Walmart gets political

if you can prove that true this guy will give you a hundred dollars
I was just messing with R.H. It is an interesting subject though and there are many people who claim that you don't actually need a license, they call themselves sovereign citizens. I think you are bringing more grief on yourself by fighting the system on this subject.
if you can prove that true this guy will give you a hundred dollars
I was just messing with R.H. It is an interesting subject though and there are many people who claim that you don't actually need a license, they call themselves sovereign citizens. I think you are bringing more grief on yourself by fighting the system on this subject.
they dont call themselves sovereign citizens because thats an oxymoron,, they call themselves free people,,,

that term is what the MSM put on them or its used by idiots that dont know what their doing,,
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
Congressman Josh Hawley announced on Wednesday his plan to object during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Walmart's brand account decided to send out a tweet: “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Kyle Plotkin,

Hawley responded to Walmart, saying: "Thanks @Walmart for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?"

He added: "Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business."

WTF, does Walmart have a bunch of 16 year-olds working at corporate?

Retail politics: Josh Hawley and Walmart clash after senator vows to object to electors

Republicans are so Fk'd up! Trump's turning on conservative Govs., AG's, & Sec. of States who aren't willing to prostrate themselves before him and perpetuate this fraud of a stolen election! There are plenty out there though; 126 Republican congressmen and Sec. of St.'s in red states signed on to that seditious document filed with the Supreme Court trying to overturn Trump's loss! I'm embarrassed for them, their families, their constituents, & for democracy! I used to have so much respect for these people and they've disappointed me at every turn since Reagan and the Evangelists took over in the 80's! They keep scraping the bottom of the barrell and seeking new heights of unbelievably disgusting behavior! Ignoring deaths of children in dog cages proves what I'm talking about it! How many Black men have been snuffed out right before our eyes on video?

We won't even point fingers at our plight now with CV-19; choosing to ignore it really in some states! I just heard that idiot Gov. in FLA decided to make sure seniors got the flu shot over 1st responders! He just can't help being twisted, backwards, and totally incompetent! It's hard to feel sorry for his constituents since they knew how incompetent he was before he won the office! It seems if you have an "R" behind your name, "you're alright!" If you are a Dem., "you are evil incarnate, trying to take away Xmas, forced kids to stay home instead of going to school, and drink the blood of infants!" I'm so done with them all! These losers aren't rednecks stumbling along the Appallacian Trail! These are office holders and actual US Republican leadership speaking! It should tell Dems to stop wasting their time trying to compromise with these animals! We might as well join in the battle to try and save what little democracy is left! We're so tainted, hard to believe some of Trump's supporters can even show their faces in public much less continue backing his every move! "Good luck suckers!" :stir:
Congressman Josh Hawley announced on Wednesday his plan to object during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Walmart's brand account decided to send out a tweet: “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Kyle Plotkin,

Hawley responded to Walmart, saying: "Thanks @Walmart for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?"

He added: "Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business."

WTF, does Walmart have a bunch of 16 year-olds working at corporate?

Retail politics: Josh Hawley and Walmart clash after senator vows to object to electors

Republicans are so Fk'd up! Trump's turning on conservative Govs., AG's, & Sec. of States who aren't willing to prostrate themselves before him and perpetuate this fraud of a stolen election! There are plenty out there though; 126 Republican congressmen and Sec. of St.'s in red states signed on to that seditious document filed with the Supreme Court trying to overturn Trump's loss! I'm embarrassed for them, their families, their constituents, & for democracy! I used to have so much respect for these people and they've disappointed me at every turn since Reagan and the Evangelists took over in the 80's! They keep scraping the bottom of the barrell and seeking new heights of unbelievably disgusting behavior! Ignoring deaths of children in dog cages proves what I'm talking about it! How many Black men have been snuffed out right before our eyes on video?

We won't even point fingers at our plight now with CV-19; choosing to ignore it really in some states! I just heard that idiot Gov. in FLA decided to make sure seniors got the flu shot over 1st responders! He just can't help being twisted, backwards, and totally incompetent! It's hard to feel sorry for his constituents since they knew how incompetent he was before he won the office! It seems if you have an "R" behind your name, "you're alright!" If you are a Dem., "you are evil incarnate, trying to take away Xmas, forced kids to stay home instead of going to school, and drink the blood of infants!" I'm so done with them all! These losers aren't rednecks stumbling along the Appallacian Trail! These are office holders and actual US Republican leadership speaking! It should tell Dems to stop wasting their time trying to compromise with these animals! We might as well join in the battle to try and save what little democracy is left! We're so tainted, hard to believe some of Trump's supporters can even show their faces in public much less continue backing his every move! "Good luck suckers!" :stir:

Sure, not to be outdone by NY that wants to move inmates to the front of the line.
Congressman Josh Hawley announced on Wednesday his plan to object during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Walmart's brand account decided to send out a tweet: “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Kyle Plotkin,

Hawley responded to Walmart, saying: "Thanks @Walmart for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?"

He added: "Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business."

WTF, does Walmart have a bunch of 16 year-olds working at corporate?

Retail politics: Josh Hawley and Walmart clash after senator vows to object to electors

Republicans are so Fk'd up! Trump's turning on conservative Govs., AG's, & Sec. of States who aren't willing to prostrate themselves before him and perpetuate this fraud of a stolen election! There are plenty out there though; 126 Republican congressmen and Sec. of St.'s in red states signed on to that seditious document filed with the Supreme Court trying to overturn Trump's loss! I'm embarrassed for them, their families, their constituents, & for democracy! I used to have so much respect for these people and they've disappointed me at every turn since Reagan and the Evangelists took over in the 80's! They keep scraping the bottom of the barrell and seeking new heights of unbelievably disgusting behavior! Ignoring deaths of children in dog cages proves what I'm talking about it! How many Black men have been snuffed out right before our eyes on video?

We won't even point fingers at our plight now with CV-19; choosing to ignore it really in some states! I just heard that idiot Gov. in FLA decided to make sure seniors got the flu shot over 1st responders! He just can't help being twisted, backwards, and totally incompetent! It's hard to feel sorry for his constituents since they knew how incompetent he was before he won the office! It seems if you have an "R" behind your name, "you're alright!" If you are a Dem., "you are evil incarnate, trying to take away Xmas, forced kids to stay home instead of going to school, and drink the blood of infants!" I'm so done with them all! These losers aren't rednecks stumbling along the Appallacian Trail! These are office holders and actual US Republican leadership speaking! It should tell Dems to stop wasting their time trying to compromise with these animals! We might as well join in the battle to try and save what little democracy is left! We're so tainted, hard to believe some of Trump's supporters can even show their faces in public much less continue backing his every move! "Good luck suckers!" :stir:

Sure, not to be outdone by NY that wants to move inmates to the front of the line.

Great deflection! You guys are full of them! It was Obama's fault the cupboard was bare when Trump took office! BO just managed to handle 3 pandemics while Trump has fk'd up at every turn with just the one! "Congratulations Republicans!" :p
Congressman Josh Hawley announced on Wednesday his plan to object during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Walmart's brand account decided to send out a tweet: “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Kyle Plotkin,

Hawley responded to Walmart, saying: "Thanks @Walmart for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?"

He added: "Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business."

WTF, does Walmart have a bunch of 16 year-olds working at corporate?

Retail politics: Josh Hawley and Walmart clash after senator vows to object to electors

Republicans are so Fk'd up! Trump's turning on conservative Govs., AG's, & Sec. of States who aren't willing to prostrate themselves before him and perpetuate this fraud of a stolen election! There are plenty out there though; 126 Republican congressmen and Sec. of St.'s in red states signed on to that seditious document filed with the Supreme Court trying to overturn Trump's loss! I'm embarrassed for them, their families, their constituents, & for democracy! I used to have so much respect for these people and they've disappointed me at every turn since Reagan and the Evangelists took over in the 80's! They keep scraping the bottom of the barrell and seeking new heights of unbelievably disgusting behavior! Ignoring deaths of children in dog cages proves what I'm talking about it! How many Black men have been snuffed out right before our eyes on video?

We won't even point fingers at our plight now with CV-19; choosing to ignore it really in some states! I just heard that idiot Gov. in FLA decided to make sure seniors got the flu shot over 1st responders! He just can't help being twisted, backwards, and totally incompetent! It's hard to feel sorry for his constituents since they knew how incompetent he was before he won the office! It seems if you have an "R" behind your name, "you're alright!" If you are a Dem., "you are evil incarnate, trying to take away Xmas, forced kids to stay home instead of going to school, and drink the blood of infants!" I'm so done with them all! These losers aren't rednecks stumbling along the Appallacian Trail! These are office holders and actual US Republican leadership speaking! It should tell Dems to stop wasting their time trying to compromise with these animals! We might as well join in the battle to try and save what little democracy is left! We're so tainted, hard to believe some of Trump's supporters can even show their faces in public much less continue backing his every move! "Good luck suckers!" :stir:

Sure, not to be outdone by NY that wants to move inmates to the front of the line.

Great deflection! You guys are full of them! It was Obama's fault the cupboard was bare when Trump took office! BO just managed to handle 3 pandemics while Trump has fk'd up at every turn with just the one! "Congratulations Republicans!" :p

No deflection at all, my post was entirely relevant to your deflection...dumbass.
There's a reason Walmart and the big companies have been allowed to remain open while thousands of small businesses have been shut down. It's becoming quite clear.

Mom and pop stores are still open. Has to do with the type of business, not whether its a big box store or not.
but the mom and pop stores are having to close because of a 15.00 min wage,,, not to mention a lot of small restaurants,,

all over the country,,, up until covid hit there were several reports on it and many concerns that it will get worse as more states imposed it,,,

All over the country? How many locales have a $15 minimum wage?
I was speaking of wheres it being implemented,,

Yeah, where?

I could go on ,, there are hundreds of stories about the subject

There's no right to do business. If a business can't remain solvent while paying a decent wage, then it needs to close.
whats a decent wage???

and yes you have a right to do business in this country,, not sure what your country allows,,,

Where is the constitution does it say that you have the right to do business?

Businesses have to be licensed. That means doing business is a privilege, not a right.
I vote this dumbest innerweb post since 1776.

Once again - show us where the Constitution says that people have the right to do business.

Otherwise, STFU!!!

General Welfare clause. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

Good for stick to that cheap stuff.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

They sure do. Not sure if you're too young or too stupid, but the bad news is in the long run those cheap "goods" are always more expensive than spending a few extra bucks to begin with.
Congressman Josh Hawley announced on Wednesday his plan to object during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

Walmart's brand account decided to send out a tweet: “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Kyle Plotkin,

Hawley responded to Walmart, saying: "Thanks @Walmart for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?"

He added: "Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business."

WTF, does Walmart have a bunch of 16 year-olds working at corporate?

Retail politics: Josh Hawley and Walmart clash after senator vows to object to electors
Not many things would thrill me more than to see Walmart crash and burn and mom and pop stores return in their place.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

Good for stick to that cheap stuff.
Still answering for someone else?
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

They sure do. Not sure if you're too young or too stupid, but the bad news is in the long run those cheap "goods" are always more expensive than spending a few extra bucks to begin with.
If somebody thinks it's good enough for what they want at the time, who are you to tell them they shouldn't buy it? I will pay more for better goods because I can afford them, but when that's all someone can afford, I'm glad they have an option. Better a crappy TV or microwave than none at all.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

They sure do. Not sure if you're too young or too stupid, but the bad news is in the long run those cheap "goods" are always more expensive than spending a few extra bucks to begin with.
If somebody thinks it's good enough for what they want at the time, who are you to tell them they shouldn't buy it? I will pay more for better goods because I can afford them, but when that's all someone can afford, I'm glad they have an option. Better a crappy TV or microwave than none at all.

Yep, sure not telling anyone what they should buy. You can buy all the cheap crap you want.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn

I bought a bicycle from wal mart....took it out for a spin .....went about six blox ran over a small bump in the sidewalk and the front wheel collapsed...luckily I was not going fast enough to get hurt.

I was talkin to a bicycle shop guy about wal mart bikes and he says china engineers them so they cannot be repaired.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

They sure do. Not sure if you're too young or too stupid, but the bad news is in the long run those cheap "goods" are always more expensive than spending a few extra bucks to begin with.
If somebody thinks it's good enough for what they want at the time, who are you to tell them they shouldn't buy it? I will pay more for better goods because I can afford them, but when that's all someone can afford, I'm glad they have an option. Better a crappy TV or microwave than none at all.

Yep, sure not telling anyone what they should buy. You can buy all the cheap crap you want.
I don't want, and don't buy, but it's nice that people have the option if they can't afford better quality.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

They sure do. Not sure if you're too young or too stupid, but the bad news is in the long run those cheap "goods" are always more expensive than spending a few extra bucks to begin with.
If somebody thinks it's good enough for what they want at the time, who are you to tell them they shouldn't buy it? I will pay more for better goods because I can afford them, but when that's all someone can afford, I'm glad they have an option. Better a crappy TV or microwave than none at all.

Yep, sure not telling anyone what they should buy. You can buy all the cheap crap you want.
I don't want, and don't buy, but it's nice that people have the option if they can't afford better quality.

Which takes us right back to post #132....go figure.
fuck wal mart---scum hole of AMERICA...boycott this shit hole, and let them eat their shit made in commie china...this shit hole is Un-AMERICAn
It's also a place where poor people can get access to goods that otherwise they would not be able to afford. Why do you hate poor people so much?

Why do you love China so much?
They make good food and cheap goods that poor people can afford. There are reasons why the poor in this country live better than the middle class in many countries, and cheap Chinese goods is one of them. Now, why don't you be a good little debater and let him answer for himself?

They sure do. Not sure if you're too young or too stupid, but the bad news is in the long run those cheap "goods" are always more expensive than spending a few extra bucks to begin with.
If somebody thinks it's good enough for what they want at the time, who are you to tell them they shouldn't buy it? I will pay more for better goods because I can afford them, but when that's all someone can afford, I'm glad they have an option. Better a crappy TV or microwave than none at all.

Yep, sure not telling anyone what they should buy. You can buy all the cheap crap you want.
I don't want, and don't buy, but it's nice that people have the option if they can't afford better quality.

Which takes us right back to post #132....go figure.
Which of course is based on your attempt to answer the question as to why you would hate poor people so much you would want to destroy one of the institutions that gives them access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

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