WalMart Donation Bins Out Again This Year - Cheap Bastards

posted a link and repeated the headline, word for word -

"Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider"

What was there to "correct"?
Wal-Mart didn't ask workers to donate, a worker who knew about two other workers on leave of absence, in a single store, did so.

That would be a good correction.
Thank you! I believe you were the only one to comment on the truth of the matter.

No he did not.

The "truth of the matter" is simply that a very wealthy employer does not pay a livable wage.
Don't donate. Your problem is solved. Many of the employees are just living beyond their means and having children they can not afford.

When rats have a reduced food supply they don't breed. I know that people aren't as smart as rats. They can learn from them though.

Oh do tell how you can make that assertion. I'll be waiting.

So there's thousands of WalMart employees just gaming these Waltons and winning. Yeah. Right. That's why their net worth is minus zero and the Waltons are worth $140B. You are truly a mathematical fucking idiot.

Spend a month shopping at WalMart every day. Look at the nails on the cashiers and then spend some time getting nails that look like that every day while working the keys like they do. Report back to us the cost required to not only have those nails, but maintain those nails while pounding on keys 8 hours a day.

The negative net worth you claim they have isn't because they make too little, it's because they spend too much and don't orient their activities towards getting ahead. Maybe they'd be better off if they could just be like you and bone some attorney for a long time. That's how you got ahead right?
LMAO They are plastic nails that are glued on. Probably cost a couple of dollars for a package of 10, and the nails are used over again: they are plastic.

Not according to the lady who owns the nail shop in a few doors down.
Liar. Your assertion is that Wal-Mart employees get paid just fine and spend lots of money getting their nails done. What a pathetic assertion. You're ridiculous.
Don't LIE and say they have a 55" TV and eat out 5 times a week.

That's a really slimy thing to do but very typical of the LIES the RWs tell here every single day.
Don't lie and say I said they had anything, I was clearly putting up hypotheticals on where we can draw the line on saying someone is making enough money to live.

Are you saying nobody working at WalMart has a 55" TV and eats out five times per week? None of those two million people?

In fact, you RWs want an end to the minimum wage, because you know that would result in more homeless and hungry children.
So RWs want to have more homeless and hungry children? Step back from your insane partisan rant for a sec and think to yourself why they would want that. Surely you know some people neighbors coworkers whatever who would be classified as RW do you think if given an anonymous survey asking if they wanted there to be more homeless and hungry children they would say yes? Of course not.

You've gone off the rails making a stupid claim like that.
There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

I was making fun of thanatos144 idiotic post: "How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards".

And I was correcting Carla Danger's description of Business Insider.

Carla_Danger posted a link and repeated the headline, word for word -

"Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider"

What was there to "correct"?

You're right, my mistake.

It was you who gave an incorrect depiction of Business Insider:

"They've even gotten to the Business Insider. "

... he said, cherry picking only one line from my post and ignoring the context and emoticon cuz


Right over his head.

This was done by a dept head that found out 2 workers had taken an extended leave of absence and were single income families. She wanted to help them out for Thanksgiving. That is the real story.
I love how most ignored this. Shows there is an agenda.

The agenda is to starve the working poor.

Not only does Walmart not pay a living wage, they don't care that their employees have to put out boxes begging for food.

As usual, the RWs are trying to turn that into some sort of positive thing about Walmart.

WHAT is wrong with you people? Why is it that RWs are ALWAYS on the wrong side of humanity and then have the nerve to say they're "christians" and preach god crap?
Don't LIE and say they have a 55" TV and eat out 5 times a week.

That's a really slimy thing to do but very typical of the LIES the RWs tell here every single day.
Don't lie and say I said they had anything, I was clearly putting up hypotheticals on where we can draw the line on saying someone is making enough money to live.

Are you saying nobody working at WalMart has a 55" TV and eats out five times per week? None of those two million people?

In fact, you RWs want an end to the minimum wage, because you know that would result in more homeless and hungry children.
So RWs want to have more homeless and hungry children? Step back from your insane partisan rant for a sec and think to yourself why they would want that. Surely you know some people neighbors coworkers whatever who would be classified as RW do you think if given an anonymous survey asking if they wanted there to be more homeless and hungry children they would say yes? Of course not.

You've gone off the rails making a stupid claim like that.

You're kidding, right?

YES! If you read their posts, there are many wing nut, hateful, RWs posting here who want to see more hungry and homeless and not just children.
Why don't Repubs ever bring up this linkage? :eusa_think: OH YEAH!!! It would reveal that the recipients aren't all black & brown people :shock:
Apparently, enough people, nationwide, think that WalMart is sufficiently akin to a robber-baron empire, so as to eviscerate it at every opportunity.

There seems to be more merit than hyperbole in that - WalMart is not exactly an 'enlightened' organization - but there's socialist-leaning hyperbole in that, as well.

I do not, however, have trouble with either an ad hoc employee mutual-assistance group, or WalMart itself, putting-up donation bins such as these.

Such bins don't do a damned thing to solve the problem, but, if they are reasonably well-received, they might help alleviate a few symptoms, here and there.

I know that we need to look to Cause-and-Effect, but I don't see any point in throwing the baby (some modicum of relief) out with the bathwater, either.

But that's just me.
What it amounts to is it is the largest retail employer, and yet has remained union free. Why do you think they do 't pick on other retailer's known for paying approximately the same? If tbe unions could get their hand on the dues of another million plus people in one fell swoop? Everyone else is small fish in the sea. It would be a coup d'etat which would keep the coup de grace at bay for the private sector unions.
What is even more interesting is almost half their board is democrats, and one of the Walton's is even a big time dem, and Sam's Club's ceo is a stalworth dem as well.
It is the union continually stirring up trouble, plain and simply
Apparently, enough people, nationwide, think that WalMart is sufficiently akin to a robber-baron empire, so as to eviscerate it at every opportunity.

There seems to be more merit than hyperbole in that - WalMart is not exactly an 'enlightened' organization - but there's socialist-leaning hyperbole in that, as well.

I do not, however, have trouble with either an ad hoc employee mutual-assistance group, or WalMart itself, putting-up donation bins such as these.

Such bins don't do a damned thing to solve the problem, but, if they are reasonably well-received, they might help alleviate a few symptoms, here and there.

I know that we need to look to Cause-and-Effect, but I don't see any point in throwing the baby (some modicum of relief) out with the bathwater, either.

But that's just me.
You're kidding, right?

YES! If you read their posts, there are many wing nut, hateful, RWs posting here who want to see more hungry and homeless and not just children.
Actually no I'm not kidding you are making an absurd claim.

If the RWs posting here want to see more hungry and homeless it should be easy for you to name one and we'll ask them. Why don't you start a poll and ask for people who identify themselves as RW to answer yes or no do they want to see more hungry and homeless children.

When you say silly extremist viewpoints like that you are no different that the RW retards who say all lefties are communists who don't want to work for anything. No rational person believes either extremist's cartoon views of their neighbors in the opposing political camp.
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Wal-Mart didn't ask workers to donate, a worker who knew about two other workers on leave of absence, in a single store, did so.

That would be a good correction.
Thank you! I believe you were the only one to comment on the truth of the matter.

No he did not.

The "truth of the matter" is simply that a very wealthy employer does not pay a livable wage.
Yes, I certainly did and I provided a link the story that proves it.

You are suspending reality to cling to your predisposed views, it is a fact that this isn't Wal-Mart seeking donations for the hungry staff, it is one Wal-Mart associate doing it on her own accord in one Wal-Mart.
More proof democrats want to relieve minorities of the liberty of working fora living and keep then safely in chains in the ghetto pens.

How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards.

Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider

There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.
LMAO :cuckoo:

I know, right? Everything "left" of homicidal maniac is considered "left" to these nutters.
There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

And what does that mean, that it never happened???


Okay, so it means you have nothing to contribute.

Not true. You made a strawman argument about some "conspiracy" and tried to use this article and Business Insider as the de-facto proof that there is no conspiracy. You never considered the possibility that Business Insider was always left leaning. That nullifies your argument.

Plus, I contributed by voicing my opinion. That's a contribution to this community. It's not particularly bombastic or controversial, but spending some time on a Friday discussing political view is much more productive than posting cat pictures on facebook.

Which media outlets do you consider credible?
How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards.

Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider

There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


I'll try to do better. Maybe Breitbart or The American Stinker did an article on this story. LOL!
Wal-Mart didn't ask workers to donate, a worker who knew about two other workers on leave of absence, in a single store, did so.

That would be a good correction.
Thank you! I believe you were the only one to comment on the truth of the matter.

No he did not.

The "truth of the matter" is simply that a very wealthy employer does not pay a livable wage.
Yes, I certainly did and I provided a link the story that proves it.

You are suspending reality to cling to your predisposed views, it is a fact that this isn't Wal-Mart seeking donations for the hungry staff, it is one Wal-Mart associate doing it on her own accord in one Wal-Mart.

Do a search.

There are many links from last year and this year that state that Walmart is either begging for food for their employees or allowing their employees to beg for food.

If they paid a livable wage, neither would have to beg for food.

Nor would Walmart have to teach their employees to beag for food by applying for food stamps.

The very fact that its ALWAYS the RWs who defend this vile company as well as others who harm the middle and poor classes is proof that they want more hungry children, elderly, vets, handicapped. That desire is a hallmark of being RW.
CANTON, Ohio (KRON) — When it comes to help for the needy at one Wal-Mart store, the needy in question are the store’s workers.

The store has put out donation bins under a sign that reads “Please donate food items here so Associates in Need can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.”

A company spokesman is defending the containers telling a Cleveland newspaper “”This is part of the company’s culture to rally around associates and take care of them when they face extreme hardship.”

Some workers say they wouldn’t need to ask for donations from shoppers if Wal-Mart would pay them a living wage.

Wal-Mart Employees Ask for Charity for Thanksgiving Dinner KRON4 8211 San Francisco Bay Area News


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