Walmart Doing Away With Cashiers

They've done it in most Wallyworlds in this area. But it is backfiring. They are having to staff nearly as many people to assist as they used for cashiers. In addition, the algorithms have a tendency to slow things down for the customer in a number of ways. Customers are beginning to balk at paying ever increasing prices only to get less service. Add these to the fact that it makes shoplifting easier and they have had to start having employees check receipts as people leave, and they are gaining nothing. I ignore the receipt checkers--If they are going to accuse me of being a thief, just be up front with it and I'll take the legal action necessary for false accusation.
They'll make it work just fine my little friend. You can bet on that!
I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

The walmart I go to transitioned over the past 4 years and went to all self checkout in 2020
The whole idea for a business to become more profitable is to remove labor costs and payroll. Nothing new there.
Given a choice, I'll pay higher taxes. I'm not going to pay someone $15 an hour just because that's what he wants.

People shouldn't get government assistance for more than three months...

They will get it for life when the jobs are gone.
Add these to the fact that it makes shoplifting easier and they have had to start having employees check receipts as people leave, and they are gaining nothing. I ignore the receipt checkers--If they are going to accuse me of being a thief, just be up front with it and I'll take the legal action necessary for false accusation.

They aren't accusing you of anything if they check your receipt. You are in THEIR store buying THEIR products. You can be checked on the way out the door. Sorry.

You can be asked to show your receipt, and if you refuse, you can be detained if they have so much as a tiny inkling that you might be shoplifting. It's called "shopkeepers privilege." Look it up.

But here is the catch. They can't accuse you of actually shoplifting, even if you ARE stealing something, UNLESS YOU ARE OUTSIDE. If you are still in the store you can always claim you intended to pay for the item. So these receipt checks are nothing more than deterrence to people trying to shoplift.

You'll see some websites that say that if you try to conceal merchandise you can be accused and arrested for shoplifting even before leaving the store. Besides the fact that you can claim you had full intentions of paying for it, there are instances where you need to know if merchandise will FIT into a particular bag or whatnot before purchase. For example, I'm a motorcycle rider and if I run to wal mart on my bike I can only buy what will fit in my backpack so I bring it in the store and stuff as much merchandise into it as I can. Then I take that bag and walk to a check out lane and then pay for the items. At no time did I intend to steal anything, I was simply limited in how much I could purchase by the size of my bag.
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They aren't accusing you of anything if they check your receipt. You are in THEIR store buying THEIR products. You can be checked on the way out the door. Sorry.

You can be asked to show your receipt, and if you refuse, you can be detained. It's called "shopkeepers privilege." Look it up.

They sure get pissed off when you ask them why they are accusing you of shoplifting.
Not if you cut off social welfare after a period of time.

These jobs aren't meant to be careers, they are meant to be stepping stones to better paying jobs.

Just because you dream of being a lazy fuck during your life doesn't mean I should pay for it.

They've done it in most Wallyworlds in this area. But it is backfiring. They are having to staff nearly as many people to assist as they used for cashiers. In addition, the algorithms have a tendency to slow things down for the customer in a number of ways. Customers are beginning to balk at paying ever increasing prices only to get less service. Add these to the fact that it makes shoplifting easier and they have had to start having employees check receipts as people leave, and they are gaining nothing. I ignore the receipt checkers--If they are going to accuse me of being a thief, just be up front with it and I'll take the legal action necessary for false accusation.
If I go to one of the self checkouts I just act like an imbecile so the person near has to come do the checking. Its quicker than waiting in long lines if you need something in there.
these stupid uneducated Liberals get all these really idiotic ideas.

"Hey, lets use the government to force an increase in wages, what could possibly go wrong?"

Then those great social ideas turns to shit. Like employers finding cheaper ways to do the labor and a lot of people are out of work.

Would you rather be out of work because the wage is $15/hr or be employed at $10/hr?
I wouldn't be surprised to see Starbucks go the same way. With Big Labor coming in and taking over, eliminating jobs now is the key- before they get tied into "union work rules" and are unable to eliminate positions.
You would think that with today's 17.5% inflation - that leftist like pknopp would begin to understand that giving money away dilutes that currency... causing...wait for it... higher prices. Which negates the wage increase.
As we seen in January of this year, even with dramatic increases in wages - inflation outpaced the wage increase. Meaning the people are actually making less than before.
these stupid uneducated Liberals get all these really idiotic ideas.

"Hey, lets use the government to force an increase in wages, what could possibly go wrong?"

Then those great social ideas turns to shit. Like employers finding cheaper ways to do the labor and a lot of people are out of work.

Would you rather be out of work because the wage is $15/hr or be employed at $10/hr?
Or improve your skills and EARN $30/hr or more.

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