Wallace 1968: Prophet

If racism is relevant to you, I guess so. Most of us thankfully don't care to live in the kind of fear-ridden society he envisioned with a boogey man behind every bush.
Sounds like he was pro States Rights. Too many people have forgotten that we are the United STATES of America NOT the United Central Federal Government of America.

Wallace might have been a better President than ANY of the clowns that have been elected since then.
Sounds like he was pro States Rights. Too many people have forgotten that we are the United STATES of America NOT the United Central Federal Government of America.

Wallace might have been a better President than ANY of the clowns that have been elected since then.

I seriously doubt Wallace would have made a good president. He was great at creating a "Good Ol' Boy" network and politicking. Other than that he was worthless.

He won every election he finished, but Alabama certainly didn't prosper under his leadership.
I was born the night Wallace was shot...they closed all admissions at the hospital where I was born, thinking Wallace was being transported there, but he ended up going to a different hospital.

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