WalMart Donation Bins Out Again This Year - Cheap Bastards

Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Oh, there's no doubt that stealing from your employees increases your bottom line. I don't think anyone has said that it does not.
So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

So to prove I am "making shit up" please provide the locations and crime statistics for Meijers in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Traverse City during the 1970s.

That's the problem with you people, when someone's observation conflicts with your talking point you accuse them of lying.

Well then, I apologize.. I guess in this area, we just have different perceptions and different observations. You very well could be right. I don't have the time or inclination to prove out your biases. I only know the business model and my hunch is you are letting your anger and ego cloud your judgement.

But no, I am not calling you a liar. I am just stating that you could be mistaken in your memories. I don't know how many years have past since you experienced them.

Everyone is allowed a different point of view.

Nope, I don't think you are lying. I just know that people do let their point of view color their memories. How long ago was it that you were there? Two years, Five years, a decade? That would be important, don't you think?

Important New Theory Explains Where Old Memories Go - Scientific American

Apology accepted, you're a stand up guy for offering it.

I fully admit that my biases can and do cloud my perception, it happens to everyone. I know that Meijer has done a very good job at managing their image and the Meijer today is not at all what Thrifty Acres was.

Back to the premise of this thread, I don't see an issue with employees helping other employees. While it's terrible to have people in situations where they need assistance while working, the solution isn't to just decree that someone else give them enough money to then subsist or thrive. These people aren't needy because WalMart is paying them too little (same 3% under market than Meijer btw), they are needy due to factors out of WalMart's control.

Do you work for a living?

Would you be okay with your fellow workers digging into their own pockets to pay you what your employers refuses to pay you?

I would not be.

Besides, it has been posted many times that Walmart ALSO put out charity boxes so their customers could pay the wage they refuse to pay themselves.

Why should anyone have to subsidize a company that does as well as this one does while simultaneously refusing to help those who actually need it?

Why is it that RWs only want to subsidize the very wealthy or the criminal?

If you want to subsidize Walmart, go shop there. I believe they should pay their own costs of doing business, just as I did when I ran my own business.

Past tense , proving Luddly couldn't manage a buinsess
How could Walmart make you lefties feel truly welcome?

How about offering a free home abortion kit with every home pregnancy test?

I don't understand how you feel this is a partisan issue.

Most posters that know me, know I am not partisan. Go ahead and ask Luddly how many times I've pissed him off. I only want what is best for THIS nation. Globalists suck. Do you think for an instant that the Waltons give a shit about your community or this nation? REALLY? They're just here to bleed it dry man.

Do you enjoy your taxpayer money going to subsidize the Walton's business model? What about that is fair competition?

I thought the people on the right were in favor of the free market? How could any one on the right respect a corporation run by folks whose employees depend on public aid to survive while mom and pop stores pay wages to their employee that allow them to live without public aid? What is wrong with people today?

Why aren't folks outraged that their taxes go to subsidize a huge corporate big box store that monopolizes the industry, while they have to support their employees. These same folks that bitch about it, are under the impression that these employees that are on Welfare aren't even working at all. Or they give some argument like these folks should do something to better their lot in life. With what money or with what time?

Middle class privilege must be some form of crippling virus that causes one to have terminal ignorance in the illogical workings of one's position in life. It is almost as bad is the virus that causes the stupidity of liberalism.

If you have no money, you can't continue your education. If you have no time because you are working to pay all your bills, you don't have time for classes. Some folks do it, I know, but these are the lucky ones with a support structure, with social capital, or middle class relatives. Not everyone is so lucky.

All I'm asking for, is that the government OUT the way of workers ability to unionize. IS that so much to ask? Don't they have that right? Also, the government should stop picking winners and losers.

Why shouldn't labor and business play on an equal playing field?

I'm not saying that Wall-mart shouldn't have the right to fire employees, or the whole GD union if it wants. But, OTH, the folks that make up the union should also have the option of applying non-violent union tactics to those who cross picket lines. They should be able to educate those who would cross union lines.

The whole situation is Effed up. And for good reason. Money talks, BS walks.

Walmart s War Against Unions -- and the U.S. Laws That Make It Possible Julie Gutman Dickinson

Walmart s Internal Guide To Fighting Unions And Monitoring Workers

"OUR Walmart’s central demand is for the company to commit to paying associates at least $25,000 per year. Walmart workers currently make an average of $8.81 per hour, more than 25 percent less than at similar retailers, and the majority make less than $25,000. Taxpayers subsidize those low wages and poor benefits. A single 300-worker Walmart store accounts for between $900,000 and $1.7 million per year in public benefits costs for its workers.

By contrast, one of the company’s primary competitors, Costco, pays an average wage of $21.96 and enrolls nearly all of its workers in benefits programs. It reported a quarterly profit of $459 million last spring and of $617 million last summer."

Is that really so hard, REALLY?

Let's have the government STOP picking winners and losers and have the free market decide.

I'll bet stores like Meijer, Costco, Target etc. would kick Wall-marts ass if the government didn't subsidize their workers. Wall-mart can only exists in a Democratic regime, not in a Libertarian or Republican controlled government.

That's my position. They are corporate whores sucking off the government tit.

Hold on a sec.

There was a small local chain of hardware stores that got completely destroyed when Home Depot and Lowes came to town. The same arguments were made against them as are being made against WalMart right now - low pay, working poor suffering, supervisors on food stamps, etc.

The only problem with that in this area was that the mom & pop stores that Home Depot and Lowes replaced paid even less! The same dynamic exists in the WalMarts in our area. The employees aren't worse off because some have EBT and other assistance, it's that their previous employers paid them less and never hired specialists to help them apply.

That seems to be the thing Walmart does differently, they spend money on specialists to help workers apply for the benefits they are qualified to receive. How is that worse than the inefficient mom & pop stores paying less and not providing that assistance?

Yeah, they help their employees to scam the government but not nearly to the degree that Walmart themselves does.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.


Who are you and what did you do with the real mal/dumbear?
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.


Who are you and what did you do with the real mal/dumbear?

I told you, a CURSORY reading of my posts reveals that I am not Mal
Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Why does it make you so happy that Walmart is able to exploit cheap labor, at the expense of your fellow

What could there possibly be within that that would give you pleasure?
America is somehow a better place because the working class of America has to struggle.

That is the perverse conservative vision of America, while at the same time, the last thing they want to do is struggle.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

True - IF you live in your car and bathe at the gas station.
If nothing else this is an irrefutable argument against the RWnuts who claim that the needy in this country are only those who are too lazy to work.

Walmart (quite unintentionally I'm guessing) is definitively acknowledging the existence of the WORKING poor in America.

The question should not be whether the problem exists, it should be how to solve it.

Tell the rabid right.

And yeah, that's the same rabid right that says they should just go work someplace else.

I will, now you go explain to the rabid left why Wal Mart going out of business would KILL those same employees.

-- says drama queen mal.

WM would not go out of business.

True, they might have to subsize fewer abortions but hey, they would survive and really, that's all that matters to the rabid right.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

True - IF you live in your car and bathe at the gas station.

I must be wearing orthopedic shoes, because I stand corrected. You're right, I'd rather get kicked in the pants. :)

I just meant that it's a start.
They're anything but lazy.

As for unions, the point is that its a basic right.

RWs will always fight against rights, right up until they take advantage of the very rights given to them by the hard work of progressives.

Pretty sure no progressive "gave" us the 2nd Amendment, but nice try there pinko.

Like it or not, that's exactly who fought and earned the entire Constitution that you now so blithely trash.

The conservatives of the time were way too busy spying for the king.

Sorry, sonny boy but that's just way it was.

You are NOTHING like a liberal from colonial America.

I started to just blow you off because I think you're mal and nothing but a worthless, lying troll but --

In many ways, no, of course, I'm nothing at all like a "liberal from colonial America". But in other ways, that I would never consider sharing on this board, I'm very much like them.

Okay, that's enough talking to you. Let's get back to me ignoring you because you're mal and a worthless lying troll.

Even a CURSORY reading of my posts reveals there is NO WAY I could be Mal

What a cursory reading of your posts shows is that you are a spineless mixer and a stirrer and not worth more than momentary consideration.

Please go away, mal.
Do a search.

There are many links from last year and this year that state that Walmart is either begging for food for their employees or allowing their employees to beg for food.
I posted a link about the sign in the post, it isn't Wal-Mart begging for food. If you are capable of reading, you'd believe this.

The very fact that its ALWAYS the RWs who defend this vile company as well as others who harm the middle and poor classes is proof that they want more hungry children, elderly, vets, handicapped. That desire is a hallmark of being RW.
Vile company provides jobs for millions and cheap goods for millions others.

Why do you hate all these people and want them to not have jobs? I find that inhuman.
The only problem with that in this area was that the mom & pop stores that Home Depot and Lowes replaced paid even less! The same dynamic exists in the WalMarts in our area. The employees aren't worse off because some have EBT and other assistance, it's that their previous employers paid them less and never hired specialists to help them apply.
Thank you. I'm amazed people seem to believe local Mom & Pop type stores would pay more but for evil Wal-Mart coming in and driving them out of business. Local stores pay shit for low skill jobs too.
RWs hate children and they hate women.
When you say shit like this you might as well just save time and type "I am so far down the ideologue rabbit hole I have detached from reality."

You know crazy RW partisan retard posters like ShootSpeedos, Koshergirl, KatznDogs, TheOwl sound? You sound exactly the same, trust me.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.
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If nothing else this is an irrefutable argument against the RWnuts who claim that the needy in this country are only those who are too lazy to work.

Walmart (quite unintentionally I'm guessing) is definitively acknowledging the existence of the WORKING poor in America.

The question should not be whether the problem exists, it should be how to solve it.

Tell the rabid right.

And yeah, that's the same rabid right that says they should just go work someplace else.

They should. Supply and demand.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

How much should a PFC make per year in your opinion?

If we actually paid those young guys what they are worth, we couldn't afford a military. Same could be said of teachers (the good ones) police, fireman, etc etc.

That's not an answer. How much?

I think the military payscale is about right. There are no shortage of enlistees in peacetime and only specific fields experience shortages in wartime. The compensation and lifestyle are good enough.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.
So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

So to prove I am "making shit up" please provide the locations and crime statistics for Meijers in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Traverse City during the 1970s.

That's the problem with you people, when someone's observation conflicts with your talking point you accuse them of lying.

Well then, I apologize.. I guess in this area, we just have different perceptions and different observations. You very well could be right. I don't have the time or inclination to prove out your biases. I only know the business model and my hunch is you are letting your anger and ego cloud your judgement.

But no, I am not calling you a liar. I am just stating that you could be mistaken in your memories. I don't know how many years have past since you experienced them.

Everyone is allowed a different point of view.

Nope, I don't think you are lying. I just know that people do let their point of view color their memories. How long ago was it that you were there? Two years, Five years, a decade? That would be important, don't you think?

Important New Theory Explains Where Old Memories Go - Scientific American

Apology accepted, you're a stand up guy for offering it.

I fully admit that my biases can and do cloud my perception, it happens to everyone. I know that Meijer has done a very good job at managing their image and the Meijer today is not at all what Thrifty Acres was.

Back to the premise of this thread, I don't see an issue with employees helping other employees. While it's terrible to have people in situations where they need assistance while working, the solution isn't to just decree that someone else give them enough money to then subsist or thrive. These people aren't needy because WalMart is paying them too little (same 3% under market than Meijer btw), they are needy due to factors out of WalMart's control.

Do you work for a living?

Would you be okay with your fellow workers digging into their own pockets to pay you what your employers refuses to pay you?

I would not be.

Besides, it has been posted many times that Walmart ALSO put out charity boxes so their customers could pay the wage they refuse to pay themselves.

Why should anyone have to subsidize a company that does as well as this one does while simultaneously refusing to help those who actually need it?

Why is it that RWs only want to subsidize the very wealthy or the criminal?

If you want to subsidize Walmart, go shop there. I believe they should pay their own costs of doing business, just as I did when I ran my own business.

Charity is for those in need. Wages are for value delivered to the operation. $7 an hour to stock shelves and sweep floors is fair if people are willing to work for that wage. If they have circumstances that prevent them from supporting their 4 kids on that wage they need charity. But the 16 year old kid who stocks shelves does and lives with his parents is not needy, and therefore deserves no charity.

People are paid based on their value to the company, not based on how many kids they have or how expensive their medical bills are. Would you agree to pay a higher price every time you shopped for a car based on the circumstances of the car salesman? History shows most people get the best deal they can and then donate to those in need.
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