Walmart gets political

There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

There's no right to do business. If a business can't remain solvent while paying a decent wage, then it needs to close.
whats a decent wage???

and yes you have a right to do business in this country,, not sure what your country allows,,,

Where is the constitution does it say that you have the right to do business?

Businesses have to be licensed. That means doing business is a privilege, not a right.
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

There's no right to do business. If a business can't remain solvent while paying a decent wage, then it needs to close.
whats a decent wage???

and yes you have a right to do business in this country,, not sure what your country allows,,,

Where is the constitution does it say that you have the right to do business?

Businesses have to be licensed. That means doing business is a privilege, not a right.
where does it forbid it???

but you can look to the 1st or 2nd amendments for starters

and no they dont have to be licensed,,
Hey PROGS, can you tell the difference between:

A businessman who does work throughout the world, who's children are rich primarily because of their work with their father.


A seasoned politician only, who's children are rich off foreign entities strictly because of the political influence their father has?
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

There's no right to do business. If a business can't remain solvent while paying a decent wage, then it needs to close.
whats a decent wage???

and yes you have a right to do business in this country,, not sure what your country allows,,,

Where is the constitution does it say that you have the right to do business?

Businesses have to be licensed. That means doing business is a privilege, not a right.
I vote this dumbest innerweb post since 1776.
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
And it is not illegal so you are wasting yer breathe..
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
And it is not illegal so you are wasting yer breathe..
neither is having ties made,,,

so you wasted your breath and showed how you dont care about the country,,
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
And it is not illegal so you are wasting yer breathe..
neither is having ties made,,,

so you wasted your breath and showed how you dont care about the country,,
Why should I care about a nation that holds me hostage to prove a moral point from an immoral stance?
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
And it is not illegal so you are wasting yer breathe..
neither is having ties made,,,

so you wasted your breath and showed how you dont care about the country,,
Why should I care about a nation that holds me hostage to prove a moral point from an immoral stance?
so youre just trolling again,, I figured,,,
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

There's no right to do business. If a business can't remain solvent while paying a decent wage, then it needs to close.

How much do you pay your employees?
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
And it is not illegal so you are wasting yer breathe..
neither is having ties made,,,

so you wasted your breath and showed how you dont care about the country,,
Why should I care about a nation that holds me hostage to prove a moral point from an immoral stance?
so youre just trolling again,, I figured,,,
That’s all he does.....and not very well.
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loaves of bread and that.

PROGS and Democrats support China, which is soon to come to an area near you.
Trump loves China and does a lot of business with them I guess that is okay in yer book?
So does the Biden Crime Family.

But Trump buys stuff from them.

China buys Pedo Joe.
Thank yous for the garbled message..
then get your fingers out of your ears,, cause trump may have ties made in china but bidens son works for china buying up american tech firms and give the biden family money for their help,,,

that has all been documented,,,
And it is not illegal so you are wasting yer breathe..
neither is having ties made,,,

so you wasted your breath and showed how you dont care about the country,,
Why should I care about a nation that holds me hostage to prove a moral point from an immoral stance?
so youre just trolling again,, I figured,,,
That’s all he does.....and not very well.
his life must be a sad and pathetic one based on his comments,,
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?
Pay wall, please post the pertinent portion of the article

Minimum wage in Florida as of now is not $15, this is speculation by right wing media only.

Calling for a delay in the minimum wage due to the pandemic makes sense as the positive economic impacts of a higher minimum wage will not have impacted the local economy yet.

So, this looks to be an astroturf site and there is a lot of content here. I have no idea if all or any of it is legitimate so I'll take the first item here:

“After Seattle implemented a $15 minimum wage, my business went from having seven employees to three. We used to have the ability to hire and train younger and entry-level employees, but now we don’t have the margins to hire inexperienced workers anymore. Now, we’re faced with the very real prospect of closing. The lesson from Seattle is that Congress can’t mandate its way to wage growth and prosperity, because those mandates hit small businesses hard.”

Heidi Mann, Subway franchisee, Seattle, WA

So, this lines up with the belief that in Seattle all these restaurants were closing due to a raising minimum wage and there were concerns from conservative sources that restaurants were closing down as the deadline for the rising minimum wage was upon them. Turns out that wasn't true and more restaurants were opening up knowing of the incoming wage.

Some business owners were threatening to leave, they didn't for the most part.

Generally, those business owners who threatened to leave Seattle to evade the new wage haven’t been following through. “The restaurant industry moans and groans about minimum wage increase, but the Seattle newspaper every month has a story about 40 new restaurants opening,” said Jennifer Romich, a University of Washington social policy researcher. (According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in restaurants and bars in the Seattle area has grown from 134,000 to 158,000 since 2015.) Surveying employers, Romich and other researchers found the most common response to the wage increase was to raise prices or fiddle with workers’ hours, and a “very small percentage were thinking about withdrawing or leaving the city.”

From the same article the benefit to employees immediately wasn't great as their hours were reduced however ultimately overtime they were taking home more money or at the very worst working fewer hours for the same pay.

The story for employees is much more varied. The minimum wage for some large employers jumped from $11 to $13 from 2015 to 2016. The economists observed the impact of the hike in 2017 and found it had dramatic effects on the low-wage workforce and employment.

Not all of them were good. They found that the policy “reduced hours worked in low-wage jobs by 6-7 percent, while hourly wages in such jobs increased by 3 percent ... consequently, total payroll for such jobs decreased.” That means the total amount that employers paid to workers was less with the new minimum wage in place than projected payroll if the policy hadn’t gone into effect.

The data, researcher Mark C. Long explained, suggested a “tipping point” between $11 and $13 “when it becomes less tenable to keep work in the city.” (Critics were quick to point out that this likely wasn’t solely due to the minimum wage policy — Seattle’s labor market continued to heat up during that period, reducing the number of low-wage jobs compared to high-wage jobs overall.)

But a year later, the team published another paper that complicated their findings. They looked at the same time period and same wage increase, but this time broke down the actual take-home pay of workers. They found that workers who were already employed at the low end of the wage scale in Seattle “enjoyed significantly more rapid hourly wage growth,” following wage increases in 2015 and 2016.

Those who were already working more hours before the wage increase saw “essentially all of the earnings increases,” while the workers who had fewer hours saw their hours go down, but wages go up enough so that their overall earnings didn’t really change. They theorized that a slowdown in new hiring for low-wage jobs could explain their earlier findings that overall payroll had gone down.

Ultimately, workers already employed either saw their take-home pay go up or stay roughly the same while working fewer hours.

Now it could be that not every part of the country needs a $15 minimum wage, I tend to agree with that as say Mississippi which has an incredibly low cost of living due to the fact that the state just doesn't have a lot of wealth would most likely not benefit from a $15 minimum wage. However, the current 11 year old wage is probably out of date.

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

Actually what you're doing is trying to create a tidal wave of content to argue against. You should keep your sources down to two or less, I don't have the time to read 5 different links or subscribe to get behind a paywall.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn

I hate Walmart and avoid when possible. Where are you going to shop?

We have Ace Hardware, local grocery stores, then we have a local electronics and appliance centers. I won't step into a Walmart, Target, Lowes, Home Depot, they aren't worth my time. The only issue is I pay more but I get better support and customer service.
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?
Pay wall, please post the pertinent portion of the article

Minimum wage in Florida as of now is not $15, this is speculation by right wing media only.

Calling for a delay in the minimum wage due to the pandemic makes sense as the positive economic impacts of a higher minimum wage will not have impacted the local economy yet.

So, this looks to be an astroturf site and there is a lot of content here. I have no idea if all or any of it is legitimate so I'll take the first item here:

“After Seattle implemented a $15 minimum wage, my business went from having seven employees to three. We used to have the ability to hire and train younger and entry-level employees, but now we don’t have the margins to hire inexperienced workers anymore. Now, we’re faced with the very real prospect of closing. The lesson from Seattle is that Congress can’t mandate its way to wage growth and prosperity, because those mandates hit small businesses hard.”

Heidi Mann, Subway franchisee, Seattle, WA

So, this lines up with the belief that in Seattle all these restaurants were closing due to a raising minimum wage and there were concerns from conservative sources that restaurants were closing down as the deadline for the rising minimum wage was upon them. Turns out that wasn't true and more restaurants were opening up knowing of the incoming wage.

Some business owners were threatening to leave, they didn't for the most part.

Generally, those business owners who threatened to leave Seattle to evade the new wage haven’t been following through. “The restaurant industry moans and groans about minimum wage increase, but the Seattle newspaper every month has a story about 40 new restaurants opening,” said Jennifer Romich, a University of Washington social policy researcher. (According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in restaurants and bars in the Seattle area has grown from 134,000 to 158,000 since 2015.) Surveying employers, Romich and other researchers found the most common response to the wage increase was to raise prices or fiddle with workers’ hours, and a “very small percentage were thinking about withdrawing or leaving the city.”

From the same article the benefit to employees immediately wasn't great as their hours were reduced however ultimately overtime they were taking home more money or at the very worst working fewer hours for the same pay.

The story for employees is much more varied. The minimum wage for some large employers jumped from $11 to $13 from 2015 to 2016. The economists observed the impact of the hike in 2017 and found it had dramatic effects on the low-wage workforce and employment.

Not all of them were good. They found that the policy “reduced hours worked in low-wage jobs by 6-7 percent, while hourly wages in such jobs increased by 3 percent ... consequently, total payroll for such jobs decreased.” That means the total amount that employers paid to workers was less with the new minimum wage in place than projected payroll if the policy hadn’t gone into effect.

The data, researcher Mark C. Long explained, suggested a “tipping point” between $11 and $13 “when it becomes less tenable to keep work in the city.” (Critics were quick to point out that this likely wasn’t solely due to the minimum wage policy — Seattle’s labor market continued to heat up during that period, reducing the number of low-wage jobs compared to high-wage jobs overall.)

But a year later, the team published another paper that complicated their findings. They looked at the same time period and same wage increase, but this time broke down the actual take-home pay of workers. They found that workers who were already employed at the low end of the wage scale in Seattle “enjoyed significantly more rapid hourly wage growth,” following wage increases in 2015 and 2016.

Those who were already working more hours before the wage increase saw “essentially all of the earnings increases,” while the workers who had fewer hours saw their hours go down, but wages go up enough so that their overall earnings didn’t really change. They theorized that a slowdown in new hiring for low-wage jobs could explain their earlier findings that overall payroll had gone down.

Ultimately, workers already employed either saw their take-home pay go up or stay roughly the same while working fewer hours.

Now it could be that not every part of the country needs a $15 minimum wage, I tend to agree with that as say Mississippi which has an incredibly low cost of living due to the fact that the state just doesn't have a lot of wealth would most likely not benefit from a $15 minimum wage. However, the current 11 year old wage is probably out of date.

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

Actually what you're doing is trying to create a tidal wave of content to argue against. You should keep your sources down to two or less, I don't have the time to read 5 different links or subscribe to get behind a paywall.
nice deflection,,, the point is its happening and you cant refute it,,
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?
Pay wall, please post the pertinent portion of the article

Minimum wage in Florida as of now is not $15, this is speculation by right wing media only.

Calling for a delay in the minimum wage due to the pandemic makes sense as the positive economic impacts of a higher minimum wage will not have impacted the local economy yet.

So, this looks to be an astroturf site and there is a lot of content here. I have no idea if all or any of it is legitimate so I'll take the first item here:

“After Seattle implemented a $15 minimum wage, my business went from having seven employees to three. We used to have the ability to hire and train younger and entry-level employees, but now we don’t have the margins to hire inexperienced workers anymore. Now, we’re faced with the very real prospect of closing. The lesson from Seattle is that Congress can’t mandate its way to wage growth and prosperity, because those mandates hit small businesses hard.”

Heidi Mann, Subway franchisee, Seattle, WA

So, this lines up with the belief that in Seattle all these restaurants were closing due to a raising minimum wage and there were concerns from conservative sources that restaurants were closing down as the deadline for the rising minimum wage was upon them. Turns out that wasn't true and more restaurants were opening up knowing of the incoming wage.

Some business owners were threatening to leave, they didn't for the most part.

Generally, those business owners who threatened to leave Seattle to evade the new wage haven’t been following through. “The restaurant industry moans and groans about minimum wage increase, but the Seattle newspaper every month has a story about 40 new restaurants opening,” said Jennifer Romich, a University of Washington social policy researcher. (According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in restaurants and bars in the Seattle area has grown from 134,000 to 158,000 since 2015.) Surveying employers, Romich and other researchers found the most common response to the wage increase was to raise prices or fiddle with workers’ hours, and a “very small percentage were thinking about withdrawing or leaving the city.”

From the same article the benefit to employees immediately wasn't great as their hours were reduced however ultimately overtime they were taking home more money or at the very worst working fewer hours for the same pay.

The story for employees is much more varied. The minimum wage for some large employers jumped from $11 to $13 from 2015 to 2016. The economists observed the impact of the hike in 2017 and found it had dramatic effects on the low-wage workforce and employment.

Not all of them were good. They found that the policy “reduced hours worked in low-wage jobs by 6-7 percent, while hourly wages in such jobs increased by 3 percent ... consequently, total payroll for such jobs decreased.” That means the total amount that employers paid to workers was less with the new minimum wage in place than projected payroll if the policy hadn’t gone into effect.

The data, researcher Mark C. Long explained, suggested a “tipping point” between $11 and $13 “when it becomes less tenable to keep work in the city.” (Critics were quick to point out that this likely wasn’t solely due to the minimum wage policy — Seattle’s labor market continued to heat up during that period, reducing the number of low-wage jobs compared to high-wage jobs overall.)

But a year later, the team published another paper that complicated their findings. They looked at the same time period and same wage increase, but this time broke down the actual take-home pay of workers. They found that workers who were already employed at the low end of the wage scale in Seattle “enjoyed significantly more rapid hourly wage growth,” following wage increases in 2015 and 2016.

Those who were already working more hours before the wage increase saw “essentially all of the earnings increases,” while the workers who had fewer hours saw their hours go down, but wages go up enough so that their overall earnings didn’t really change. They theorized that a slowdown in new hiring for low-wage jobs could explain their earlier findings that overall payroll had gone down.

Ultimately, workers already employed either saw their take-home pay go up or stay roughly the same while working fewer hours.

Now it could be that not every part of the country needs a $15 minimum wage, I tend to agree with that as say Mississippi which has an incredibly low cost of living due to the fact that the state just doesn't have a lot of wealth would most likely not benefit from a $15 minimum wage. However, the current 11 year old wage is probably out of date.

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

Actually what you're doing is trying to create a tidal wave of content to argue against. You should keep your sources down to two or less, I don't have the time to read 5 different links or subscribe to get behind a paywall.
and you still havent shown what a decent wage is,,,

what about my 5 kids, wife and my mortgage?? 15 wont even come close to paying that,,,
China actually pays their employees very well, enough for loafs of bread and that. PROGS and Democrats support China as mandated by Biden's election. Hopefully he can completely update the economy by bringing China's work ethics into the USA.

From there Biden can change the distance from our sun, otherwise we'll have to face climate changes alone.
The fraud climate change reports on TV will now escalate massively. We people are so easy to be manipulated. And I do believe that we are manipulated deeply in a psychological manner in powers of suggestion and other ways.
I’ll go ahead and add them to the list.

Here you go, conservatives. This is the growing list of companies you’re mad at. Good luck trying to remember all the things you’re supposed to boycott.

Star Wars
Mirage Beer
Best Buy
Coca Cola
Delta Airlines
Girl Scout cookies

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