WalMart Donation Bins Out Again This Year - Cheap Bastards

How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards.

Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider

There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

I was making fun of thanatos144 idiotic post: "How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards".

And I was correcting Carla Danger's description of Business Insider.
Don't donate. Your problem is solved. Many of the employees are just living beyond their means and having children they can not afford.

When rats have a reduced food supply they don't breed. I know that people aren't as smart as rats. They can learn from them though.

Oh do tell how you can make that assertion. I'll be waiting.

So there's thousands of WalMart employees just gaming these Waltons and winning. Yeah. Right. That's why their net worth is minus zero and the Waltons are worth $140B. You are truly a mathematical fucking idiot.

Spend a month shopping at WalMart every day. Look at the nails on the cashiers and then spend some time getting nails that look like that every day while working the keys like they do. Report back to us the cost required to not only have those nails, but maintain those nails while pounding on keys 8 hours a day.

The negative net worth you claim they have isn't because they make too little, it's because they spend too much and don't orient their activities towards getting ahead. Maybe they'd be better off if they could just be like you and bone some attorney for a long time. That's how you got ahead right?

OMG, the bullshit from the right never ceases to amaze....So you're saying ALL cashiers at WalMart have their nails done and that's why they can't afford food. Would you like to post a link to hard data or a specific controlled study to confirm this?

Another typical rightie who skates on the thin ice of speculation and personal observation.

While you refuse to go have a look yourself.

EIther confirm and corroborate your idiotic statement based on fact or sit down and STFU.
They are the number one beneficiary of food stamps.
I always hear this talking point brought up related to WalMart, but it really means absolutely nothing when considered in context.

WalMart has by far the most employees in the United States, it isn't even close they have over three times more than the number two Yum Brands.

So yeah, it wouldn't surprise me they have the most employees on food stamps since they are a retail store with the most employees period. I bet WalMart also has:
- The most employees with glasses
- The most employees with a dog named Max
- The most employees who occasionally suffer heartburn
- The most employees who say they like french fries
Don't donate. Your problem is solved. Many of the employees are just living beyond their means and having children they can not afford.

When rats have a reduced food supply they don't breed. I know that people aren't as smart as rats. They can learn from them though.

Oh do tell how you can make that assertion. I'll be waiting.

So there's thousands of WalMart employees just gaming these Waltons and winning. Yeah. Right. That's why their net worth is minus zero and the Waltons are worth $140B. You are truly a mathematical fucking idiot.

Spend a month shopping at WalMart every day. Look at the nails on the cashiers and then spend some time getting nails that look like that every day while working the keys like they do. Report back to us the cost required to not only have those nails, but maintain those nails while pounding on keys 8 hours a day.

The negative net worth you claim they have isn't because they make too little, it's because they spend too much and don't orient their activities towards getting ahead. Maybe they'd be better off if they could just be like you and bone some attorney for a long time. That's how you got ahead right?
LMAO They are plastic nails that are glued on. Probably cost a couple of dollars for a package of 10, and the nails are used over again: they are plastic.

Not according to the lady who owns the nail shop in a few doors down.

These remarks reek of bigotry and sheer fucking ignorance. Where I live many of the cashiers in the big box stores are men, young men and elderly women who are dressed very conservatively and do not flash big hair or nails. Some of them are fat, some thin, some bright, some not so bright. Lots of minorities. In other words: people who are working because they need a job.

Bigotry? How so?
Don't donate. Your problem is solved. Many of the employees are just living beyond their means and having children they can not afford.

When rats have a reduced food supply they don't breed. I know that people aren't as smart as rats. They can learn from them though.

But of course, let's do all we can to make birth control and abortion expensive and difficult to get.

Which miserable RW slime said something about how they can't be all that poor since they have refrigerators and cell phones.
at least the boxes are honest and temporary. we donate to walmart's employees in need year-round.
Don't donate. Your problem is solved. Many of the employees are just living beyond their means and having children they can not afford.

When rats have a reduced food supply they don't breed. I know that people aren't as smart as rats. They can learn from them though.

Oh do tell how you can make that assertion. I'll be waiting.

So there's thousands of WalMart employees just gaming these Waltons and winning. Yeah. Right. That's why their net worth is minus zero and the Waltons are worth $140B. You are truly a mathematical fucking idiot.

Spend a month shopping at WalMart every day. Look at the nails on the cashiers and then spend some time getting nails that look like that every day while working the keys like they do. Report back to us the cost required to not only have those nails, but maintain those nails while pounding on keys 8 hours a day.

The negative net worth you claim they have isn't because they make too little, it's because they spend too much and don't orient their activities towards getting ahead. Maybe they'd be better off if they could just be like you and bone some attorney for a long time. That's how you got ahead right?

OMG, the bullshit from the right never ceases to amaze....So you're saying ALL cashiers at WalMart have their nails done and that's why they can't afford food. Would you like to post a link to hard data or a specific controlled study to confirm this?

Another typical rightie who skates on the thin ice of speculation and personal observation.

While you refuse to go have a look yourself.

EIther confirm and corroborate your idiotic statement based on fact or sit down and STFU.

You seem a little dense. I gave you my perception based on anecdotal observation and implored you to have a look yourself. You then asked for a controlled study to confirm it, which is a strawman since I clearly indicated the source of my perception.

Go back to pasting amazon links in webpages, ninny.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc typically pays:
below market

Meijer, Inc. typically pays:
below market
People also forget that the beloved Mom & Pop stores that they fret about being put out of business because of evil WalMart usually pay the same low wages except with even shittier benefits.
Misleading thread title. It isn't a WalMart drive with bins out, it is an associate who set it up in one store for two coworkers on extended leave during the holidays.

Oklahoma Walmart Employee Defends Food Donation Campaign for Co-Workers - ABC News
A Walmart spokeswoman said the donation efforts are not organized by the corporation, but by store employees.

Sulaitis, 54, said she approached the store's human resources department about two weeks ago to ask if there are any fellow employees in need. She was then told that two employees, who remained unnamed, had taken an extended leave of absence, and each were single-income households.

"I asked if we could do bake sales to raise money to help provide them with a Thanksgiving meal and to put together a food drive in which associates in the store can contribute to their meals," Sulaitis said. "So we are acting collectively to help out our fellow associates."
Which miserable RW slime said something about how they can't be all that poor since they have refrigerators and cell phones.
Yeah this is a commonly seen response, but to be fair where do you draw the line on claiming some isn't making enough money to live? Is it one flat screen TV over 55" and a game console? Is it a smart phone with a big data plan and eating out at fast food restaurants five times per week? Is it two casino trips per month and a pack of smokes per day?

There has to be a point where the amount of money spent on things that aren't necessities would logically induce the rationale that they do indeed have enough money to live and then some.
Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need Consumerist


The group Making Change at Walmart says this donation box has been placed in an Oklahoma store asking employees to donate food for their co-workers in need.
I'd believe this is the box was wal-mart blue, but it's not, so....

That's an incoherent statement but if you follow the link you will see the photo was taken in a Walmart.
Your inability to comprehend is not m fault, and there is not proof this occured in a walmart
How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards.

Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider

There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

I was making fun of thanatos144 idiotic post: "How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards".

And I was correcting Carla Danger's description of Business Insider.

Carla_Danger posted a link and repeated the headline, word for word -

"Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider"

What was there to "correct"?
Misleading thread title. It isn't a WalMart drive with bins out, it is an associate who set it up in one store for two coworkers on extended leave during the holidays.

Oklahoma Walmart Employee Defends Food Donation Campaign for Co-Workers - ABC News
A Walmart spokeswoman said the donation efforts are not organized by the corporation, but by store employees.

Sulaitis, 54, said she approached the store's human resources department about two weeks ago to ask if there are any fellow employees in need. She was then told that two employees, who remained unnamed, had taken an extended leave of absence, and each were single-income households.

"I asked if we could do bake sales to raise money to help provide them with a Thanksgiving meal and to put together a food drive in which associates in the store can contribute to their meals," Sulaitis said. "So we are acting collectively to help out our fellow associates."
Oh, so the leftist lied.

shocking, just

no it's not

But will noderpplz admit he was duped?
Misleading thread title. It isn't a WalMart drive with bins out, it is an associate who set it up in one store for two coworkers on extended leave during the holidays.

Oklahoma Walmart Employee Defends Food Donation Campaign for Co-Workers - ABC News
A Walmart spokeswoman said the donation efforts are not organized by the corporation, but by store employees.

Sulaitis, 54, said she approached the store's human resources department about two weeks ago to ask if there are any fellow employees in need. She was then told that two employees, who remained unnamed, had taken an extended leave of absence, and each were single-income households.

"I asked if we could do bake sales to raise money to help provide them with a Thanksgiving meal and to put together a food drive in which associates in the store can contribute to their meals," Sulaitis said. "So we are acting collectively to help out our fellow associates."

Shameful that people who work for living still have to beg for food.

No excuse for Big Business refusing to pay a living wage. None.
This was done by a dept head that found out 2 workers had taken an extended leave of absence and were single income families. She wanted to help them out for Thanksgiving. That is the real story.
I love how most ignored this. Shows there is an agenda.
posted a link and repeated the headline, word for word -

"Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider"

What was there to "correct"?
Wal-Mart didn't ask workers to donate, a worker who knew about two other workers on leave of absence, in a single store, did so.

That would be a good correction.
Thank you! I believe you were the only one to comment on the truth of the matter. And indeed, a correction should be made by the author of the story.
Last edited:
Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider

There, see?

Further proof of the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy.

They've even gotten to the Business Insider.

What next?

How long before Faux falls?


Business Insider has always had a left leaning editorial bias.

I was making fun of thanatos144 idiotic post: "How the fuck do you idiots even know that is for real??? What a bunch of gullible retards".

And I was correcting Carla Danger's description of Business Insider.

Carla_Danger posted a link and repeated the headline, word for word -

"Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food To Its Needy Employees

Read more: Wal-Mart Asks Workers To Donate Food - Business Insider"

What was there to "correct"?

You're right, my mistake.

It was you who gave an incorrect depiction of Business Insider:

"They've even gotten to the Business Insider. "
Which miserable RW slime said something about how they can't be all that poor since they have refrigerators and cell phones.
Yeah this is a commonly seen response, but to be fair where do you draw the line on claiming some isn't making enough money to live? Is it one flat screen TV over 55" and a game console? Is it a smart phone with a big data plan and eating out at fast food restaurants five times per week? Is it two casino trips per month and a pack of smokes per day?

There has to be a point where the amount of money spent on things that aren't necessities would logically induce the rationale that they do indeed have enough money to live and then some.

RWs have said that having a refrigerator and a cell phone means they have plenty of money to buy food. Come to think of it, I'm thinking it was fatso lush rimbaugh who said that. That would be very typical of the poison he spews.

Don't LIE and say they have a 55" TV and eat out 5 times a week.

That's a really slimy thing to do but very typical of the LIES the RWs tell here every single day.

Fact is, there are many people who work hard but because we don't care about hungry human beings as much as adore and worship the 1%, we don't demand a living wage. In fact, you RWs want an end to the minimum wage, because you know that would result in more homeless and hungry children.

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