Walmart to remove confederate flag merchandise

Wonderful. I have a box of gold Jew teeth. Are you interested?

I may be Jewish. How would you know?

I may be black.
offensive is offensive. That was the point.

And my point would be you have no right to not be offended. I don't freak out when I see a British flag despite atrocities committed against my ancestors. Grow a goddam skin, knuckle up and move along.

Americans have become the biggest bunch of effing crybabies the world has ever seen. The country has become completely unrecognizable.

I only see cons on here crying. Whining about liberals taking the flag, whining about spineless retailers, whining about democrats owning slaves and whining about thin skinned whiners.
only see cons on here crying. Whining about liberals taking the flag, whining about spineless retailers, whining about democrats owning slaves and whining about thin skinned whiners.

It's not whining. It's exposing.
Wonderful. I have a box of gold Jew teeth. Are you interested?

I may be Jewish. How would you know?

I may be black.
offensive is offensive. That was the point.

And my point would be you have no right to not be offended. I don't freak out when I see a British flag despite atrocities committed against my ancestors. Grow a goddam skin, knuckle up and move along.

Americans have become the biggest bunch of effing crybabies the world has ever seen. The country has become completely unrecognizable.

Sounds like you would have been happier in the 40s or even 50s. You know....when women knew their place, there were white and black bathrooms, and the white male ruled. Those were the days, huh?
Sounds like you would have been happier in the 40s or even 50s. You know....when women knew their place, there were white and black bathrooms, and the white male ruled. Those were the days, huh?

Like anything else, there is a happy medium. Some sort of structure is needed, limits. Just like with children or businesses, organization and rules are necessary for a effective and productive person or business. A line has to be drawn. Winners and losers must exist, rich and poor, etc. There is nothing wrong with clean moral living. Even if you are not a Christian, it will mean a healthier population and a more disciplined and structured society.
Sounds like you would have been happier in the 40s or even 50s. You know....when women knew their place, there were white and black bathrooms, and the white male ruled. Those were the days, huh?

Nah, I would be happier to see the Democrats swept from power and politically destroyed for all time. They have become the modern incarnation of 20th Century Communism, and have no business in positions of power in a free society.
Sounds like you would have been happier in the 40s or even 50s. You know....when women knew their place, there were white and black bathrooms, and the white male ruled. Those were the days, huh?

Nah, I would be happier to see the Democrats swept from power and politically destroyed for all time. They have become the modern incarnation of 20th Century Communism, and have no business in positions of power in a free society.

And the republicans have focused much of their energy on opposing women's rights, gay marriage and other expressions of freedom, so they aren't much better.

And NEITHER party has addressed the issues that should matter most, like our tax system, the vanishing middle class, the interference by the gov't in private lives, our porous borders, the huge overspending and debt by our gov't, and the pitiful state of our education system.

Whenever I see someone blame one party for the ills in this country I have to just shake my head.
It's a flag... get over it.

Yeah, the loser's flag. Next thing you know, conservatives are going to be flying the British flag above the United States flag....because that is who they are......:badgrin::badgrin: You can't be a patriot and root for the enemy......the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union, then they could fly it to their heart's content.
holy shit....You are really stupid.

Is that all you can do........hurl insults? You wanted to know what they lost.....and you didn't think it was the Civil War, but you never said what you thought they lost.

Really, you have no answers, all you can do is call people names when you are obviously the one that is really stupid.

I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandize.........I just don't believe a State building needs to be flying that's the loser's flag.

But, if Wal-Mart wants to stop selling that stuff....all I can say is good for them.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Did you read your post? Do you really think that belongs in an intelligent discussion?
"The loser's flag"?.....Are you kidding? And that moronic left wing moon bat insult toward conservatives? Did you have a case of vapor lock thinking no one would respond in kind?
We lost the war in Vietnam...Should the US stop flying the Stars and Stripes?
".the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union".....Wow! That is brilliant!.....The main focus of the civil war was to keep the country together....
"I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandise".....Umm, Yes. You do.
Calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people.
Wonderful. I have a box of gold Jew teeth. Are you interested?

I may be Jewish. How would you know?

I may be black.
offensive is offensive. That was the point.

I'm offended by a lot of things, but I'm not going around making a stink about it.
Are we at the point where we are trying to NOT offend anyone? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!
We've been at that point for 30 years. Whenever the birth of political correctness occurred. That was the beginning of the end.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.

Again, you conveniently miss the point. For your own reasons.

I guess you have "no" point....or you would have given it.
When did you delude yourself into believing this was going to go well for you?

When you were stumped for an answer. You didn't think they lost the civil war....maybe you are reading the same book that other moron is reading....Irishass....who thinks the Confederate flag is the flag of the Union.
Sweet tits....Please indicate where I stated or implied the south did not lose thew civil way and I will give you a cookie.
You are the beaten child flailing wildly at your tormentors while they laugh uncontrollably at your sniveling.
The reason why most conservatives want everyone to "get over" the flag is because it represents a debate about racism and hate they don't want to have.

There is no debate about racism that has not already been had. In lieu of debate, we have the Democrats - historical supporters of slavery and totalitarianism - further employing the subject as a marketing tool for their sad candidates and home political party. Unless they keep racism alive, the Democrats will fall, and quickly. They have little else to propel them.

"You want to end racism? Stop talking about it."
- Morgan Freeman

I myself would much prefer that you Lefties get over yourselves. Most of you are not even in the room, much less the smartest persons in it.
Sounds like you would have been happier in the 40s or even 50s. You know....when women knew their place, there were white and black bathrooms, and the white male ruled. Those were the days, huh?

Nah, I would be happier to see the Democrats swept from power and politically destroyed for all time. They have become the modern incarnation of 20th Century Communism, and have no business in positions of power in a free society.
You sound like a fool. You dont want to be free. You want a monarchy.
Wonderful. I have a box of gold Jew teeth. Are you interested?

I may be Jewish. How would you know?

I may be black.
offensive is offensive. That was the point.

I'm offended by a lot of things, but I'm not going around making a stink about it.
Are we at the point where we are trying to NOT offend anyone? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!
We've been at that point for 30 years. Whenever the birth of political correctness occurred. That was the beginning of the end.
Political correctness started more than 30 years ago. Do you remember when we had a War Dept.?

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