WalMart Donation Bins Out Again This Year - Cheap Bastards

Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Oh, there's no doubt that stealing from your employees increases your bottom line. I don't think anyone has said that it does not.

"Stealing from your employees...."

Spoken like a true clueless robot that has never had to pay employees long term.
How could Walmart make you lefties feel truly welcome?

How about offering a free home abortion kit with every home pregnancy test?

I don't understand how you feel this is a partisan issue.

Most posters that know me, know I am not partisan. Go ahead and ask Luddly how many times I've pissed him off. I only want what is best for THIS nation. Globalists suck. Do you think for an instant that the Waltons give a shit about your community or this nation? REALLY? They're just here to bleed it dry man.

Do you enjoy your taxpayer money going to subsidize the Walton's business model? What about that is fair competition?

I thought the people on the right were in favor of the free market? How could any one on the right respect a corporation run by folks whose employees depend on public aid to survive while mom and pop stores pay wages to their employee that allow them to live without public aid? What is wrong with people today?

Why aren't folks outraged that their taxes go to subsidize a huge corporate big box store that monopolizes the industry, while they have to support their employees. These same folks that bitch about it, are under the impression that these employees that are on Welfare aren't even working at all. Or they give some argument like these folks should do something to better their lot in life. With what money or with what time?

Middle class privilege must be some form of crippling virus that causes one to have terminal ignorance in the illogical workings of one's position in life. It is almost as bad is the virus that causes the stupidity of liberalism.

If you have no money, you can't continue your education. If you have no time because you are working to pay all your bills, you don't have time for classes. Some folks do it, I know, but these are the lucky ones with a support structure, with social capital, or middle class relatives. Not everyone is so lucky.

All I'm asking for, is that the government OUT the way of workers ability to unionize. IS that so much to ask? Don't they have that right? Also, the government should stop picking winners and losers.

Why shouldn't labor and business play on an equal playing field?

I'm not saying that Wall-mart shouldn't have the right to fire employees, or the whole GD union if it wants. But, OTH, the folks that make up the union should also have the option of applying non-violent union tactics to those who cross picket lines. They should be able to educate those who would cross union lines.

The whole situation is Effed up. And for good reason. Money talks, BS walks.

Walmart s War Against Unions -- and the U.S. Laws That Make It Possible Julie Gutman Dickinson

Walmart s Internal Guide To Fighting Unions And Monitoring Workers

"OUR Walmart’s central demand is for the company to commit to paying associates at least $25,000 per year. Walmart workers currently make an average of $8.81 per hour, more than 25 percent less than at similar retailers, and the majority make less than $25,000. Taxpayers subsidize those low wages and poor benefits. A single 300-worker Walmart store accounts for between $900,000 and $1.7 million per year in public benefits costs for its workers.

By contrast, one of the company’s primary competitors, Costco, pays an average wage of $21.96 and enrolls nearly all of its workers in benefits programs. It reported a quarterly profit of $459 million last spring and of $617 million last summer."

Is that really so hard, REALLY?

Let's have the government STOP picking winners and losers and have the free market decide.

I'll bet stores like Meijer, Costco, Target etc. would kick Wall-marts ass if the government didn't subsidize their workers. Wall-mart can only exists in a Democratic regime, not in a Libertarian or Republican controlled government.

That's my position. They are corporate whores sucking off the government tit.

Hold on a sec.

There was a small local chain of hardware stores that got completely destroyed when Home Depot and Lowes came to town. The same arguments were made against them as are being made against WalMart right now - low pay, working poor suffering, supervisors on food stamps, etc.

The only problem with that in this area was that the mom & pop stores that Home Depot and Lowes replaced paid even less! The same dynamic exists in the WalMarts in our area. The employees aren't worse off because some have EBT and other assistance, it's that their previous employers paid them less and never hired specialists to help them apply.

That seems to be the thing Walmart does differently, they spend money on specialists to help workers apply for the benefits they are qualified to receive. How is that worse than the inefficient mom & pop stores paying less and not providing that assistance?

Yeah, they help their employees to scam the government but not nearly to the degree that Walmart themselves does.

Ah. So now the working poor who receive assistance are scamming?

I'm not sure you've thought this through.
Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Why does it make you so happy that Walmart is able to exploit cheap labor, at the expense of your fellow

What could there possibly be within that that would give you pleasure?

Happy? You're delusional.
America is somehow a better place because the working class of America has to struggle.

That is the perverse conservative vision of America, while at the same time, the last thing they want to do is struggle.

America has more opportunity than most places in the world, and only certain people in those other places get the same opportunity.

But go ahead and show us how smart you are at telling other people what to do with their own money. It's not like you have any of your own to pay these employees you care so dearly for. God forbid you actually try and solve the problem yourself.
The only problem with that in this area was that the mom & pop stores that Home Depot and Lowes replaced paid even less! The same dynamic exists in the WalMarts in our area. The employees aren't worse off because some have EBT and other assistance, it's that their previous employers paid them less and never hired specialists to help them apply.
Thank you. I'm amazed people seem to believe local Mom & Pop type stores would pay more but for evil Wal-Mart coming in and driving them out of business. Local stores pay shit for low skill jobs too.

I honestly think most of the liberal activists are myopic. The facts about WalMart are spoonfed to them by the unions and then some journalist (the very definition of myopic these days) brings up a sob story about one mom & pop shop that went out of business.

They either forgot or just never experienced that economy before efficiency and mass logistics came here. I remember paying top dollar for some tool that the local hardware store would "special order" and it would take a month for it to arrive. There was no incentive to try and do things better because it was the only hardware store in town. Then a chain store opened up 20 miles away and the owners cried fowl because they couldn't compete. One of the reasons they couldn't compete was because they thought they were safe and rested on their laurels. Only after their customer base disappeared did they try to modernize but that ship had already sailed.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.

There is still a demand for full-service gas station attendants, it's just below the minimum wage threshold.

McDonald's will step up their already increasing automation plans if the minimum wage goes up. They might even go full robotic and self-serve.

Remember when all drinks were made by workers behind the counter? Now they just hand you a cup and you go serve yourself. Remember when they brought the food to you? Now you wait in line to order and pay, then stand around waiting for your order.

Low wage workers and their non-paying supporters are too short-sighted and that's bad position to negotiate from. Plus, 3-5 million more low-skilled workers are about to enter the workforce. That's not going to help your case of $10 an hour minimum wage.
If a person is working full time and needs gov't assistance then so be it. Why do people have a problem with that? I'm not saying raise the min wage, let them collect their assistance. If we aren't going to raise the wage that's fine, but don't complain about a full time worker getting assistance either. Can't have it both ways.
Let's look at a few things.

The average Wal Mart cashier makes $8.79 per hour.

Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

That's $18,283 in a year if they work full time.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that is fair a salary is just being stupid.

Wal Mart has 1.4M employees nationwide.

Let's assume that paying them a MINIMUM of $25000 a year would mean giving 1/3 of them a raise from the current average of $8.79 to $12 an hour.

So let's figure $12/hr * 1.4M employees = anyone? anyone?

okay it equals $34,944,000,000

Or roughly 1/3 of their gross profits last year $129,000,000,000

Which by the way 1/3 is where more economists will tell you your labor should be.

Yeah, Wal Mart can afford to move wages up.

I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........
Glassdoor and payscale figures wages from an
oNymous people. I could fill out info there saying I work there and make $6 an jour, and noone would know I haven 't and don't work there.
Walmart's average hourly rate is $12.92. Employees also receive a 10% discount on all they purchase there. their healthcare plan costs $18.40 a pay period.
Dental plan
Vision plan
Coverage for domestic partners
Centers of Excellence Program – covers select spine and heart procedures, knee and hip replacement surgeries, and beginning in Jan. 1 2015, will cover breast, lung and colorectal cancers – all at no cost to associates-100% paid for.
Free access to nurse care managers and health care advisors
We provide $250 to $1,000 through Health Reimbursement Plans and up to a $600 match in our Health Savings Account plan to help pay for eligible network or non-network medical expenses
Resources for Living, a free confidential counseling and health information service
Company-paid life insurance
Accidental death & dismemberment insurance
Short- and long-term disability insurance
Business travel accident insurance
401k with matching up to 6%
Stock purchase plan with company matching
Discount cell phone service
Manager in training program- 75% of store management teams were promoted within and make from $50,000 to $170,000 per year
Sick time
And generally zero benefits.
The only problem with that in this area was that the mom & pop stores that Home Depot and Lowes replaced paid even less! The same dynamic exists in the WalMarts in our area. The employees aren't worse off because some have EBT and other assistance, it's that their previous employers paid them less and never hired specialists to help them apply.
Thank you. I'm amazed people seem to believe local Mom & Pop type stores would pay more but for evil Wal-Mart coming in and driving them out of business. Local stores pay shit for low skill jobs too.
Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Why does it make you so happy that Walmart is able to exploit cheap labor, at the expense of your fellow

What could there possibly be within that that would give you pleasure?

They won't be happy until we are China.
RWs hate children and they hate women.
When you say shit like this you might as well just save time and type "I am so far down the ideologue rabbit hole I have detached from reality."

You know crazy RW partisan retard posters like ShootSpeedos, Koshergirl, KatznDogs, TheOwl sound? You sound exactly the same, trust me.

As with Christians and christians, there is a huge difference between rabid RWs and Conservatives.

There are very few, if any, true Conservatives who post on this board.

You know which you are and you also know you don't have to read my posts.

And cherry picking phrases in order to manipulate the meaning of a post is just plain dishonest.
'Woe is me.'
I bet that river has become a lake about now.
Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Why does it make you so happy that Walmart is able to exploit cheap labor, at the expense of your fellow

What could there possibly be within that that would give you pleasure?

They won't be happy until we are China.
If nothing else this is an irrefutable argument against the RWnuts who claim that the needy in this country are only those who are too lazy to work.

Walmart (quite unintentionally I'm guessing) is definitively acknowledging the existence of the WORKING poor in America.

The question should not be whether the problem exists, it should be how to solve it.

Tell the rabid right.

And yeah, that's the same rabid right that says they should just go work someplace else.

They should. Supply and demand.

And if there's no demand?
I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.

There is still a demand for full-service gas station attendants, it's just below the minimum wage threshold.

McDonald's will step up their already increasing automation plans if the minimum wage goes up. They might even go full robotic and self-serve.

Remember when all drinks were made by workers behind the counter? Now they just hand you a cup and you go serve yourself. Remember when they brought the food to you? Now you wait in line to order and pay, then stand around waiting for your order.

Low wage workers and their non-paying supporters are too short-sighted and that's bad position to negotiate from. Plus, 3-5 million more low-skilled workers are about to enter the workforce. That's not going to help your case of $10 an hour minimum wage.

Theyre going to do that anyway. Has nothing to do with the minimum wage.
I think hell just froze over.

Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.

There is still a demand for full-service gas station attendants, it's just below the minimum wage threshold.

McDonald's will step up their already increasing automation plans if the minimum wage goes up. They might even go full robotic and self-serve.

Remember when all drinks were made by workers behind the counter? Now they just hand you a cup and you go serve yourself. Remember when they brought the food to you? Now you wait in line to order and pay, then stand around waiting for your order.

Low wage workers and their non-paying supporters are too short-sighted and that's bad position to negotiate from. Plus, 3-5 million more low-skilled workers are about to enter the workforce. That's not going to help your case of $10 an hour minimum wage.

I guarantee that whatever they can get away with, as far as saving money, they're already doing it.

When enough people get tired of standing around waiting on a gut bomb, they'll take their money elsewhere.

You act like McDonald's is doing us a favor by serving us their lousy burgers in a timely fashion.
Why because you are FINALLY right about something and so agree with me? I have often opined that the minimum wage should be increased. Myself I believe $10 effectively immediately is fair, but ...........

$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.

There is still a demand for full-service gas station attendants, it's just below the minimum wage threshold.

McDonald's will step up their already increasing automation plans if the minimum wage goes up. They might even go full robotic and self-serve.

Remember when all drinks were made by workers behind the counter? Now they just hand you a cup and you go serve yourself. Remember when they brought the food to you? Now you wait in line to order and pay, then stand around waiting for your order.

Low wage workers and their non-paying supporters are too short-sighted and that's bad position to negotiate from. Plus, 3-5 million more low-skilled workers are about to enter the workforce. That's not going to help your case of $10 an hour minimum wage.

I guarantee that whatever they can get away with, they're already doing it.

When enough people get tired of standing around waiting on a gut bomb, they'll take their money elsewhere.

You act like McDonald's is doing us a favor by serving us their lousy burgers in a timely fashion.

See, now McDoanlds, and others of their ilk, they truly are disgusting and should be shunned by all.

Wal Mart's pay isn't THAT bad, and at least they offer a somewhat regular schedule. Fast food? I feel sorry for anyone who has to work there.
China is a terrible economic model to follow. Not one good thing about it. We surely don't want to mimic it in any way.
Walmart offers quality products at a reasonable price because they aren't forced to contribute to golden parachutes for union leaders. In my local store they solicit donations for the local food bank and "toys for tots" sponsored by the Marines at Christmas. I haven't seen unionized stores lift a finger for the poor.
$10 is certainly better than a kick in the pants. :p

Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.

There is still a demand for full-service gas station attendants, it's just below the minimum wage threshold.

McDonald's will step up their already increasing automation plans if the minimum wage goes up. They might even go full robotic and self-serve.

Remember when all drinks were made by workers behind the counter? Now they just hand you a cup and you go serve yourself. Remember when they brought the food to you? Now you wait in line to order and pay, then stand around waiting for your order.

Low wage workers and their non-paying supporters are too short-sighted and that's bad position to negotiate from. Plus, 3-5 million more low-skilled workers are about to enter the workforce. That's not going to help your case of $10 an hour minimum wage.

I guarantee that whatever they can get away with, they're already doing it.

When enough people get tired of standing around waiting on a gut bomb, they'll take their money elsewhere.

You act like McDonald's is doing us a favor by serving us their lousy burgers in a timely fashion.

See, now McDoanlds, and others of their ilk, they truly are disgusting and should be shunned by all.

Wal Mart's pay isn't THAT bad, and at least they offer a somewhat regular schedule. Fast food? I feel sorry for anyone who has to work there.

Walmart pay sucks. Those people aren't out protesting for nothing. The average cashier at Walmart does not make $12.92 an hour. Who's pay are they averaging?

Walmart has been in trouble for cheating their employees out of they pay, and they have been know to hang up signs with instructions on how to apply for SNAP benefits.

Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes
Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need Consumerist


The group Making Change at Walmart says this donation box has been placed in an Oklahoma store asking employees to donate food for their co-workers in need.

FFS. Why can't these selfish ***** just pay their hard working employees more money?

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