Walmart to remove confederate flag merchandise

The news lately is making me sick! The country has become a bunch of thin skinned, lily ass wimps that think everyone can live by no rules in chaos and it will all be good.

How's it working for you????? It's not!

The problem is this sort of hyperbolic tripe, whining about everyone being 'thin-skinned' and 'wimps' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth; debate of this nature – such as the confederate flag – is perfectly appropriate and healthy in a free and democratic society, where the issue concerns much more than just a piece of cloth.

I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandize.........I just don't believe a State building needs to be flying that's the loser's flag.

But, if Wal-Mart wants to stop selling that stuff....all I can say is good for them.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Losers of the Civil War of course.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.

Again, you conveniently miss the point. For your own reasons.
I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandize.........I just don't believe a State building needs to be flying that's the loser's flag.

But, if Wal-Mart wants to stop selling that stuff....all I can say is good for them.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Losers of the Civil War of course.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.

Again, you conveniently miss the point. For your own reasons.

I guess you have "no" point....or you would have given it.
Cool flag, I ordered one. :)


Well sure, losers identify with losers.........bwahaha!

Oh look, yet another clown face avatar. Child, my ancestors fought for the Union, we won :) 19th Indiana Regiment, they gave Stonewall Jackson all he wanted in a battle

What did they win? The whole reason for the war was to get rid of slavery, and we did....winning one little skirmish doesn't make you a winner....maybe a weiner or a whiner....but not a winner, child.

Well, moron they one the Civil War.
Giving me lessons on spelling and you don't even know how to spell "won".....bwahahahaha....and you sound a tad confused.....of course the Union won, but that isn't their flag, ignoramus.

My oh my you are the stupid one, no? Oh and it's "wiener" not "weiner. don't even know how to spell "won" and your making fun of my're the moron.

Child, you can't even spell wiener and expect me to take you serious in history? Pfffft.
You don't know how to spell "won" and you think the Confederate flag is the "union" about who's the moron, here.
It's a flag... get over it.

Yeah, the loser's flag. Next thing you know, conservatives are going to be flying the British flag above the United States flag....because that is who they are......:badgrin::badgrin: You can't be a patriot and root for the enemy......the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union, then they could fly it to their heart's content.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Losers of the Civil War of course.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.

Again, you conveniently miss the point. For your own reasons.

I guess you have "no" point....or you would have given it.
When did you delude yourself into believing this was going to go well for you?
It's a flag... get over it.

Yeah, the loser's flag. Next thing you know, conservatives are going to be flying the British flag above the United States flag....because that is who they are......:badgrin::badgrin: You can't be a patriot and root for the enemy......the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union, then they could fly it to their heart's content.
holy shit....You are really stupid.
Good Lord this country is stupid - the people have become imbeciles

Well the good news is liberals have decided not to breed so don't biologically spread white privilege, between that and abortion they'll go extinct soon.

A great plan: liberals refusing to breed so they don’t biologically spread white privilege

A great plan liberals refusing to breed so they don t biologically spread white privilege Hot Air

Yep....that's what it is "Hot Air".......minorities, who identify with the liberal party "Democratic" have more babies than whites....conservative or otherwise.

More minority babies than whites in U.S. Census Bureau - tribunedigital-chicagotribune
It's a flag... get over it.

Yeah, the loser's flag. Next thing you know, conservatives are going to be flying the British flag above the United States flag....because that is who they are......:badgrin::badgrin: You can't be a patriot and root for the enemy......the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union, then they could fly it to their heart's content.
holy shit....You are really stupid.

Is that all you can do........hurl insults? You wanted to know what they lost.....and you didn't think it was the Civil War, but you never said what you thought they lost.

Really, you have no answers, all you can do is call people names when you are obviously the one that is really stupid.

I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandize.........I just don't believe a State building needs to be flying that's the loser's flag.

But, if Wal-Mart wants to stop selling that stuff....all I can say is good for them.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Losers of the Civil War of course.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.

Again, you conveniently miss the point. For your own reasons.

I guess you have "no" point....or you would have given it.
When did you delude yourself into believing this was going to go well for you?

When you were stumped for an answer. You didn't think they lost the civil war....maybe you are reading the same book that other moron is reading....Irishass....who thinks the Confederate flag is the flag of the Union.
I wish I had fifty of those flags. I'd fly all of them in my front yard.

Cause you want to make sure everyone knows you're racist? Bwahaha....that's a goal.
I'm far from being a racist. I've never been a racist in my life, and never will be one. I love all people. We're all humans, and we all bleed red. You know absolutely nothing about me. Try something else, that boat doesn't float.

Why would anyone that isn't racist want to fly the flag that represents the rebels that were in favor of keeping slavery. The pain that slaves went through to be free should be enough for anyone to be disgusted with that flag....maybe you're not racist, but you're thinking is skewed.
Well, I don't see racism in the flag. The flag actually freed the slaves. The war freed the slaves. Everything about the war made things better for everyone concerned. A lot of progress came about because of that war. The flag is a reminder of progress, freedom, and new opportunities. The black population was given land, freedom, and a new life. They should consider the flag as a reminder of their struggles, the hardships, and most importantly, their freedom, and freedom from oppression. The flag is American history, it's a symbol of everyone's right to live without chains and boundaries. It's rich in history, American history. The American Indians are a symbol of American history. Our Constitution is a symbol of American history. We have heritage, we have eras where man struggled and fought through oppression and eventually won the battle. And, blacks have won the battle many times over. They won in 1865, 1965, and they're still winning today.

The flag is representative of an era where men fought and died for equality, freedom, and equal rights. The Stars and Strips is such a symbol as well. All men should respect our history, and what it took to get where we are today. The Confederate Flag doesn't harm anyone. No more than the Stars and Strips harm anyone. Both are history. Both represent struggles, battles won, and men freed. Why blame racism on a flag? That's stupid and ridiculous.

Instigators will always find something to blame. Trouble makers will always look for something to tear down and destroy. It's damn trouble makers that look at the flag as racist, not the average citizen that wants nothing but to be left alone to live life without shit stirred up all the time.

The Civil War was all about the economy of the south. The big plantation owners did not want to give up their "free help." The battle flag freed no one. Had the south won, which actually was an impossibility, they would have kept and expanded slavery. I expect even a greater war, or a catastrophic race riot would have resulted.

Please consider for a moment, a complete stranger bidding on you or your children on a auction stage. Consider how you would feel if your children were sold off from you, and you never see them again. That is what the south was fighting to preserve. The is just the beginning of the atrocities that came with slavery. I am a southerner, and a proud southerner, but we need to face reality.

THE FLAG FREED NO ONE! But it is a reminder for many of a very dark period is the history of this country.
The news lately is making me sick! The country has become a bunch of thin skinned, lily ass wimps that think everyone can live by no rules in chaos and it will all be good.

How's it working for you????? It's not!

The problem is this sort of hyperbolic tripe, whining about everyone being 'thin-skinned' and 'wimps' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth; debate of this nature – such as the confederate flag – is perfectly appropriate and healthy in a free and democratic society, where the issue concerns much more than just a piece of cloth.

It's about getting your precious feelings hurt and worrying about what others think.

Same principle they are now teaching in schools - everyone is a winner, trying to make an even playing field for all. ... guess what? Life is NOT an even playing field and we can't make it that way and most importantly, it won't WORK that way!
It's a flag... get over it.

Yeah, the loser's flag. Next thing you know, conservatives are going to be flying the British flag above the United States flag....because that is who they are......:badgrin::badgrin: You can't be a patriot and root for the enemy......the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union, then they could fly it to their heart's content.

It's a flag and you can't prove intent or purpose. It's part of US history.
Flying a flag of another country is an entire other story.
Wonderful. I have a box of gold Jew teeth. Are you interested?

I may be Jewish. How would you know?

I may be black.
offensive is offensive. That was the point.

And my point would be you have no right to not be offended. I don't freak out when I see a British flag despite atrocities committed against my ancestors. Grow a goddam skin, knuckle up and move along.

Americans have become the biggest bunch of effing crybabies the world has ever seen. The country has become completely unrecognizable.

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