Walmart Employees Place Food Donation Bins at Doorstep of Alice Walton's $25 Million Condo

8.95B ÷ 182.15B = 5%

Your original claim was 2.7%.

Why would you use their $182.15 billion revenue figure and ignore their $135.81 billion in cost of goods sold?
You'd have to be some kind of moron. Oh, right, it's you.
That explains the idiocy.

For what year?

Because it's an effective comparison.

The 'idiocy' is not understanding why effective rates are compiled differently for business and individuals.
You should click thru your link.
$1.2 billion was the total.

Since you're having problems with the interactive link, here's one that is easier for you to use.

U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Walmart’s Low Wages and Low Benefits:
$6.2 Billion a Year
This $6.2 billion estimate is based on a study prepared by the
Democratic Staff of
the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
in May 2013.9 The study
estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which

often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs. It found that a single

Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or

between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.

Wow, liberal bad math.
If WalMart fired all their workers who qualify for public assistance, would that $6.2 billion increase or decrease?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that?

Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?
8.95B ÷ 182.15B = 5%

Your original claim was 2.7%.

Why would you use their $182.15 billion revenue figure and ignore their $135.81 billion in cost of goods sold?
You'd have to be some kind of moron. Oh, right, it's you.
That explains the idiocy.

For what year?

Because it's an effective comparison.

The 'idiocy' is not understanding why effective rates are compiled differently for business and individuals.

The year you chose.
Your inaccurate versions of effective rates are hilarious.
And idiotic.
You should click thru your link.
$1.2 billion was the total.

Since you're having problems with the interactive link, here's one that is easier for you to use.

U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Walmart’s Low Wages and Low Benefits:
$6.2 Billion a Year
This $6.2 billion estimate is based on a study prepared by the
Democratic Staff of
the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
in May 2013.9 The study
estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which

often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs. It found that a single

Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or

between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.

Wow, liberal bad math.
If WalMart fired all their workers who qualify for public assistance, would that $6.2 billion increase or decrease?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that?

Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies

A government check paid to a worker is not a subsidy to Walmart because those government payments
would be larger if Walmart fired that worker.

Are you a paid kochbagger?

What's that, your homophobia on display?
You should click thru your link.
$1.2 billion was the total.

Since you're having problems with the interactive link, here's one that is easier for you to use.

U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Walmart’s Low Wages and Low Benefits:
$6.2 Billion a Year
This $6.2 billion estimate is based on a study prepared by the
Democratic Staff of
the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
in May 2013.9 The study
estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which

often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs. It found that a single

Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or

between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.

Wow, liberal bad math.
If WalMart fired all their workers who qualify for public assistance, would that $6.2 billion increase or decrease?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that?

Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies

A government check paid to a worker is not a subsidy to Walmart because those government payments
would be larger if Walmart fired that worker.

Are you a paid kochbagger?

What's that, your homophobia on display?

What you say is true of course, but let me ask you.

Do you truly not believe that an employer should be required to pay an employee enough to provide a basic life for their employees?

Someone working full time should be able to afford a place to live, transportation, food, basic essentials and a little discretionary spending .

That's not to say that many of these lower wage employees arent irresponsible with their money, they are - but that is a separate argument
8.95B ÷ 182.15B = 5%

Your original claim was 2.7%.

Why would you use their $182.15 billion revenue figure and ignore their $135.81 billion in cost of goods sold?
You'd have to be some kind of moron. Oh, right, it's you.
That explains the idiocy.

For what year?

Because it's an effective comparison.

The 'idiocy' is not understanding why effective rates are compiled differently for business and individuals.

The year you chose.
Your inaccurate versions of effective rates are hilarious.
And idiotic.

What year was that?

Your delusion is not understanding why effective rates are compiled differently for business and individuals.
You should click thru your link.
$1.2 billion was the total.

Since you're having problems with the interactive link, here's one that is easier for you to use.

U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Walmart’s Low Wages and Low Benefits:
$6.2 Billion a Year
This $6.2 billion estimate is based on a study prepared by the
Democratic Staff of
the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
in May 2013.9 The study
estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which

often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs. It found that a single

Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or

between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.

Wow, liberal bad math.
If WalMart fired all their workers who qualify for public assistance, would that $6.2 billion increase or decrease?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that?

Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies

A government check paid to a worker is not a subsidy to Walmart because those government payments
would be larger if Walmart fired that worker.

Are you a paid kochbagger?

What's that, your homophobia on display?

Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?
You should click thru your link.
$1.2 billion was the total.

Since you're having problems with the interactive link, here's one that is easier for you to use.

U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Walmart’s Low Wages and Low Benefits:
$6.2 Billion a Year
This $6.2 billion estimate is based on a study prepared by the
Democratic Staff of
the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
in May 2013.9 The study
estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which

often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs. It found that a single

Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or

between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.

Wow, liberal bad math.
If WalMart fired all their workers who qualify for public assistance, would that $6.2 billion increase or decrease?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that?

Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies

A government check paid to a worker is not a subsidy to Walmart because those government payments
would be larger if Walmart fired that worker.

Are you a paid kochbagger?

What's that, your homophobia on display?

What you say is true of course, but let me ask you.

Do you truly not believe that an employer should be required to pay an employee enough to provide a basic life for their employees?

Someone working full time should be able to afford a place to live, transportation, food, basic essentials and a little discretionary spending .

That's not to say that many of these lower wage employees arent irresponsible with their money, they are - but that is a separate argument

Do you truly not believe that an employer should be required to pay an employee enough to provide a basic life for their employees?

What is a "basic life"?
Does an employer owe a basic life to a 16 year old who works 12 hours a week?
To the mom who works 20 hours a week, while the kids are at school?
To the retired 1%er, living on his fat pension and 401K, who wants to work a couple
days a week, to keep busy?

Someone working full time should be able to afford a place to live, transportation, food, basic essentials and a little discretionary spending .

A nice 3 bedroom house, 2 cars in the garage, coupla weeks a year in Europe? Why so stingy?
Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?

Pointing out your idiocy can be a paid position? Excellent!
Where should I send my application? Talk about easy money.
And to think I've been pointing out your idiocy for free.
Why do you continue to defend Walmart? Are you a paid kochbagger?

Pointing out your idiocy can be a paid position? Excellent!
Where should I send my application? Talk about easy money.
And to think I've been pointing out your idiocy for free.

Why do you continue to defend Walmart?

Why do you continue to attack a company that provides 1.3 million jobs and supplies people with good quality products at a bargain price?

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