Walmart to remove confederate flag merchandise


"The Confederate flag is 'who we are' even though 'it's been used in a racist way'"
-Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham The Confederate flag is who we are even though it s been used in a racist way
yeah...No shit.....What's your point?

Who are you? Racist? It's been used by those that are racist to incite those that are not white....why the KKK uses it, why Dylan Roof used it. So, if you want to be racist that certainly is your ignorant choice, but the State buildings have no business flying a racist flag, especially in SC, who gets more of our tax money in welfare than any other state.

Who is that masked Democrat? Mertex?

David Duke? He's a Republican, Mr. Fury......:badgrin:
I wish I had fifty of those flags. I'd fly all of them in my front yard.

Cause you want to make sure everyone knows you're racist? Bwahaha....that's a goal.
I'm far from being a racist. I've never been a racist in my life, and never will be one. I love all people. We're all humans, and we all bleed red. You know absolutely nothing about me. Try something else, that boat doesn't float.

Why would anyone that isn't racist want to fly the flag that represents the rebels that were in favor of keeping slavery. The pain that slaves went through to be free should be enough for anyone to be disgusted with that flag....maybe you're not racist, but you're thinking is skewed.
Well, I don't see racism in the flag. The flag actually freed the slaves. The war freed the slaves. Everything about the war made things better for everyone concerned. A lot of progress came about because of that war. The flag is a reminder of progress, freedom, and new opportunities. The black population was given land, freedom, and a new life. They should consider the flag as a reminder of their struggles, the hardships, and most importantly, their freedom, and freedom from oppression. The flag is American history, it's a symbol of everyone's right to live without chains and boundaries. It's rich in history, American history. The American Indians are a symbol of American history. Our Constitution is a symbol of American history. We have heritage, we have eras where man struggled and fought through oppression and eventually won the battle. And, blacks have won the battle many times over. They won in 1865, 1965, and they're still winning today.

The flag is representative of an era where men fought and died for equality, freedom, and equal rights. The Stars and Strips is such a symbol as well. All men should respect our history, and what it took to get where we are today. The Confederate Flag doesn't harm anyone. No more than the Stars and Strips harm anyone. Both are history. Both represent struggles, battles won, and men freed. Why blame racism on a flag? That's stupid and ridiculous.

Instigators will always find something to blame. Trouble makers will always look for something to tear down and destroy. It's damn trouble makers that look at the flag as racist, not the average citizen that wants nothing but to be left alone to live life without shit stirred up all the time.
I think people use the flag today as a display of pride in the South.

People aren't pro-slavery today. Just stupid.....
I think people use the flag today as a display of pride in the South.

People aren't pro-slavery today. Just stupid.....
have they removed the American flag yet???:rolleyes:

because it is offensive in many Universities.... full of progressive parasites.... and offensive to communist professors too...

ok.... excuse me I have to go and puke now.
Whatever you think about the Confederate flag, the recent campaign against it has made it a collector's item.

Sales were up 3000% at Amazon before they removed the product.
I love the US but we are rapidly becoming a joke. I'm not hopefully it will change. Jeb and Hillary? Really?
Walmart, K Mart, Sears, eBay, Amazon

Where you going to buy your Confederate flag merchandise ?
I wish I had fifty of those flags. I'd fly all of them in my front yard.

Cause you want to make sure everyone knows you're racist? Bwahaha....that's a goal.
I'm far from being a racist. I've never been a racist in my life, and never will be one. I love all people. We're all humans, and we all bleed red. You know absolutely nothing about me. Try something else, that boat doesn't float.

Why would anyone that isn't racist want to fly the flag that represents the rebels that were in favor of keeping slavery. The pain that slaves went through to be free should be enough for anyone to be disgusted with that flag....maybe you're not racist, but you're thinking is skewed.
Well, I don't see racism in the flag. The flag actually freed the slaves. The war freed the slaves. Everything about the war made things better for everyone concerned. A lot of progress came about because of that war. The flag is a reminder of progress, freedom, and new opportunities. The black population was given land, freedom, and a new life. They should consider the flag as a reminder of their struggles, the hardships, and most importantly, their freedom, and freedom from oppression. The flag is American history, it's a symbol of everyone's right to live without chains and boundaries. It's rich in history, American history. The American Indians are a symbol of American history. Our Constitution is a symbol of American history. We have heritage, we have eras where man struggled and fought through oppression and eventually won the battle. And, blacks have won the battle many times over. They won in 1865, 1965, and they're still winning today.

The flag is representative of an era where men fought and died for equality, freedom, and equal rights. The Stars and Strips is such a symbol as well. All men should respect our history, and what it took to get where we are today. The Confederate Flag doesn't harm anyone. No more than the Stars and Strips harm anyone. Both are history. Both represent struggles, battles won, and men freed. Why blame racism on a flag? That's stupid and ridiculous.

Instigators will always find something to blame. Trouble makers will always look for something to tear down and destroy. It's damn trouble makers that look at the flag as racist, not the average citizen that wants nothing but to be left alone to live life without shit stirred up all the time.

A great deal of death and pain came from that flag.The worst this country has ever experienced. The very flag that rallied men to rebel against their own nation because a line was drawn against ownership of fellow humans.

After their defeat the flag was used to rally popular southern support. Support for Jim Crow laws, support for segregation. Used in retribution. Retribution against those very people the war was fought over. For another 100 years this was the case.

In more recent times the flag has been co- opted by the worst of us. Those not worthy of any respect.

That flag stands for nothing but the worst of America. It has no place in the public sphere.

Why, in light of all of that, should that flag be widely acceptable in any way let alone flown on the grounds of a statehouse?

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