Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Using yourself as a source? That's the sign of a born loser.

You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.

No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.

If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina
Using yourself as a source? That's the sign of a born loser.

You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.

No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.

If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made i
Min wage increase guarantees increased wages.

God you are fucking stupid

Increase of money but not an INCREASE IN BUYING POWER

I said increase in wages moron.

Yea I know in your pretend liberal fantasy land the companies will take the profit hit and not pass it on to consumers .

It never ever works that way.
Do we expect american workers to do the jobs illegals are doing for the same wage? Suppose prez trump deports illegals and now there are lots of jobs available but for low wages. Do you expect working americans to fill those jobs for the same wage? I dont. If the illegals are deported then wages go up or i encourage folk to never apply for those jobs...never ever never. Let those jobs unfilled at that wage. Let the business struggle. Nothing hurt.
You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.

No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.

If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina

I'm sure they produce a whole lot of those. Haha
You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.

No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.

If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina

Oh God this is funny as hell..and from a conservative link

Walmart’s ‘Made In USA’ Televisions Are Allegedly Made In China

Element Electronics boasts of beingthe only American-owned and American-assembled television company. Flashy red-white-and-blue packaging helps it do business with Walmart as part of the retailer’s quarter-trillion-dollar “Made in USA” initiative. But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn’t making anything in America after all.

Instead, the complaint alleges, the Chinese-made TVs arrive to Element’s South Carolina assembly line in boxes adorned with a waving American flag and the slogan “America Matters” on the front and the phrase “assembled in the USA” on top. Element’s employees unscrew a plastic panel, install a Chinese-made motherboard, close the panel, and return the TVs to their patriotic packaging so that they can be shipped out to Walmart,
No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.

If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina

I'm sure they produce a whole lot of those. Haha

Why to expensive for you?
If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina

I'm sure they produce a whole lot of those. Haha

Why to expensive for you?

I don't see them sold anywhere.
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.

We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina

I'm sure they produce a whole lot of those. Haha

Why to expensive for you?

I don't see them sold anywhere.

I just gave you a link..
We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.

We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina

I'm sure they produce a whole lot of those. Haha

Why to expensive for you?

I don't see them sold anywhere.

I just gave you a link..

Anywhere people actually shop.
Donald Trump's Entirely Ridiculous Idea Of A 45% Tax On Chinese Imports

That is, import tariffs make us poorer–and that really isn’t the point or purpose of having government or even an economy at all. Import tariffs are a stupid, no good, lousy idea and one of 45% on all Chinese imports into America is a particularly bad example of that bad idea. If implemented such a tariff would simply make all Americans poorer. This isn’t a good idea. Let’s not do it.
So if they make any profit above zero they are immoral? What do you think a "just" level of profit is, 10%? 5%? 0%?

since everyone who works at Walmart is there voluntarily, how are they doing anything immoral? What is your definition of "moral?" What is the arbitrary number that makes one rate of pay moral and another immoral? What is the basis for drawing this line?

Because libs believe that company owners, CEO's, and investors should all share the wealth they've made with the company with the employees.

For a lib, forget about what the job is worth. That's meaningless. Forget about the fact they can pay wages and still attract willing workers. Again, meaningless to a lib. Forget the fact that companies heavily rely on investors, and investors put their money where the best growth is. Meaningless to a liberal.

What matters is that owners, CEO's and investors live the same lifestyle as the workers.....or perhaps just slightly better. To live much better is immoral as far as liberals are concerned.

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

The Walmart employees worked for that money. Walmart was, at the time, the second most profitable company in America. That profit was made on the labour of Walmart Employees. To suggest that the employees don't deserve their fair share of such profit, is to promote feudalism.

They can leave if they don't like the pay and go to work somewhere else, except for the little fact that they don't have the skills to work anywhere paying any more.
. Couldn't they aqquire the skills if had plenty more options, instead of finding themselves working for the giant that gobbled everyone else up ? Like some else said here, other retailers had to adjust their labor rates against the giant to stay in business against it, but that drove everyone to the bottom eventually. Large corporations like Walmart should be broken up, and the individual areas that exist on the floor of Walmart (I.e sporting goods, hardware, pet supplies, etc.) should be sold to independent operators who will then own the small businesses they would operate under the Walmart platform. It would be like selling franchises, only that you would walk into your business when the Walmart doors open up each day, instead of having your own brick & mortar operation.

Once again you fall back on your Communist principles. That is not how we do things in this country. Why don't you seek out a country where they do these sort of things? I here Venezuela is nice this time of year if you don't mind starving to death.
. Communist principles ? Kidding me right ? Corporations by their very nature are communist socialist operators. I'm talking about restoring small business opportunity in this nation, and putting it all on a more fair and competitive playing field.

To do what I suggest, would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, and create small to big town independently run businesses again. Wouldn't you want to see your communities & towns restored, and your America become strong all over again, instead of having this communist/socialist style system of doing things in which we are all witnessing today ?
Donald Trump's Entirely Ridiculous Idea Of A 45% Tax On Chinese Imports

That is, import tariffs make us poorer–and that really isn’t the point or purpose of having government or even an economy at all. Import tariffs are a stupid, no good, lousy idea and one of 45% on all Chinese imports into America is a particularly bad example of that bad idea. If implemented such a tariff would simply make all Americans poorer. This isn’t a good idea. Let’s not do it.
. Would make them poorer why ? What, because that's where we are at now in America ? Are we that dependent, that we can't correct our course if we have been wrong or wronged ? So sad.
Donald Trump's Entirely Ridiculous Idea Of A 45% Tax On Chinese Imports

That is, import tariffs make us poorer–and that really isn’t the point or purpose of having government or even an economy at all. Import tariffs are a stupid, no good, lousy idea and one of 45% on all Chinese imports into America is a particularly bad example of that bad idea. If implemented such a tariff would simply make all Americans poorer. This isn’t a good idea. Let’s not do it.
. Would make them poorer why ? What, because that's where we are at now in America ? Are we that dependent, that we can't correct our course if we have been wrong or wronged ? So sad.

It is just another tax. People will be paying more for items with no benefit.
Walmart is the largest employer in the country. Better jobs are scarce.

Utter bull.

There are a lot of jobs out there that Americans won't take, and they pay much better than Walmart.

I was renting an apartment to a young couple. Both worked in the food industry. The male worked at McDonald's and the female worked at Pizza Hut.

They always made rent, but always late by a few days or a week. I didn't mind, as long as they paid.

They came here when they were young in their late teens. When they left in their mid 20s, they left the same way the came: working fast food joints.

Is it because there are no better jobs around here? No, it's because they both smoked pot. Better jobs often have drug testing and neither would ever be able to hold down a better job because smoking pot was more important than learning a career or trying opportunities outside of fast food.

It was always my hope that after a while living check to check, they would grow up and quit smoking pot due to poverty. Then they could apply to learn new jobs before they get too old and it gets too late. They moved a couple months ago, but it's still my hope because they were good kids.

Now of course, if Hillary gets in and almost doubles the minimum wage, they will never leave the food industry. They won't seek better income because their income at their low paying jobs will get better, and they will continue to waste their lives on drugs and doing monkey jobs.
Because libs believe that company owners, CEO's, and investors should all share the wealth they've made with the company with the employees.

For a lib, forget about what the job is worth. That's meaningless. Forget about the fact they can pay wages and still attract willing workers. Again, meaningless to a lib. Forget the fact that companies heavily rely on investors, and investors put their money where the best growth is. Meaningless to a liberal.

What matters is that owners, CEO's and investors live the same lifestyle as the workers.....or perhaps just slightly better. To live much better is immoral as far as liberals are concerned.

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

The Walmart employees worked for that money. Walmart was, at the time, the second most profitable company in America. That profit was made on the labour of Walmart Employees. To suggest that the employees don't deserve their fair share of such profit, is to promote feudalism.

They can leave if they don't like the pay and go to work somewhere else, except for the little fact that they don't have the skills to work anywhere paying any more.
. Couldn't they aqquire the skills if had plenty more options, instead of finding themselves working for the giant that gobbled everyone else up ? Like some else said here, other retailers had to adjust their labor rates against the giant to stay in business against it, but that drove everyone to the bottom eventually. Large corporations like Walmart should be broken up, and the individual areas that exist on the floor of Walmart (I.e sporting goods, hardware, pet supplies, etc.) should be sold to independent operators who will then own the small businesses they would operate under the Walmart platform. It would be like selling franchises, only that you would walk into your business when the Walmart doors open up each day, instead of having your own brick & mortar operation.

Once again you fall back on your Communist principles. That is not how we do things in this country. Why don't you seek out a country where they do these sort of things? I here Venezuela is nice this time of year if you don't mind starving to death.
. Communist principles ? Kidding me right ? Corporations by their very nature are communist socialist operators. I'm talking about restoring small business opportunity in this nation, and putting it all on a more fair and competitive playing field.

To do what I suggest, would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, and create small to big town independently run businesses again. Wouldn't you want to see your communities & towns restored, and your America become strong all over again, instead of having this communist/socialist style system of doing things in which we are all witnessing today ?

Doing what you suggest would lead to the worst depression in history. Corporations are privately owned, which means they are part of capitalism.
Walmart is the largest employer in the country. Better jobs are scarce.

Utter bull.

There are a lot of jobs out there that Americans won't take, and they pay much better than Walmart.

I was renting an apartment to a young couple. Both worked in the food industry. The male worked at McDonald's and the female worked at Pizza Hut.

They always made rent, but always late by a few days or a week. I didn't mind, as long as they paid.

They came here when they were young in their late teens. When they left in their mid 20s, they left the same way the came: working fast food joints.

Is it because there are no better jobs around here? No, it's because they both smoked pot. Better jobs often have drug testing and neither would ever be able to hold down a better job because smoking pot was more important than learning a career or trying opportunities outside of fast food.

It was always my hope that after a while living check to check, they would grow up and quit smoking pot due to poverty. Then they could apply to learn new jobs before they get too old and it gets too late. They moved a couple months ago, but it's still my hope because they were good kids.

Now of course, if Hillary gets in and almost doubles the minimum wage, they will never leave the food industry. They won't seek better income because their income at their low paying jobs will get better, and they will continue to waste their lives on drugs and doing monkey jobs.

Wow your one little example proves a whole lot of nothing. We have stagnant wages. Many deep with college debt can't get a good job. I'm sorry but the facts say good jobs are hard to find.
Wow your one little example proves a whole lot of nothing. We have stagnant wages. Many deep with college debt can't get a good job. I'm sorry but the facts say good jobs are hard to find.

Well next time you see somebody that can't get a good job, send them our way. This year alone we need over 60,000 drivers that we can't find. And those are old estimates as the need probably went higher.

Now if you're worried about stagnant wages, don't worry about a minimum wage increase, just make sure you vote for Trump, because the Democrats want a near open border policy where anybody can come in and take the jobs we have, and that keeps pay lower because these people work for just about nothing.
Wow your one little example proves a whole lot of nothing. We have stagnant wages. Many deep with college debt can't get a good job. I'm sorry but the facts say good jobs are hard to find.

Well next time you see somebody that can't get a good job, send them our way. This year alone we need over 60,000 drivers that we can't find. And those are old estimates as the need probably went higher.

Now if you're worried about stagnant wages, don't worry about a minimum wage increase, just make sure you vote for Trump, because the Democrats want a near open border policy where anybody can come in and take the jobs we have, and that keeps pay lower because these people work for just about nothing.

Ah back to the trucking jobs again, because they are considered such great jobs. All that demand for drivers yet wages don't really go up.
If the government is going to shrink private employers need to take care of employees. What is wrong with an incentive to do that? It would be great for the economy.

What's wrong with that is one of the definitions of fascism is private industry being able to exist, but under heavy government control.

I understand that the Democrats love to pick winners and losers, but when government uses taxation to tax people into submission, then we no longer have a free country. It's one more opportunity for government to control private industry right down to how much they pay their employees.

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