland in demand - latimes.com

The history of free markets is one of boom and bust, and mankind has prospered in the rather jagged ascension of overall greater good realized from the cycles.

You want the gubmint to protect you and keep you safe.

It is just two competing world views, commie.

Horse Shit! The GUBMINT is what handed nearly a trillion dollars to the banks to keep them safe. Where in the name of goodness do you find your news. Oh....I know, must be Fox and the Republican propaganda machine

Every Democrat in America demanded it.

And of course, the bust cycle would have been minimal had Clinton not forced banks to drop their lending standards.

Why don't you losers ever sack up and take responsibility?
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The democrat solution will be for the government to own and control all the farmland. They there won't be any bubbles.
the demand creating this will not likely disapear unless China tanks its economy.

farmland will increasing prices all over the world due to the GW thing.

food is becoming harder to grow due to unpredictable weather.

you better thank the pretend gods that cali is part of the US
Are you saying that prices for these plots of farmland have no chance of a downturn due to global warming?


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