Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Yes, and that is A-ok... However, it doesn't apply to what is considered the over all problem being looked at or is faced by so many today. We need a strong America, and not an America that is operated like a communist or socialist utopia. We all must unite for a better America, and those who look down on the lower classes need to be challenged as to why they are doing so in every case that is found. If the lower classes are exhibiting bad behaviours, then seek to help them, and not destroy them. There is a reason behind everything.
Does that mean you are against government controlled wages in the private sector?
. Yes I am against government controlled wages in the private sector, but I'm not against the government having an "add campaign of shame" against the low down dirty scum who are destroying this nation.

Decide to screw over America, then you will be outed, and then routed.

Do you support subtract campaigns? Proofread. Your posts sound like you are in middle school.
Belittle me if you will, but millions of Americans are not all wrong about this stuff. They are voicing their concerns every election, but then getting screwed over and over again.

Yes, I will especially belittle people who do not have the God-given sense to know that ad campaigns are not a function of the federal government to interfere in business. If you want businesses run by the government, I suggest a trip to Cuba or Venezuela. Keep your hands in your own pockets.
. Not suggesting businesses be run by the government at all, in fact it is the best solution for government to stay out of businesses pockets. They (the government) would just have a rating system for American jobs or American companies, and they could have grades given to them on many levels.
Does that mean you are against government controlled wages in the private sector?
. Yes I am against government controlled wages in the private sector, but I'm not against the government having an "add campaign of shame" against the low down dirty scum who are destroying this nation.

Decide to screw over America, then you will be outed, and then routed.

Do you support subtract campaigns? Proofread. Your posts sound like you are in middle school.
Belittle me if you will, but millions of Americans are not all wrong about this stuff. They are voicing their concerns every election, but then getting screwed over and over again.

Yes, I will especially belittle people who do not have the God-given sense to know that ad campaigns are not a function of the federal government to interfere in business. If you want businesses run by the government, I suggest a trip to Cuba or Venezuela. Keep your hands in your own pockets.
. Not suggesting businesses be run by the government at all, in fact it is the best solution for government to stay out of businesses pockets. They (the government) would just have a rating system for American jobs or American companies, and they could have grades given to them on many levels.

You just advocated government intrusion into business. Are you unable to read your own writing? Even with the typos, misspellings, poor word choice and lack of substance, you should be able to make out what you stated above!
Who eats mcdonalds anyway? IDIOTS. Fast food is toxic and tastes like cr@p. Advice. Dont go there for your healths sake.
. Not suggesting businesses be run by the government at all, in fact it is the best solution for government to stay out of businesses pockets. They (the government) would just have a rating system for American jobs or American companies, and they could have grades given to them on many levels.

Do you really think that would help anything?

I mean really, who hasn't heard of all the Walmart BS by now? Yet Walmart still outsells most others and while they (like all other stores) have their share of problems, they are still doing quite fine.

Consumers just don't care. All US consumers care about is the cheapest price.
Until workers simply dont apply at walmart, then the franchise wins. I cannot imagine how utterly disgusting it would be to work at a place that doesnt want good workers.
If people were not making a step up by being employed at walmart, they would not apply for the jobs or contract to do the jobs. It is really that simple.
People dont step up in big retail. Big retail does not want good hard working people because they move onto better working conditions.
You describe dependency going in both directions, but why does it have to be about either one being dependent ? Why not just treating each other right ? Is that so bad of a concept anymore ? I remember my first experience with a big box tech store as opposed to the smaller local store where I knew the owners name, and he knew if I would lie about the return or not. He made out because I didn't break the product, and then try to send it back as a defect. Now, I purchased a printer that was defected, and they told me that I was not to deal with them, but instead deal with the manufacturer of the product instead. Ok, so I called the manufacturer where I was put on hold for almost an hour so I hung up. I tried again, and got the run around. After really being aggressive with the situation, I finally got them to take the printer back. They then sent me a box, and I had to ship it to them. I felt like the situation was set up in hopes that I would have given up due the aggravation of it all. A feller I know bought a tool box for his pick up from K-Mart at a deal because it was damaged. He then went to Walmart and exchanged it for a brand new one without a receipt. He said that he told them he purchased it there, and they let him exchange it with no questions ask ? Wow, now how stupid was that situation ?

Then the choice is yours: don't deal with the store that refused to take back the item and tell them why.

Nobody stays in business with dissatisfied customers. Eventually it catches up to them.

I just purchased a refrigerator from HH Gregg. I was totally unhappy with the service and care they gave me. They asked me to take a survey on the internet and that's exactly what I told them. I never heard back from them on my complaints, so next time I need an appliance, I'll be shopping elsewhere and in the meantime, tell other people of my experience.

I quit going to Marc's for my purchases years ago. The employees at the store were rude and obnoxious. I even made deliveries to their warehouse and the employees there were the same way. So I simply quit shopping there and told them why on my last visit. When I'm spending my money, I don't expect to be treated like I'm an annoyance.

Walmart realizes that a happy customer is a customer that will likely return to do business with them. That's why they don't care much about returns. If your friend did actually buy that box at Walmart, and then Walmart gave him a hard time about it, he probably won't come back.
Right. So how it it you don't see Japanese and German CEO's making that kind of money?


Maybe their CEO's aren't as good as ours!

Um, yeah, clearly the CEO of Toyota is a hack compared to the CEO of GM who ran his company in to the ground and required a government bailout.

Nope, the real difference is they don't have a society where greed is considered a virtue, and wealth inequality isn't tolerated.
. Not suggesting businesses be run by the government at all, in fact it is the best solution for government to stay out of businesses pockets. They (the government) would just have a rating system for American jobs or American companies, and they could have grades given to them on many levels.

Do you really think that would help anything?

I mean really, who hasn't heard of all the Walmart BS by now? Yet Walmart still outsells most others and while they (like all other stores) have their share of problems, they are still doing quite fine.

Consumers just don't care. All US consumers care about is the cheapest price.
. Well I don't shop Walmart, and I get along just great in life.. I just wish Americans could wake up to the fact that every purchase they make at certain retailers, could actually be undermining their own values, standards and lifestyles lived in America. Like I said earlier, that everything is tied together in one way or another. Make your choices wise Americans, because if you don't, you could be growing something that will eventually come back to bite you and your future families in their butt's. I mean look at how these groups convince corporations to apologize or donate monies to their causes so on and so forth. How crazy are people not to realize this by now ?
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People dont step up in big retail. Big retail does not want good hard working people because they move onto better working conditions.
. No they want good hard working people alright, they just want them for nothing near abouts. Socialism or communism is their choice of operation when dealing with their employees. Democrats are socialist communist types, and they have almost destroyed the fabric of this nation with their globalist equal us all out bull crap.
. Well I don't shop Walmart, and I get along just great in life.. I just wish Americans could wake up to the fact that every purchase they make at certain retailers, could actually be undermining their own values, standards and lifestyles lived in America. Like I said earlier, that everything is tied together in one way or another. Make your choices wise Americans, because if you don't, you could be growing something that will eventually come back to bite you and your future families in the butt's. I mean look at how these groups convince corporations to apologize or donate monies to their causes so on and so forth. How crazy are people not to realize this by now ?

Some people have no choice but to deal with WalMart. I'm one of those people. Walmart made a dirty deal with the company that produces my medication. Walmart gets it dirt cheap and everybody else is three to five times more expensive than Walmart. With Walmart, I pay about a hundred dollars for a months supply. Anywhere else, it would be more like $300.00 to $500.00 a month depending on where I go.

That practice is something the government should look into.
. Need more detailed videos like these, because I believe people understand things better when they can watch teachable video's like this. Such formats used, are how people were taught in schools, and that is why these video's have such a powerful impact on the students or citizens when in a classroom setting or not.
Um, yeah, clearly the CEO of Toyota is a hack compared to the CEO of GM who ran his company in to the ground and required a government bailout.

Nope, the real difference is they don't have a society where greed is considered a virtue, and wealth inequality isn't tolerated.

It's the unions that ran GM into the ground. That's why starting pay there is so low today and you don't get benefits for quite a while.

Toyota put their money into quality parts and engineering. That's something a CEO couldn't have done with GM because they were putting all their money into union pay and benefits. American cars are now getting better, but I wouldn't know for sure because I haven't owned an American car in ten years.
. Well I don't shop Walmart, and I get along just great in life.. I just wish Americans could wake up to the fact that every purchase they make at certain retailers, could actually be undermining their own values, standards and lifestyles lived in America. Like I said earlier, that everything is tied together in one way or another. Make your choices wise Americans, because if you don't, you could be growing something that will eventually come back to bite you and your future families in the butt's. I mean look at how these groups convince corporations to apologize or donate monies to their causes so on and so forth. How crazy are people not to realize this by now ?

Some people have no choice but to deal with WalMart. I'm one of those people. Walmart made a dirty deal with the company that produces my medication. Walmart gets it dirt cheap and everybody else is three to five times more expensive than Walmart. With Walmart, I pay about a hundred dollars for a months supply. Anywhere else, it would be more like $300.00 to $500.00 a month depending on where I go.

That practice is something the government should look into.
. The healthcare situation in this nation is far from being fixed, and it needs an overhaul that is far greater than the failed wealth redistributive Obama care gave us.

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