Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
If the government is going to shrink private employers need to take care of employees. What is wrong with an incentive to do that? It would be great for the economy.

What's wrong with that is one of the definitions of fascism is private industry being able to exist, but under heavy government control.

I understand that the Democrats love to pick winners and losers, but when government uses taxation to tax people into submission, then we no longer have a free country. It's one more opportunity for government to control private industry right down to how much they pay their employees.

It would be an opportunity to pay not taxes. Repubs are always crying corporate taxes are too high an that's why we don't have more jobs here and better wages. This is a way to achieve that goal.
Ah back to the trucking jobs again, because they are considered such great jobs. All that demand for drivers yet wages don't really go up.

They are up a hell of a lot more than minimum wage and government goodies.

Because you belong to the Party of Excuses, nothing makes you happy unless we try your failed ways to solve problems.

Republican: If you need jobs, here are plenty of them.
Democrat: Well, some of those jobs don't pay enough, so let's increase minimum wage instead.

I just don't see how you believe you have an argument here. There are plenty of jobs, but we can't get Americans to work them; jobs that do pay pretty well and jobs that will even provide the free training.

But of course, instead of recognizing that there are good paying jobs out there, just make excuses why people shouldn't work those jobs.

This is a prime example why we should cut off all those people from government gifts that do work at places like Walmart. Maybe if those lazy SOB's actually had to go hungry one night, they might put some effort into bettering themselves instead of crying victim all the time.
It would be an opportunity to pay not taxes. Repubs are always crying corporate taxes are too high an that's why we don't have more jobs here and better wages. This is a way to achieve that goal.

Republicans cry that taxes are too high for everybody--not just their political friends. Big difference.
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.
Ah back to the trucking jobs again, because they are considered such great jobs. All that demand for drivers yet wages don't really go up.

They are up a hell of a lot more than minimum wage and government goodies.

Because you belong to the Party of Excuses, nothing makes you happy unless we try your failed ways to solve problems.

Republican: If you need jobs, here are plenty of them.
Democrat: Well, some of those jobs don't pay enough, so let's increase minimum wage instead.

I just don't see how you believe you have an argument here. There are plenty of jobs, but we can't get Americans to work them; jobs that do pay pretty well and jobs that will even provide the free training.

But of course, instead of recognizing that there are good paying jobs out there, just make excuses why people shouldn't work those jobs.

This is a prime example why we should cut off all those people from government gifts that do work at places like Walmart. Maybe if those lazy SOB's actually had to go hungry one night, they might put some effort into bettering themselves instead of crying victim all the time.

I'm an independent. Wages are stagnant that is how.
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.

Try reading your articles before you post them. From your NYT article:

"The average pay for a long-haul trucker is just shy of $50,000, according to the A.T.A., and an experienced trucker with a good safety record can make significantly more than that. The work typically offers lavish benefits that are increasingly rare for nonunion blue-collar employees.

The job can be learned fairly quickly. In some industries, companies complain of shortages of workers for jobs that require years of advanced training, like certain engineering specialties. Trucking is not one of those industries, however.

A person can get a commercial driver’s license after a course that can be as brief as six weeks of intensive study. Moreover, there were actually fewer truckers working last year (1.585 million) than five years earlier (1.673 million)."
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.

I don't see republicans doing anything to stop that.
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.

Try reading your articles before you post them. From your NYT article:

"The average pay for a long-haul trucker is just shy of $50,000, according to the A.T.A., and an experienced trucker with a good safety record can make significantly more than that. The work typically offers lavish benefits that are increasingly rare for nonunion blue-collar employees.

The job can be learned fairly quickly. In some industries, companies complain of shortages of workers for jobs that require years of advanced training, like certain engineering specialties. Trucking is not one of those industries, however.

A person can get a commercial driver’s license after a course that can be as brief as six weeks of intensive study. Moreover, there were actually fewer truckers working last year (1.585 million) than five years earlier (1.673 million)."

I read it. It is a job that you have to pay for training, is near impossible if you have a family, is dangerous, and has declining pay. Not a good option for most.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.

And they are doing exactly that. I've been behind drivers at the check-in window of a business, and they can't communicate with the receiving receptionist. They can't speak but a few words of English, and these clowns are out on our highways piloting 75,000 lbs vehicles.
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.

I don't see republicans doing anything to stop that.
They're voting out the establishment RINOs and voting in those who support enforcing our immigration laws.
I read it. It is a job that you have to pay for training, is near impossible if you have a family, is dangerous, and has declining pay. Not a good option for most.

Thank you party of excuses. Now let's see, what other jobs can I post for you to make an excuse for Americans to sit home on their Obama phone living on food stamps?
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.

I don't see republicans doing anything to stop that.
They're voting out the establishment RINOs and voting in those who support enforcing our immigration laws.

Yeah that is going really well. They are doing a whole lot of nothing and they control congress.
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.

I don't see republicans doing anything to stop that.
They're voting out the establishment RINOs and voting in those who support enforcing our immigration laws.

Yeah that is going really well. They are doing a whole lot of nothing and they control congress.

What do you propose?
An actual study seems to make more sense.

Oh, well I don't have time to read any study, so why don't you explain it to me in a couple of paragraphs? How does income inequity slow the economy? How can rich people do that and how would that benefit them?
An actual study seems to make more sense.

Oh, well I don't have time to read any study, so why don't you explain it to me in a couple of paragraphs? How does income inequity slow the economy? How can rich people do that and how would that benefit them?

Sure I'll give you the easy to understand version. Suppose you own a restaurant. Now regardless of how much people make they generally only eat 3 times a day. So to be successful you need lots of people with enough money to go out to eat. So if there is one really rich guy and lots of poor who can't afford to go out to eat, your restaurant will fail. The rich guy only eats 3 times a day. But lots of people making good money who can afford to go out to eat will make your restaurant do well. We have a very rich minority and few people who can afford to go out to eat regularly.
What a great opportunity:
The numbers are revealing: Even as trucking companies and their trade association bemoan the driver shortage, truckers — or as the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls them, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers — were paid 6 percent less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job.
Employers have learned that if they cry about worker shortages they can get the government to allow them to bring in cheap foreign labor from third world shitholes.

I don't see republicans doing anything to stop that.
They're voting out the establishment RINOs and voting in those who support enforcing our immigration laws.

Yeah that is going really well. They are doing a whole lot of nothing and they control congress.

What do you propose?

I propose they actually do something. I don't believe they want to do something about immigration. They control congress and do nothing. Too many donors benefit from cheap labor.

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