Walmart: Retail Giant Falling Into Terminal Decline...

And I would pay a bigger portion were it not for the Waltons.. So, are the Waltons good or evil? I submit neither.
I further submit that Walmart is a pawn in the Liberal game of making people into victims.
When I was in the labor market, I didn't bitch to government that I couldn't support my family on my salary. I looked for ways to increase my salary. That included night school to complete my degree and the occasional part time job.
I took responsibility for my own situation. I didn't look to government to give me what I hadn't earned.

But things have changed a lot. There are just not very many good jobs out there. That's a fact. Some of these jobs want, say, degrees/5 years experience or more, but yet offer only like $13.00 an hour. It's because they know people are desperate and they CAN offer that kind of crappy wage. And if you lack experience, you can expect to make minimum wage or close to it, and you cannot live on that. These corporations totally take advantage of us whenever it's possible!
I could live quite well on $10/hour if I were a single 19 year old. I would tailor my spending to my income. I certainly would not have the latest IPhone, the biggest flat screen, a brand new car or 3 kids by 3 different women. I'd be..... responsible for my own circumstances.
Of course, I would want a higher salary, but it would be incumbent on ME to make myself worth more, either with the same company or another one.
Corporations are not taking advantage of you, Chris. You are not a victim of Walmart despite what Liberals feed you.
Corporations exist to make money for their shareholders, not to give away money.
A retail store buys a product for the best price they can and sells it for the best price they can get.
Walmart buys at a low cost because they buy in huge quantities. They hire low skilled workers because they don't need college educated, experienced shopping cart pushers.
In return, people without a 6 figure salary can get a good price on a wide variety of products in one location.
There's no evil there; no attempt to take advantage of anyone. Just sound business practice.

No you cannot live on 10 dollars an hour nowadays. I would not be able to pay my rent and utility bills and eat without assistance if that were the case.
You would not be able to pay your current rent and utilities, but you could get a room mate, cut down on electricity use, set the thermostat a couple degrees lower, or get a part time job. It is not your employer's responsibility to manage your resources or to pay you more than you are worth.

Are you sure your name isn't Scrooge?
No, my name is small business owner.
And I would pay a bigger portion were it not for the Waltons.. So, are the Waltons good or evil? I submit neither.
I further submit that Walmart is a pawn in the Liberal game of making people into victims.
When I was in the labor market, I didn't bitch to government that I couldn't support my family on my salary. I looked for ways to increase my salary. That included night school to complete my degree and the occasional part time job.
I took responsibility for my own situation. I didn't look to government to give me what I hadn't earned.

But things have changed a lot. There are just not very many good jobs out there. That's a fact. Some of these jobs want, say, degrees/5 years experience or more, but yet offer only like $13.00 an hour. It's because they know people are desperate and they CAN offer that kind of crappy wage. And if you lack experience, you can expect to make minimum wage or close to it, and you cannot live on that. These corporations totally take advantage of us whenever it's possible!
I could live quite well on $10/hour if I were a single 19 year old. I would tailor my spending to my income. I certainly would not have the latest IPhone, the biggest flat screen, a brand new car or 3 kids by 3 different women. I'd be..... responsible for my own circumstances.
Of course, I would want a higher salary, but it would be incumbent on ME to make myself worth more, either with the same company or another one.
Corporations are not taking advantage of you, Chris. You are not a victim of Walmart despite what Liberals feed you.
Corporations exist to make money for their shareholders, not to give away money.
A retail store buys a product for the best price they can and sells it for the best price they can get.
Walmart buys at a low cost because they buy in huge quantities. They hire low skilled workers because they don't need college educated, experienced shopping cart pushers.
In return, people without a 6 figure salary can get a good price on a wide variety of products in one location.
There's no evil there; no attempt to take advantage of anyone. Just sound business practice.

No you cannot live on 10 dollars an hour nowadays. I would not be able to pay my rent and utility bills and eat without assistance if that were the case.
You would not be able to pay your current rent and utilities, but you could get a room mate, cut down on electricity use, set the thermostat a couple degrees lower, or get a part time job. It is not your employer's responsibility to manage your resources or to pay you more than you are worth.

And what if I had children to pay for too? Who is going to watch my children for me all those hours? How am I expected to be a good mom if I can't be with my kids ever because I have to work all the time just to survive? You see? These things cause problems in the REAL world. You are an owner of a bar. When was the last time you held a job where you had to answer to an employer and he or she made all the decisions? No, this is America, and we are not slaves of the corporate world because they are TOO cheap to pay their employees enough to live on. These people are going to be eligible to collect social services. That is the bottom line. Time to get realistic.
Don't have kids until you can afford them.
My last "job" was 6 years ago. I went over and above what I had to do to get by and made myself worth more to my employer. I did OK. If I was short on cash, I took on odd jobs. I was RESPONSIBLE for my own life style.
I could live quite well on $10/hour if I were a single 19 year old. I would tailor my spending to my income. I certainly would not have the latest IPhone, the biggest flat screen, a brand new car or 3 kids by 3 different women. I'd be..... responsible for my own circumstances.
Of course, I would want a higher salary, but it would be incumbent on ME to make myself worth more, either with the same company or another one.
Corporations are not taking advantage of you, Chris. You are not a victim of Walmart despite what Liberals feed you.
Corporations exist to make money for their shareholders, not to give away money.
A retail store buys a product for the best price they can and sells it for the best price they can get.
Walmart buys at a low cost because they buy in huge quantities. They hire low skilled workers because they don't need college educated, experienced shopping cart pushers.
In return, people without a 6 figure salary can get a good price on a wide variety of products in one location.
There's no evil there; no attempt to take advantage of anyone. Just sound business practice.

No you cannot live on 10 dollars an hour nowadays. I would not be able to pay my rent and utility bills and eat without assistance if that were the case.
You would not be able to pay your current rent and utilities, but you could get a room mate, cut down on electricity use, set the thermostat a couple degrees lower, or get a part time job. It is not your employer's responsibility to manage your resources or to pay you more than you are worth.

Are you sure your name isn't Scrooge?

I could live on $10 per hour-------that's 400 per week-------
1600 per month------ I'll pull it down to 1300 after taxes.
----cheap apartment ------1000 per month with the roomates----
-----if married both working it is 2600 per month------easily livable
for two. I have managed on far far less-------not all that long ago----
but I am an odd character-------I have never had a cell phone in my life

My rent is 1100 a month. That is the going rate for a 2 bedroom apartment in my area. Even more in a lot of places in Massachusetts.

if you had three roomates-------two sweet kids in each bedroom------your rent would be less than 400
per month-------you could not do that on an income of 400 per week? I could------
did a far more difficult circumstance in my life time------as a single mother of one on approximately
700 per month and a rent of a bit over 400 per month (some time ago) LOTS OF PEOPLE
HAVE and lots still do proportionate stuff. Not luxurious-----but not starvation. Things were
a lot worse for millions in the USA during the depression-----including for those who had jobs..
I am not sure I understand why every person in the USA must have a car and a cell phone and
cable TV----------I feel wealthy because I have a PC Way back then----when my baby was a baby ---
and computers were---------getting into homes-----I dreaded the idea of DEPRIVING him of a PC when he
got to be an adolescent--------but I did not have to. ----------thrifty thing that I am
Don't have kids until you can afford them.

And make sure you can see into the future until your children are grown. Because no "real American" has ever had to deal with a Real World situation that threatened his least not in his imagination.
Greed . . . it's a terrible thing. I think greed is the root of all evil.
Greed is bad. Ambition is good. Sloth is bad. Success is good.
What is greed? Can't it be defined as wanting what belongs to others?
Greed then encourages sloth in that, if you greedily accept money earned by others (the ambitious and successful) you can sit on your ass like a sloth.
Don't have kids until you can afford them.

And make sure you can see into the future until your children are grown. Because no "real American" has ever had to deal with a Real World situation that threatened his least not in his imagination.
Sure, marriages end and people have physical problems, but people who have established themselves in a career before they have children usually don't end up on welfare or minimum wage jobs.
Unforeseen things happened to people who worked HAPPILY in Atlantic city-------lots of women
with children are-------NOW IN TROUBLE-----feeling no pain for years and NOW IN TROUBLE
Don't have kids until you can afford them.

And make sure you can see into the future until your children are grown. Because no "real American" has ever had to deal with a Real World situation that threatened his least not in his imagination.
Sure, marriages end and people have physical problems, but people who have established themselves in a career before they have children usually don't end up on welfare or minimum wage jobs.
I'm sure you have the stats to support that.
Don't have kids until you can afford them.

And make sure you can see into the future until your children are grown. Because no "real American" has ever had to deal with a Real World situation that threatened his least not in his imagination.
Sure, marriages end and people have physical problems, but people who have established themselves in a career before they have children usually don't end up on welfare or minimum wage jobs.
I'm sure you have the stats to support that.
No, I don't have stats handy. I have something that Liberals almost never possess. It's called "logic".
And I would pay a bigger portion were it not for the Waltons.. So, are the Waltons good or evil? I submit neither.
I further submit that Walmart is a pawn in the Liberal game of making people into victims.
When I was in the labor market, I didn't bitch to government that I couldn't support my family on my salary. I looked for ways to increase my salary. That included night school to complete my degree and the occasional part time job.
I took responsibility for my own situation. I didn't look to government to give me what I hadn't earned.

But things have changed a lot. There are just not very many good jobs out there. That's a fact. Some of these jobs want, say, degrees/5 years experience or more, but yet offer only like $13.00 an hour. It's because they know people are desperate and they CAN offer that kind of crappy wage. And if you lack experience, you can expect to make minimum wage or close to it, and you cannot live on that. These corporations totally take advantage of us whenever it's possible!

If you want a good job, work for the government. In other words, go where the money is.

I know chap who is wanting a job at the EPA that earns about $300,000 a year.
Don't have kids until you can afford them.

And make sure you can see into the future until your children are grown. Because no "real American" has ever had to deal with a Real World situation that threatened his least not in his imagination.
Sure, marriages end and people have physical problems, but people who have established themselves in a career before they have children usually don't end up on welfare or minimum wage jobs.
I'm sure you have the stats to support that.
No, I don't have stats handy.

Understandably. Your talking point wouldn't survive them.
Yiou should be more careful...
I am wearing a pair of New Balance tennis shoes that are 5 years old...Bought 'em at Walmart.....Now, what else would you like to discuss?

Ha-ha! New Balance? Gay. :D
Oh, so a lib is now gay bashing....
Don't make this personal....
If you want a bar room brawl, let me know. Because I don't give a shit about the rules of the forum. I can fire off the most vile insults all day long.
So it's your dime. If you want to discuss, fine. If you want a battle, have at it.

I'm not a lib, and I know you completely lack a sense of humor, but that was a joke. Lol.
"I'm not a lib" ...Yeah right.

Prove that I'm a liberal. :) Oh that's right, you can't. You don't know a damn thing.
You side with libs. You post lib. End of story.
Workers making a living wage will contribute more to Society. They'll put money back into the economy. If we continue down the Slave Labor road, Taxpayers will pay the price. And besides, a happy prosperous worker makes for a better worker. We'll all benefit.
Wages are EARNED.. Not given. Get it?
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Yeah! I love buying a shirt from Walmart and when I go to fasten a button, it falls off! :biggrin:

Ever see the returns line at Walmart? It's hellish.

The software sucks.

Returns lines at Walmart are stinky hellish nightmares. Shopping at Walmart blows. Haven't been there in years. Once you stop shopping there, you actually start enjoying shopping again. Nice clean stores, friendly service. It's truly refreshing.

1. Return lines at Walmart are hellish.
2. Shopping at Walmart blows.
3. Haven't been there in years.

1a. Return lines at Walmart are no worse than at any other store.
Statement #1 is a lie.
2a. Shopping anywhere blows.
3a. If you haven't been there in years, statements #1 and #2 are lies, or is statement #3 a lie.

You're really quite comical, son. Dismissed!

Really quite refreshing to catch another Liberal in a lie.

Actually, once you stop shopping at Walmart, you truly respect the nice clean friendly shopping environments at other stores. You wonder why you didn't stop shopping at Walmart sooner.

But I guess many people feel they have no other options. And that's very sad. Shopping at Walmart is a truly miserable experience. I wish more people could experience alternatives. They'd never go back.
260 million customers in 12 countries can't all be wrong.
That's as many as Target, Sears/KMart, and all the other retailers with standalone stores combined.
Ever see the returns line at Walmart? It's hellish.

The software sucks.

Returns lines at Walmart are stinky hellish nightmares. Shopping at Walmart blows. Haven't been there in years. Once you stop shopping there, you actually start enjoying shopping again. Nice clean stores, friendly service. It's truly refreshing.

1. Return lines at Walmart are hellish.
2. Shopping at Walmart blows.
3. Haven't been there in years.

1a. Return lines at Walmart are no worse than at any other store.
Statement #1 is a lie.
2a. Shopping anywhere blows.
3a. If you haven't been there in years, statements #1 and #2 are lies, or is statement #3 a lie.

You're really quite comical, son. Dismissed!

Really quite refreshing to catch another Liberal in a lie.

The quality of their merchandise sucks, Ernie. If you want the absolute cheapest product, then you shop at Walmart. They put small businesses out of business too. Our country is about the PEOPLE, not about corporations.

Sadly, too many feel they have no choice but to shop at Walmart. It's misery. I feel for em. Once you stop shopping there, you realize you can enjoy your shopping.

There's many stores out there that offer clean, quality, friendly shopping experiences. It's too bad many feel they're stuck with Walmart. They're really missing out.
No choice? How so?
You are being ridiculous.
The software sucks.

Returns lines at Walmart are stinky hellish nightmares. Shopping at Walmart blows. Haven't been there in years. Once you stop shopping there, you actually start enjoying shopping again. Nice clean stores, friendly service. It's truly refreshing.

1. Return lines at Walmart are hellish.
2. Shopping at Walmart blows.
3. Haven't been there in years.

1a. Return lines at Walmart are no worse than at any other store.
Statement #1 is a lie.
2a. Shopping anywhere blows.
3a. If you haven't been there in years, statements #1 and #2 are lies, or is statement #3 a lie.

You're really quite comical, son. Dismissed!

Really quite refreshing to catch another Liberal in a lie.

The quality of their merchandise sucks, Ernie. If you want the absolute cheapest product, then you shop at Walmart. They put small businesses out of business too. Our country is about the PEOPLE, not about corporations.

If Ernie is a true Conservative, spending a Penny kills him; ergo, Walmart is his place to shop.

Walmart = Cheapskate Douchebag Paradise :laugh:
Fuck off...You people are just pissed off because Walmart is an anti union company.
I wonder when was the last time any of you were in the job market or looking for a job? It seems like a whole lot of people are completely out of touch with what is going on out in the world.
Ya know what? Referring to you as clueless would be an insult to those who are clueless
It appears that in your view, those of us who are gainfully employed or have our businesses should feel guilty...
Ya know what? I gave at the office. I used to be a north eastern region distributor of "feeling sorry for others"....
I have busted my ass to scratch out my little piece of earth. I don't own anyone a fuckin thing. And I don't feel in the least bit guilty about it.

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