WalMart Donation Bins Out Again This Year - Cheap Bastards

Cheap, cheap bastards.... THey are number 6- 9 of the top 10 wealthiest Americans according to Forbes. And yet they are not too proud to beg from their own employees. Shame.....

They are worth $140,000,000,000 and they won't pay a living wage.

#6 Christy Walton & family $41.1 B $38 B 59 Jackson, WY Wal-Mart
#7 Jim Walton $40 B $36 B 66 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart
#8 Alice Walton $38.5 B $34.9 B 65 Fort Worth, TX Wal-Mart
#9 S. Robson Walton $38.5 B $34.8 B 70 Bentonville, AR

Henry Ford would be disgusted.

Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.



I've experienced the same drivers' idiocy you claim happens in WalMart parking lots in the Meijer lot at 28th St. & Kalamazoo in Grand Rapids - Meijer HQ - all the time.
Eh, that has nothing to do with Meijer or WalMart. I have a friend that lives in GR, that just GR drivers in general. :eusa_doh:
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Don't donate. Your problem is solved. Many of the employees are just living beyond their means and having children they can not afford.

When rats have a reduced food supply they don't breed. I know that people aren't as smart as rats. They can learn from them though.

Oh do tell how you can make that assertion. I'll be waiting.

So there's thousands of WalMart employees just gaming these Waltons and winning. Yeah. Right. That's why their net worth is minus zero and the Waltons are worth $140B. You are truly a mathematical fucking idiot.

Spend a month shopping at WalMart every day. Look at the nails on the cashiers and then spend some time getting nails that look like that every day while working the keys like they do. Report back to us the cost required to not only have those nails, but maintain those nails while pounding on keys 8 hours a day.

The negative net worth you claim they have isn't because they make too little, it's because they spend too much and don't orient their activities towards getting ahead. Maybe they'd be better off if they could just be like you and bone some attorney for a long time. That's how you got ahead right?
LMAO They are plastic nails that are glued on. Probably cost a couple of dollars for a package of 10, and the nails are used over again: they are plastic.

Not according to the lady who owns the nail shop in a few doors down.
Liar. Your assertion is that Wal-Mart employees get paid just fine and spend lots of money getting their nails done. What a pathetic assertion. You're ridiculous.

Liar? Show the lie you twit.
You all have to remember to a progressive and isn't charity until the government is forcing it from you

Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

And what does that mean, that it never happened???


Okay, so it means you have nothing to contribute.

Not true. You made a strawman argument about some "conspiracy" and tried to use this article and Business Insider as the de-facto proof that there is no conspiracy. You never considered the possibility that Business Insider was always left leaning. That nullifies your argument.

Plus, I contributed by voicing my opinion. That's a contribution to this community. It's not particularly bombastic or controversial, but spending some time on a Friday discussing political view is much more productive than posting cat pictures on facebook.

Which media outlets do you consider credible?

You'll note that I didn't attack Business Insider's credibility, just that they have always had a left leaning bias.

Some of the credible news organizations in my opinion:

San Francisco Gate
Financial Times
Business Insider
Fox Business (different than Fox News)
Wall Street Times
Detroit Free Press
Gainesville Sun
Orlando Sentinel
Tampa Bay Times
Fast Company
The Week (technically not a news organization but they research the pieces they use)
Sometimes the alphabet networks but not often (ABC, FOX, MSNBC, CNN, CBS)
The Guardian
Washington Post (most of the time)
Washington Times (most of the time)
Cheap, cheap bastards.... THey are number 6- 9 of the top 10 wealthiest Americans according to Forbes. And yet they are not too proud to beg from their own employees. Shame.....

They are worth $140,000,000,000 and they won't pay a living wage.

#6 Christy Walton & family $41.1 B $38 B 59 Jackson, WY Wal-Mart
#7 Jim Walton $40 B $36 B 66 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart
#8 Alice Walton $38.5 B $34.9 B 65 Fort Worth, TX Wal-Mart
#9 S. Robson Walton $38.5 B $34.8 B 70 Bentonville, AR

Henry Ford would be disgusted.

Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.




So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

So to prove I am "making shit up" please provide the locations and crime statistics for Meijers in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Traverse City during the 1970s.

That's the problem with you people, when someone's observation conflicts with your talking point you accuse them of lying.
How could Walmart make you lefties feel truly welcome?

How about offering a free home abortion kit with every home pregnancy test?
Cheap, cheap bastards.... THey are number 6- 9 of the top 10 wealthiest Americans according to Forbes. And yet they are not too proud to beg from their own employees. Shame.....

They are worth $140,000,000,000 and they won't pay a living wage.

#6 Christy Walton & family $41.1 B $38 B 59 Jackson, WY Wal-Mart
#7 Jim Walton $40 B $36 B 66 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart
#8 Alice Walton $38.5 B $34.9 B 65 Fort Worth, TX Wal-Mart
#9 S. Robson Walton $38.5 B $34.8 B 70 Bentonville, AR

Henry Ford would be disgusted.

Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.




So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

Oh and during most of the 1970s I lived in Muskegon. Mom shopped at Thrifty Acres (the original name), right down the street. We didn't live in a good neighborhood.
CANTON, Ohio (KRON) — When it comes to help for the needy at one Wal-Mart store, the needy in question are the store’s workers.

The store has put out donation bins under a sign that reads “Please donate food items here so Associates in Need can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.”

A company spokesman is defending the containers telling a Cleveland newspaper “”This is part of the company’s culture to rally around associates and take care of them when they face extreme hardship.”

Some workers say they wouldn’t need to ask for donations from shoppers if Wal-Mart would pay them a living wage.

Wal-Mart Employees Ask for Charity for Thanksgiving Dinner KRON4 8211 San Francisco Bay Area News


Don't expect the apologists to admit this.

They'll just keep telling the same lie over and over.

Obviously, all the RWs who post here are incredibly wealthy. The only other possible explanation for what they write is that really just plain dumb.
When will you ever understand that labor does not outwiegh the value of brain power, thus why getting an education is encouraged in this country. And, the labor of ringing up buttons, well, really it isn't that laborious. What they should do is take Walmarts offer to join their management training program, or their educational benefits up if they want to move their careers along, so their labor actually brings more value to themselves and their families through more brain power.
And the most important point is overall, Walmart employees are happy with their non union jobs. It is unions stirring up problems.

I once was in retail. I decided to work and study hard to get more for myself and my family. And I did and was able to give more to them.
Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?
Raises are given fr merit not because you want to look like you care


It's odd that you use the word "merit," which means good, worthy, or deserving, instead of productive.

Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study
Worthy. Only a fool rewards lazy workers


Lazy? I wonder how they get the food on the shelves?

Do you suppose the Walmart CEO is working 600 times harder than the average employee?

They're anything but lazy.

As for unions, the point is that its a basic right.

RWs will always fight against rights, right up until they take advantage of the very rights given to them by the hard work of progressives.
Henry Ford would be disgusted.

Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.




So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

So to prove I am "making shit up" please provide the locations and crime statistics for Meijers in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Traverse City during the 1970s.

That's the problem with you people, when someone's observation conflicts with your talking point you accuse them of lying.

Well then, I apologize.. I guess in this area, we just have different perceptions and different observations. You very well could be right. I don't have the time or inclination to prove out your biases. I only know the business model and my hunch is you are letting your anger and ego cloud your judgement.

But no, I am not calling you a liar. I am just stating that you could be mistaken in your memories. I don't know how many years have past since you experienced them.

Everyone is allowed a different point of view.

Nope, I don't think you are lying. I just know that people do let their point of view color their memories. How long ago was it that you were there? Two years, Five years, a decade? That would be important, don't you think?

Important New Theory Explains Where Old Memories Go - Scientific American
Henry Ford would be disgusted.

Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.




So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

Oh and during most of the 1970s I lived in Muskegon. Mom shopped at Thrifty Acres (the original name), right down the street. We didn't live in a good neighborhood.
I guess that is subjective. Did you live in a trailer park? Did you live in subsidized housing or receive food stamps?
CANTON, Ohio (KRON) — When it comes to help for the needy at one Wal-Mart store, the needy in question are the store’s workers.

The store has put out donation bins under a sign that reads “Please donate food items here so Associates in Need can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.”

A company spokesman is defending the containers telling a Cleveland newspaper “”This is part of the company’s culture to rally around associates and take care of them when they face extreme hardship.”

Some workers say they wouldn’t need to ask for donations from shoppers if Wal-Mart would pay them a living wage.

Wal-Mart Employees Ask for Charity for Thanksgiving Dinner KRON4 8211 San Francisco Bay Area News


Don't expect the apologists to admit this.

They'll just keep telling the same lie over and over.

Obviously, all the RWs who post here are incredibly wealthy. The only other possible explanation for what they write is that really just plain dumb.

Some of us see the economic folly in overpaying for materials and labor. WalMart (and Meijer) both pay slightly below market average because they can. If people were not willing to work for those wages then they wouldn't do it.

I remember a business that prided itself on "paying for quality" and workers there made more than they could at their competitors. The company was called Hollywood Video. They filed for bankruptcy. As it turns out there is only so much value a company can squeeze out of unskilled labor and if things need to change fast, massive amounts of money are needed to do it.
When will you ever understand that labor does not outwiegh the value of brain power, thus why getting an education is encouraged in this country. And, the labor of ringing up buttons, well, really it isn't that laborious. What they should do is take Walmarts offer to join their management training program, or their educational benefits up if they want to move their careers along, so their labor actually brings more value to themselves and their families through more brain power.
And the most important point is overall, Walmart employees are happy with their non union jobs. It is unions stirring up problems.

I once was in retail. I decided to work and study hard to get more for myself and my family. And I did and was able to give more to them.
Raises are given fr merit not because you want to look like you care


It's odd that you use the word "merit," which means good, worthy, or deserving, instead of productive.

Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study
Worthy. Only a fool rewards lazy workers


Lazy? I wonder how they get the food on the shelves?

Do you suppose the Walmart CEO is working 600 times harder than the average employee?

They're anything but lazy.

As for unions, the point is that its a basic right.

RWs will always fight against rights, right up until they take advantage of the very rights given to them by the hard work of progressives.

Pretty sure no progressive "gave" us the 2nd Amendment, but nice try there pinko.
Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.




So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

Oh and during most of the 1970s I lived in Muskegon. Mom shopped at Thrifty Acres (the original name), right down the street. We didn't live in a good neighborhood.
I guess that is subjective. Did you live in a trailer park? Did you live in subsidized housing or receive food stamps?

No. We qualified for food stamps and free lunches but my parents would not do that. I asked Mom about it later and she said it was morally wrong to accept assistance just because we qualified, that money was needed for people far worse off. She could make it work without it. She was close, but the Carter years ended and Dad found a better job at a new company in Florida.
If nothing else this is an irrefutable argument against the RWnuts who claim that the needy in this country are only those who are too lazy to work.

Walmart (quite unintentionally I'm guessing) is definitively acknowledging the existence of the WORKING poor in America.
Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider

There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

And what does that mean, that it never happened???


Okay, so it means you have nothing to contribute.
I have an environmental impact study done by Shell Corporation on a deep water drilling site they intend to open up next month. According to them, the impact on the environment will be light and manageable.

Get the point yet?
If nothing else this is an irrefutable argument against the RWnuts who claim that the needy in this country are only those who are too lazy to work.

Walmart (quite unintentionally I'm guessing) is definitively acknowledging the existence of the WORKING poor in America.

The question should not be whether the problem exists, it should be how to solve it.
Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.
How could Walmart make you lefties feel truly welcome?

How about offering a free home abortion kit with every home pregnancy test?

I don't understand how you feel this is a partisan issue.

Most posters that know me, know I am not partisan. Go ahead and ask Luddly how many times I've pissed him off. I only want what is best for THIS nation. Globalists suck. Do you think for an instant that the Waltons give a shit about your community or this nation? REALLY? They're just here to bleed it dry man.

Do you enjoy your taxpayer money going to subsidize the Walton's business model? What about that is fair competition?

I thought the people on the right were in favor of the free market? How could any one on the right respect a corporation run by folks whose employees depend on public aid to survive while mom and pop stores pay wages to their employee that allow them to live without public aid? What is wrong with people today?

Why aren't folks outraged that their taxes go to subsidize a huge corporate big box store that monopolizes the industry, while they have to support their employees. These same folks that bitch about it, are under the impression that these employees that are on Welfare aren't even working at all. Or they give some argument like these folks should do something to better their lot in life. With what money or with what time?

Middle class privilege must be some form of crippling virus that causes one to have terminal ignorance in the illogical workings of one's position in life. It is almost as bad is the virus that causes the stupidity of liberalism.

If you have no money, you can't continue your education. If you have no time because you are working to pay all your bills, you don't have time for classes. Some folks do it, I know, but these are the lucky ones with a support structure, with social capital, or middle class relatives. Not everyone is so lucky.

All I'm asking for, is that the government OUT the way of workers ability to unionize. IS that so much to ask? Don't they have that right? Also, the government should stop picking winners and losers.

Why shouldn't labor and business play on an equal playing field?

I'm not saying that Wall-mart shouldn't have the right to fire employees, or the whole GD union if it wants. But, OTH, the folks that make up the union should also have the option of applying non-violent union tactics to those who cross picket lines. They should be able to educate those who would cross union lines.

The whole situation is Effed up. And for good reason. Money talks, BS walks.

Walmart s War Against Unions -- and the U.S. Laws That Make It Possible Julie Gutman Dickinson

Walmart s Internal Guide To Fighting Unions And Monitoring Workers

"OUR Walmart’s central demand is for the company to commit to paying associates at least $25,000 per year. Walmart workers currently make an average of $8.81 per hour, more than 25 percent less than at similar retailers, and the majority make less than $25,000. Taxpayers subsidize those low wages and poor benefits. A single 300-worker Walmart store accounts for between $900,000 and $1.7 million per year in public benefits costs for its workers.

By contrast, one of the company’s primary competitors, Costco, pays an average wage of $21.96 and enrolls nearly all of its workers in benefits programs. It reported a quarterly profit of $459 million last spring and of $617 million last summer."

Is that really so hard, REALLY?

Let's have the government STOP picking winners and losers and have the free market decide.

I'll bet stores like Meijer, Costco, Target etc. would kick Wall-marts ass if the government didn't subsidize their workers. Wall-mart can only exists in a Democratic regime, not in a Libertarian or Republican controlled government.

That's my position. They are corporate whores sucking off the government tit.
Henry Ford said often he wanted to make a product that even his own employees could afford, that's how you do it.
These fuckers are 21st century railroad barons who use a new minority to abuse, Hispanics and Blacks, instead of the Chinese.

I'm glad I live in the Midwest where the concept of One stop shopping was invented. The Walton's ripped off the idea from the Meijer family, who, incidentally, not only allows their employees to unionize, but also hasn't gone public.

This allows them to make all the decisions and keep control of the business so they don't have to be accountable, by law to stockholders. The profit motive is NOT their biggest or only overriding concern. They have never had growing to big or expansion so large that they lose their identity, values and soul at the expense of communities and folks they serve.

In my town, the Meijer and Wall-mart are side by side. You notice the difference EVEN IN THE PARKING LOTS. The people who drive in the Meijer parking lot are more attentive, courteous and kind. They pay attention, and wait for each other at the stop signs. The parking lot lines are straight, because the drivers have no problem pulling in and out of them.

At Wall-mart, everyone is rude, in a rush and doesn't pay attention. You are liable to get hit if you don't watch yourself. They cut you off, and don't know how to drive worth a damn. They also angle the parking space line, so you need to pull in to the lanes the correct way, or else you can't park, because none of the customers know how to pull in and out of spaces.

Don't even get me started on the service desk. Or how NOBODY is ever around if you need help at a Wall-mart. Those stores are awful. They only time I go into them is around Christmas because they have a slightly better selection if my kid wants something I can't find.

I'll gladly pay the extra couple cents a product might cost at Meijer. That extra five bucks every shopping trip is worth every penny to keep a morally decent store like Meijer in my state.

Wall-mart drives me nuts and disgusts me.




So because Wal Mart beat Meijer at the expansion game you don't like the Waltons?

The Meijer's (billionaires also) aren't exactly the salt of the earth types either.

I think it's funny that you are making character generalizations based on your experiences at one store. I remember Meijer from when I lived in Michigan. Let's just say that they weren't in the good neighborhoods back then.

The Waltons got rich by going global. The Meijers got rich by having better PR to soak the midwest union culture.

Oh, I've went to many Meijers and Wal-Marts through out the nation. I don't base it off of just the one particular incidence.

What I would like to point out, is that I think your memory as a kid might be skewed by your adult partisan political ideology though. The facts just don't bear out what you are saying.

The Meijer family does their research and always places their stores in solidly middle class or working class neighborhoods. When they do, the neighborhood stays that way because they provide good jobs, and other businesses spring up around them.

Take Flint for instance. Long known nationwide as one of the worst cities in the nation. Lets have a look at the income and crime map shall we?


The blue areas are the nice areas, the light blue and white area are places you don't want to be after dark. Now lets have a look at the Meijer locations, okay?


So yeah, as we can see, you were making shit up. Other than Burton, Meijer keeps neighborhoods nice, or they locate where there are jobs and they provide quality living and are the rock in their community. And even in Burton, you see that island of Blue? Yeah, that would be the Meijer.

The same can be said for the Meijer in the Township in Saginaw. There isn't any on the East side.

You will find the same thing repeated in Lansing, GR and down in the Metro Area.

Guess you must have been raised down in the SW corner by Kzoo or up in the NW corner by Traverse city, I don't know much about those areas. Either that or you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and always shopped at Trader Joe's, because I don't know WTF you are talking about.

So to prove I am "making shit up" please provide the locations and crime statistics for Meijers in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Traverse City during the 1970s.

That's the problem with you people, when someone's observation conflicts with your talking point you accuse them of lying.

Well then, I apologize.. I guess in this area, we just have different perceptions and different observations. You very well could be right. I don't have the time or inclination to prove out your biases. I only know the business model and my hunch is you are letting your anger and ego cloud your judgement.

But no, I am not calling you a liar. I am just stating that you could be mistaken in your memories. I don't know how many years have past since you experienced them.

Everyone is allowed a different point of view.

Nope, I don't think you are lying. I just know that people do let their point of view color their memories. How long ago was it that you were there? Two years, Five years, a decade? That would be important, don't you think?

Important New Theory Explains Where Old Memories Go - Scientific American

Apology accepted, you're a stand up guy for offering it.

I fully admit that my biases can and do cloud my perception, it happens to everyone. I know that Meijer has done a very good job at managing their image and the Meijer today is not at all what Thrifty Acres was.

Back to the premise of this thread, I don't see an issue with employees helping other employees. While it's terrible to have people in situations where they need assistance while working, the solution isn't to just decree that someone else give them enough money to then subsist or thrive. These people aren't needy because WalMart is paying them too little (same 3% under market than Meijer btw), they are needy due to factors out of WalMart's control.

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